How to stay modivated?

That for me is really hard for me I want to give up quickly and not as motivated like I used to be before I join MFP. I only have 10 more pounds to lose and I'm just getting so frustrated and ahh I just want to stop and just eat everything I see in site. I also can't get really modivated to workout as much as I did in the past when I was more into losing weight. I guess I'm getting extremely bored and just tired and trying to lose that last 10 pounds that I have to lose. I just lost everything, I also think is the reason is that my family is heavy my mom and my sister and not so much my dad but they eat whatever they want and they don't have to worry about what they are eating and how many calories and sodium they are eating. This Saturday me and my mom and dad are going to this place called cigar world it's a 50 year anniversary thing that they always have close to thanksgiving and they have so much good food it's not even funny, so when we go it is going to be so hard to watch what I eat there I have to be more striker then I usually am since Im so close to my goal.

I just need more motivation now since I just want to say screw it and just stop trying. I also don't have motivation for getting my GED I put more into losing weight then trying to get my GED. I should be more motivated for getting my GED not losing weight but it's the other way. I just need to be pushed and make sure I stay on track.


  • emmatronna
    Hello :)

    Congrats on coming so far! I bet it feels good only having the 10 pounds left. Therefore, I wanted to remind you to NOT FORGET YOUR GOAL. If you relapse, all your work was for granted, and you have to start all over again. Resist it! You have to, or else you will be really disappointed in yourself, and we all know how bad that feeling of shame feels after binging.

    I just wanted to tell you: Keep up the good work! You're almost there, you just need to stay focused, and you will be at the top. If you think about all those boring papers you have to write in school, and the tough exams? Well, you got through them, didn't you? Then I guess this will only be an easy obstical to overcome. Soon you will gain the motivation again!

    Good luck. Hugs from Emma
  • ktfitzgerald
    ktfitzgerald Posts: 369 Member
    Advice that helped me to stay motivated to work out was to find something to train for like a 5k or some sporting event. it has worked for me - I'm doing the warrior dash this summer and it is keeping me motivated. I also try to find exercise I enjoy. That really helps too because I don't have to force or convince myself to do it. And I make it a point to come up with really motivating rewards (not food) for reaching goals I'm struggling with. Hope some of these tips are helpful to you!