50 and over Ladies

Just wondering how many of us are using this site. I think we have our own unique struggles. Would love to hear from some of you on how you stay motivated. What foods work best for you and what kind of exercise?


  • k9hrd
    k9hrd Posts: 351 Member
    I am 58.
  • ladygh
    ladygh Posts: 31
    I'm here - and I agree that we definitely have a list of struggles! I love MFP. It has helped me be accountable for what I put in my mouth. :smile:
  • onawhymm
    onawhymm Posts: 469 Member
    Ditto! I am 50 and this is my accountability page. Losing weight is different now and requires a whole new lifestyle - MFP really helps. I love the challenges as I realize I need to move a hell of a lot more now to keep things in check. I also quit smoking 3 years ago and had a big weight gain from it - feel Waaaay better regardless of the gain so now it's about gettng rid o that and finding a healthy (physical and mental) weight for me. Think I am about 10-15 pounds away from that and little by little - "getting there".
  • 54 young and I agree with the comment of the unique challenges this age offers in regards to loosing weight. This sight has actually made me a little more positive about it though :D
  • Just started yesterday ... did Bernstein 2 years ago, lost 60 lbs, gained back 18, my daugter in law told me about this site and so far I'm really impressed ... hopefully it works. Can't really see why it won't, makes sense ... all about the amound of food you put in and exercise done ...
  • cynusps
    cynusps Posts: 72 Member
    I will be 57 in week and a half. I am using this site because it helps me keep track. There is also a sort of competition in it for me to keep losing with everyone. I can't do much in the exercise do to knee problems. They are getting better do to some weight loss. I work full time and commute for 2 hours each day. My husband is also retired so that keeps me busy.

    Without this site I don't think I would have lost this much weight nor would i have stayed with it. I eat pretty much what I always have except less. I also cut out the sweets.

    Everyone here is great. The support is really wonderful.
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    why not try the first ever group formed on here.... http://www.myfitnesspal.com/forums/show/30-50-fabulous-and-fit

    Not all of us are over 50 but we (mods) had to have a little test of how the groups worked and the above group was one that was made with a few of the MFP team joined to have a play I mean test:bigsmile:
  • Hi All! just joined this site yesterday and its good for me to see all the positive feedback here. I am enjoying looking over all the tools that this site provides, it sure makes it easier for me to keep track of what I put in my mouth. I was under my calorie goal today by over 300 calories. I guess thats not good? Will try to do better tomorrow. I really do want to make new friends and succeed in the goal I have for myself 60Lbs. Please friend me if you like. :flowerforyou:
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    I'm 59 and having a blast with this! I'm trying to eat healthy, and I'm walking, using a DVD program that includes strength training with dumbbells (or bands), doing some Tae Bo and Zumba--whatever I manage to fit in. I've lost 20 lbs in less than 3 months, and I have 20 lbs more to lose. I wore size 14's when I started. Today, I wore a comfortable pair of size 10 slacks. I was taking Lipitor and Nexium when I started this, but the acid reflux is gone and my cholesterol is down to a total of 137, so no more medications! I hope to be in better shape when I hit 60 in January than I was when I hit 50.
  • Been here for a little while now. I agree with everyone who has said that it is a way of being accountable for what is put in your mouth. This is a great site. Feel free to friend me if you want, I need all the help I can get!
  • homeport51
    homeport51 Posts: 198 Member
    Would love to hear from some of you on how you stay motivated. What foods work best for you and what kind of exercise?

    I am 60. But I was in my 50's when I started this...
    How I stay motivated is a really good question. It varies from day to day. In the big picture, I keep remembering what it felt like when I started this. I was hurting most of the time, unable to do much in the way of activity, difficulty breathing, ashamed of my size... just to name a few.
    On a daily basis, I weigh every day. Even the smallest loss spurs me on. I set goals that are small and achievable and work towards them. (My next goal is ONEderland by Christmas). I have a Pandora type bracelet that I add a bead to every time I lose 10 lbs. It is a great visual daily reminder of what I have accomplished. I also put $5 in a drawer for every lb. I lose. At the end of this, when I reach my goal, I will have saved up $675. But in the interim, I love seeing all those $5 bills!
    What kind of foods work best for me? I try to eat as clean as possible. I'm not especially strict about it, but for the most part, I avoid processed food. I stay away from fast food all together. I eat lots of veggies. I know many people advocate eating whatever you want in moderation, but the truth is I can't do that. If you can, more power to you! I find that I have foods that trigger binges and it is best to just avoid them all together. I don't have cheat days either. This is a life-time, life-style change for me.
    Exercise is walking my dogs and to be honest, I don't do as much exercise as I should.
    Good luck in your journey!
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    Age 51 here.

