not new..but new to pregnancy..helpp

i need some constantly eating now, which i know is normal..but any certain foods u can eat & is safe to make u feel full faster? how did u stay fit during pregnancy?

p.s. i asked my doctor & she said im allowed to do whatever except abdominal workouts [obv.]
add me? thanks :]


  • i tryed to stay fit during my pregnancy's by eating normally, and not eating junk

    also walking and jogging is good for pregnant lady's, oh and swimming as-well, wudnt advise doing anything else as trust me further gone you are the tiredness will kick in :)
  • MaKisMom
    MaKisMom Posts: 65 Member
    Congratulations!! How far along are you? Do you have morning sickness? I've had 3 babies. My first one I gained too much (42lbs), but with the other 2 I only gained 27 and 30 (and I started out the 3rd 10lbs less than I did the other 2). Keep in mind you're supposed to gain weight (I know everyone knows that, but it's really hard to watch the scale go up when you've worked hard to get it to go down).

    With my 2nd and 3rd I started having major dizzy spells, which turned out to be low BP and low blood sugar. My Dr recommended I eat nuts and something with some sugar in it. I found Planters mixed candy, fruit and nuts worked perfectly. It has some M&Ms, raisins, and mixed nuts. I would have a handful of it and feel better almost immediately. Other than that I ate exactly the same as I had before (minus the foods you're not allowed, of course).
  • I found swimming great, even just some light walking.

    As has been said, you do want to gain weight but it is good to be sure the weight you gain is healthy, too much junk and sugar can lead to complications such as gestational diabetes so it's good that you are taking an interest in what you eat.

    I also found the same, especially the first trimester, I could not eat enough! The only way I filled up was on carbs, nothing else would do it! Just make sure they are the healthier ones, wholegrain breads etc.

    Other than that, enjoy pregnancy and congratulations!!!!
  • thanks guys.i appreciate 11 weeks and i dont have morning sickness :]