Frustrated and about to give up.

I'm so frustrated, went up half a pound, I honestly do not know what I'm doing wrong, my weight keeps going up and down like yoyo, and I honestly don't understand why. I respect my goals, I'm doing lots of exercise, maybe more than what I was doing the last time I was on a program like this, and I was able to loose 25 pounds, but I still don't see results on my weight, I do know for a fact, that I am 6 inches smaller, but I'm confused, maybe I'm not doing the right things. Someone told me that maybe as was building muscle, and that is the reason why I'm not losing weight. Please I urgently need someone help me and guide me in the right direction, because I am about to give up my goals. Last week I ate an average of 1386.17 from Tuesday - Sunday and burned 8042 Calories with exercise. 1386.17 x 6 = 8317.02 - 8042 = 275.02 left do I have to burn those too?. Oh I forgot I started on Tuesday 1st at 251.5, lost 3 punds by Sunday 6th and then on Monday 7th I was 251.5 again on Tuesday 8th I was 249.5 and Today I am 250.

Nutritional Goals

Net Calories Consumed* / Day

1,500 calories/day

Fitness Goals

Calories Burned / Week

2,740 calories/week

Workouts / Week

5 Workouts 60 mins Minutes / Workout

Your diet Profile


Calories Burned

From Normal Daily Activity

2,250 calories/day

Net Calories Consumed*

Your Daily Goal

1,500 calories/ day

Daily Calorie Deficit

750 calories

Projected Weight Loss

1.5 lbs/ week

* Net Calories Consumed = Total Calories Consumed - Exercise Calories Burned


  • lisamarie124
    Yes...muscle is denser then 5 lbs of muscle fits into a smaller space then 5 lbs of for u u r going to be better off paying more attention to ur measurements then ur weight....dont let the number on the scale discourage u.....take a couple of weeks off from the scale and focus on size....
  • SusanMcAvoy
    SusanMcAvoy Posts: 445 Member
    All I can say is try to keep your calories around 1200 and do not eat your exercise calories unless you really burn a lot and your body needs the nutrition to replenish. I rarely eat my exercise calories and have lost 40 pounds. Watch your carb intake and eat tons of salad. However be very careful regarding salad dressing. Kraft light Mayo with Olive oil is a good choice. I have compared them all and many of the salad dressings have way too much sodium. My weight loss was slow but I got it off. Since you workout so much you must be building muscle and that's a good thing. Don't give up.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Try eating more, someone who is ~250lbs is severely undereating @ 1400 cals. And stop focusing on scale weight, which is ultimately meaningless
  • airycha
    airycha Posts: 135 Member
    You are burning most of your calories through exercise but your body needs calories just to work (without exercise included) and if you are leaving only 275.02 calories for your body to run itself each week then you aren't leaving it enough. You need at least 1200 calories a day without exercise just to keep your body doing what it needs to do.
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    Try eating more, someone who is ~250lbs is severely undereating @ 1400 cals. And stop focusing on scale weight, which is ultimately meaningless


    remember, this is 80% nutrition. that being said, a food scale and a nutritionist are money better spent then on an HRM and trainer at this point.
  • amielcampbell
    amielcampbell Posts: 36 Member
    Try eating more, someone who is ~250lbs is severely undereating @ 1400 cals. And stop focusing on scale weight, which is ultimately meaningless


    remember, this is 80% nutrition. that being said, a food scale and a nutritionist are money better spent then on an HRM and trainer at this point.

    Thank you...this was good advice! :)
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    You said yourself you lost 6INCHES! That is a lot! Would you rather lose a ton of weight and stay the same size, or lose inches and stay the same weight? I would rather lose the inches personally.
  • AnnaMaus
    AnnaMaus Posts: 167 Member
    You've lost SIX INCHES?! Congratulations! Don't give up!
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    1386.17 x 6 = 8317.02 - 8042 = 275.02 left do I have to burn those too?.

    YIKES. No you do not have to burn those too. You need to eat FAR more than you are eating! Your body expends more than 1386 calories every day just keeping you alive. If you are about 250 lbs your body is burning about 1800 calories a day just with your normal bodily functions (breathing, heart beat, etc). If your activity level is set to sedentary then it would require an intake of about 2250 calories to maintain your current weight before you ever did one minute of exercise.

    You are supposed to be netting 1500 calories a day to meet your weight loss goal, and you are netting about 40 calories a day. This is NOT healthy.
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    I know it's discouraging, but the fact you're shrinking means that what you are doing is working! My advice is to ditch the scale - we put too much value on it. If you're physically getting smaller and working to be healthy, you're on the right track. Every body is different, and every change takes time. Please don't give up.
  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    Try a diet break for several days, eat at maintenance or even a few hundred cals above maintenance, then ease back into a deficit.
  • Jennieam
    Jennieam Posts: 300 Member
    You are getting a lot of conflicting advice. Whatever you do, don't give up. It is still early days. Look at it this way, even if you never lost any weight, you are eating a healthy diet, and getting exercise - and at no cost. Why give up?