    Eating lots of fruits and veggies, avoiding "white" carbs, use EVOO, look for high fiber foods.

    Current exercise is Jillian Michaels DVDs but I modify the "jumping" moves to low impact. Also do/have done Yoga, Zumba, Interval Treadmill Routines, Weights.

    Am slowly but surely learning that I must NOT do anything to LOSE weight that I won't or couldn't do forever. I am currently trying to UP my calories since I believe my body has adjusted itself to a VERY low calorie diet that I can not and will not be able to maintain forever.
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    Hi, I'm 58 and I don't know how unique our stuggle is but vanity keeps me motivated. I want to look as good as I can as long as I can. I've always lifted weights but since finding this site I've incorporated cardio into my work out. It's like a game to me, the more I do the more I can eat. I recently bought a HRM and that has made all the difference in the world. I know exactly how many calories I'm burning and what to log. I've been here 100 days today and have lost 16 lbs. I love it.....hope we all have success.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    I'm 50;
    I lap swim (the joints love it!), and also work out on a stationary bike and treadmill (walking- no running.)

    I am for a high fiber low fat low carb (but not ketosis-low) diet.

    Five years ago at 45 I lost 72 lbs in 9 months averaging 8-10 lbs a month. After maintaining for a good two years, I gained about half of it back over a year, and I swear that after turning 50, what worked then is working now MUCH more slowly-- averaging 2-5 lbs a month. Very frustrating, but I am committed and DTERMINED to get back down erhere I was happy and healthy and STAY there!
  • I am 56 and totally agree with life changing after 50. I noticed weight gain around the middle and that had never been a problem for me. I joined a morning boot camp exercise program 2 years ago and have consistently shown up 3 days a week at 5 30 am for exercise. I believe this has really helped keep the weight off as well as increase muscle mass. I am much stronger than I was in my 40's and I can do many push ups on my toes, etc.

    I stay motivated by wanting to live a long life and realizing that I need to be a part of the equation. I stay away from a lot of carbs and eat a ton of vegetables instead. I do not eat fast food and when I journal my food on MFP, I stay more accountable. I used to think that I had to have either rice or potatoes on my dinner plate and that has become a thing of the past.

    Lastly, I was a smoker and quit four years ago. I was always afraid to quit smoking because I thought I would gain weight and I did. I would not trade smoking for the extra pounds I have put on. It is wonderful not to be addicted to those cigarettes and the fact that I smoked for so long keeps me very motivated. I need to really make up for some bad choices earlier in my life.
  • stroken96
    stroken96 Posts: 436 Member
    Hi, I'm 52 and love reading the post here on MFP every morning with my coffee
    then I do 20 minutes of Elliptical,
    get my meals ready for the day.
    Drink 96 oz of water

    Where do you all live?
    I live in Oregon
  • kimiel51
    kimiel51 Posts: 299 Member
    I'm 51 and finding it more and more difficult to keep the wieght off!!
  • 03258
    03258 Posts: 60
    Wow. Thanks ladies for all of your responses!! You guys ROCK. You gave me some great ideas! I have been at this plateau for 3 weeks and am experiencing low motivation. So - thanks. Keep it up and good luck to you all. :-)
  • LegzyK
    LegzyK Posts: 172 Member
    I'm 51...I seriously could not do this diet without this site...I love it! It keeps me on track by logging everything. Watching my calorie intake seems to work for me, that and getting in some sort of exercise, Really enjoy the friends I've made too. :flowerforyou:
  • I'm 50 and would love to join in on this group. I've noticed the same as everyone else here - not able to lose weight like I had before, much slower, change in body shape. I have a very difficult time, also, because of chronic fatigue. I'm unable to exercise, though I'd love to. I have to keep my calories at 1200 to hopefully lose .9 lbs week (it's actually been less). Staying on this sight has helped with motivation, so I think a group for 50 + would be very helpful for me.