This is how "SOFT-DRINKS can IMPACT your HEALTH"

Hi guy's , just want to share this with who ever is interested.

click the link below and read on about how soft drinks can affect your health.

I honestly after reading this dont think it will stop me from drinking soft drinks, i think im too addicted to it, actually in fact i drink REDBULL almost every day. if i go a day or two without it .. i go nuts and that goes same to COKE ZERO... i have to have one of them at least.


  • thirtyandthriving
    thirtyandthriving Posts: 613 Member
    Darn it! I was hoping it would stop me from my coke zero today. :) I'll read it anyway and see it is works.
  • jenfactor
    Yeah, it is unfortunate how much I enjoy Diet Coke. I'm down to only 2-3 per week. So it's just a treat at this point. But, oh... that delicious fizz...
  • nellie_88
    nellie_88 Posts: 307 Member
    Hi guy's , just want to share this with who ever is interested.

    click the link below and read on about how soft drinks can affect your health.

    I honestly after reading this dont think it will stop me from drinking soft drinks, i think im too addicted to it, actually in fact i drink REDBULL almost every day. if i go a day or two without it .. i go nuts and that goes same to COKE ZERO... i have to have one of them at least.

    Funny I just saw this same thing on Zuzana's (from facebook, LOL. It's pretty crazy!
  • xginanax
    xginanax Posts: 333 Member
    hahah that's were I got it from :)
    but it thought I'll share it on here any-ways for people that probably haven't seen it yet :)
  • nellie_88
    nellie_88 Posts: 307 Member
    hahah that's were I got it from :)
    but it thought I'll share it on here any-ways for people that probably haven't seen it yet :)

    HAHA that's funny, I was thinking of doing the same thing! LOL :laugh:
  • trilikeagirl
    Wow. I was addicted to pepsi for years. Even when I quit having one every single day, there were foods I just "had" to have one with. I eventually replaced it with club soda and found that worked really well.
  • everydaypam
    everydaypam Posts: 93 Member
    I read that and found myself thinking, "Do I have enough change to get a Diet Mt. Dew from the vending machine". I guess these types of things don't work for me. :ohwell:
  • thirtyandthriving
    thirtyandthriving Posts: 613 Member
    Unfortunately did not impact my want for a coke zero later. Although I am super busy after lunch so I probably won't have time. This makes me sad. :(
  • Anayalata
    Anayalata Posts: 391 Member
    I used to inhale soda like nobody's business but once I started caring enough about weight loss and such I weaned off of it.

    Now all I drink is water, homemade fruit/vegetable juice, tea, milk, and an occasional lemonade when I dine out.