    My recommendations are to trust the system:

    * Set your weight-loss to 1 lbs (or 2 lbs at most).
    * Eat all your calories (on healthy foods).
    * Continue to exercise, but don't overdo it.
    * Include exercise which you enjoy - go for a walk in the park.
    * Eat most, if not all, of your exercise calories.
    * Drink your water - 8 glasses per day if possible.
    * Relax and enjoy the journey.
    * Take (and monitor weekly) your body measurements.
    * Also note changes in your stamina in your journey - Are you able to walk further without feeling tired? More energy?

    Do this for the next six weeks, and then review your progress.

    All the best ...
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    You are massively undereating.

    You need to be NETTING at least 1,200 per day - and probably closer to 1400-1500 if you weigh 250.

    Exercise will cause your metabolism to speed up, but undereating causes it to slow down. You are working against yourself by undereating to this extent!

    Add lots of healthy protein and fats to your diet to up your calories - and give it a few weeks for your body to adjust before you decide it's not working.

  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    You are getting a lot of conflicting advice. Whatever you do, don't give up. It is still early days. Look at it this way, even if you never lost any weight, you are eating a healthy diet, and getting exercise - and at no cost. Why give up?

    My recommendations are to trust the system:

    * Set your weight-loss to 1 lbs (or 2 lbs at most).
    * Eat all your calories (on healthy foods).
    * Continue to exercise, but don't overdo it.
    * Include exercise which you enjoy - go for a walk in the park.
    * Eat most, if not all, of your exercise calories.
    * Drink your water - 8 glasses per day if possible.
    * Relax and enjoy the journey.
    * Take (and monitor weekly) your body measurements.
    * Also note changes in your stamina in your journey - Are you able to walk further without feeling tired? More energy?

    Do this for the next six weeks, and then review your progress.

    All the best ...

    Excellent advice here. Also realize that your 1500 calories goal already has your weight loss deficit accounted for, so "Eat most, if not all, of your exercise calories" is important.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    Oh I forgot I started on Tuesday 1st at 251.5, lost 3 punds by Sunday 6th and then on Monday 7th I was 251.5 again on Tuesday 8th I was 249.5 and Today I am 250.

    And STOP weighing every day, sweetie!
  • Matttdvg
    Matttdvg Posts: 133 Member
    Weight fluctuates on a day to day basis. It can go up and down as much as 3lb for reasons totally unrelated to your body fat.. If you're getting demotivated by these fluctuations, stop weighing yourself everyday.

    Also, remember that your aim is to lose fat, not lose weight. Losing weight is just a side effect of losing that fat. And if you're losing inches, you're clearly losing fat. Keep at it and the scales will start showing a big change soon enough.
  • KendaVSG
    KendaVSG Posts: 147
    First of all, don't give up.

    How often are you weighing yourself? Weight often fluctuates for no reason. It's awesome that you've lost 6 inches!! Way to go on that. It's very hard when the scale doesn't move the way we want/expect it to. Give it more time... I'd say at least another month. Then re-evaluate. Hang in there.
  • kantone999
    Hang in there--don't give up. If you're losing inches, you're doing fine. I only weigh myself once a week. Otherwise I get too hung up on my weight and not on my SIZE.

    You can be overWEIGHT without being overFAT. I am very muscular and don't see the scale move much but I've lost 5 sizes...down from a 14 to a 9. The real proof is in your clothes, not on the scale.
  • ajfrench
    ajfrench Posts: 323 Member
    I don't have anything to add other than keep listening to all these supportive groups!! At least you haven't plateaued - that's when real discouragement hits. Shore up the last week as water fluctuation, take the advice already given, and keep moving forward. Check in with us next week to see if you've lost the weight!
  • deanadimples
    deanadimples Posts: 419 Member
    I agree....try eating more. it sounds like you're body is not getting enough. I'm 176 and eat 1200 calories a day. 200 more for you seems far too low. I actually lose the closer I am to 1200 and even 1400. If I go to 1000/day...I don't get results.

    .5 lb is nothing to get upset about. My weight fluctuates daily and by as much as a lb some days. I weigh daily and log it on a phone app. Now I understand how my body works a little better.

    And the scale is like a gossipy friend. It can be there for you, but it doesn't always tell the whole story correctly. A lot of things make up "weight", not just "fat". Muscle, hydration levels and so much more play into this.

    Don't give up on yourself! We haven't!