Need a kick in the pants plz!

hey guys,

Ok, I need a kick...I've been aweful to my body lately with all the stress of my life lately.
My parents are divorcing
my dad is a jerk
my mom is ill
my dads new girlfriend has moved in
Im moving out for the first time
I cant seem to go under 160lbs no matter how hard I try
the flabby tummy is still there

so stressed out and stress eating...I've gain 4lbs in a week! and I just cant seem to stop myself from snacking or eating junky dinners to get some comfort.

I still hit the gym three times a week but I know that with a bad diet its not going to help me that much.
I just need help to stop snacking so much and go back to my protein shake ways =(




  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    Don't let their problems be yours.... Remember your weight loss is NOT related to their issues and nor is food. Food keeps you alive, well and healthy. Exercise keeps you away from those troubles as a bit of respite and you can mull things over whilst you run/bike/walk punch a punch bag and release all that tension. Eating badly and over-eating makes you feel worse later, so instead... be strong, hold back...when hungry have some water to curb your appetite and be pleased you didn't binge...the little things will add up.
  • amcanzo
    amcanzo Posts: 418 Member
    I'm sorry you're having such a rough time...maybe instead of stress eating take out your worries and frustration @ the gym?! (consider yourself lightly kicked...)
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    Maybe try running! Run outside instead of the gym. As a runner I do admit the high I get from running is pretty awesome! It battles stress (which you certainly seem to have the triggers for). Then, when I am maintaining a good running schedule I can eat more of the foods I crave and it doesn't show....which my love of pizza and wine also help with stress!
  • lmiller857
    lmiller857 Posts: 19 Member
    snap out of it... you can stop stress eating its all about choices. if you feel to urge drink a whole glass of water first it might help
  • Fitgranny1
    Fitgranny1 Posts: 12 Member
    Well Said!!
  • Katzilla82

    Take out some time to yourself to workout. It truly relieves stress. Make it your alone time. That's what I do.
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    You clearly have a lot going on in your life. I would suggest making changes slowly. I have found going to the gym daily helpful. I go first thing in the morning. That way I get it out of the way and can't make excuses for not going later on, and I find it helps calm me and ease my anxieties throughout the day. I am also an emotional eater, but I have found going to the gym and dealing with stress helps with that. Stress can definitely be hindering your weight loss goals and comfort eating of course does not help. My suggestion is to deal with your stress levels in some way first. That should make making healthier choices easier.
  • kellicruz1978
    kellicruz1978 Posts: 170 Member
    Be kind to yourself. The more you beat yourself up, the worse it's going to get. When you get the urge to snack or eat something crappy, go for a little run or walk OUTSIDE. That is key. Remove yourself from the situation for a little bit. And don't give up on your goals, what you are experiencing right now is just a chapter in your journey.
  • EmmieBaby
    EmmieBaby Posts: 1,235 Member
    thanks ^^ I just threw out the junk food I had in my desk...felt good, and I never thought about when I go to to the gym how good I feel afterwards....I just need to turn off my brain when I go in next time =)
  • judy20in2011
    judy20in2011 Posts: 143 Member
    OK here is your verbal kick!!
    You are 24! Divorce is always hard but you are at an age were you know relationships just don't work sometimes! They are not you and you need to seperate yourself from their drama. People are who they are whether we like it or not. Say what you need to say to have peace with both and then do your best to move on. You mention your mom (on your profile) is ill from being unhealthy with her choices. Do not let that happen to you! You have SOO much time ahead of you! Your age is difficult, trying to figure out your life and where you are headed.. try to ride it out as best you can, find emotional support outside of food and just keep plugging away as best you can. STOP punishing yourself for their lifestyle choices!
    OK, how was that!???
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Here we go...

    You are an adult, and your parents relationship is not your problem. There's nothing you can do to control other adults in life (I think AA has a saying that talks about how you should "accept the things you cannot change". ARE in control of your own life. Stop stress eating...this is solving nothing, and only hurting YOU. Get to the gym and pound out your agressions with a good workout. Let the drama with your parents play itself out and try not to get involved.

    You clearly aren't a dumb girl, and you know what you're doing to your body is wrong, so this is the time to get it under control. Moving out on your own is a great time to start setting up healthy lifestyle habits that will keep you fit and healthy.

    Good luck!
  • ShaSimone
    I know food has always been my comfort when I was stressed, sad, angry, bored, etc. Sometimes I do still turn to it but you don't have to.
    If you need comfort go to the people that care about you and talk to them, enoy them, love them, that's what you are looking for anyway!