P90x vs Turbo Fire vs Insanity (for the joints)

I got p90x off craigslist, missing the calendar but I'm looking it up online. I know a lot of people have had success with it, but that insanity and turbo fire might be better for shedding weight vs building muscle.

What I'm wondering is which of these programs, with a fair amount of user applied modifications of exercises, is fairest on the joints? I'm thinking this mostly because when you have a lot of weight you are heavier jumping around on the joints. But I still want to lose fat efficiently with a good diet and exercise regimen.

Thank you!


  • Anayalata
    Anayalata Posts: 391 Member
    I haven't done/watched Turbo Fire but I finished Insanity and am currently doing P90X.

    For joints, I'd stay away from Insanity for a while. There is a lot of jumping involved with almost every video.

    I'd recommend P90X Lean Plan. Lots more Cardio involved with it and you still get some strength training in there for some overall fat burning and muscle building.

    After you lose some weight you can go do Insanity and REALLY shed. :)
  • mcjabber
    mcjabber Posts: 374 Member
    I can only comment on P90X, since I haven't tried the others. There's really only one workout that is high impact, and that's the Plyometrics workout. But if you do the Lean program version (as opposed to the classic program), I don't even think Plyo is a part of it. And you can always modify any move until you're strong enough to go full out.

    I hope you love it! It's sort of like a cult once you get really hooked. But in a good way :tongue:
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    insanity says it all, it's insane. i have turbofire and w/ modifications you can still have a VERY effective workout, so I'd say it's easier than insanity
  • PennyNickel14
    PennyNickel14 Posts: 749 Member
    i am currently on p90x and it is super hard on the knees. Do not use if you have joint issues! Plyo is hard on the knees and so are there back and legs (Friday workout for me).

    I can't compare with the other two. I am going to do insanity May and June. (yes i preschedule - i know i am a dork LOL!)
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,090 Member
    You already have P90x so just use it. It's the best one out of the bunch if you can handle it.
    Just do modification when you need it. Just make sure you do the forms correctly, don't do Deep squats or lunge
    and land on your toes when you do plyo. It's best to do it with bare foot or vibrams 5 finger.
    Insanity is definitely a No.
    Turbo Fire does not that bad on the joints. I'm doing it right now.
    I'm doing Chalean Xtreme and Turbo Fire.
    Chalean extreme is good for beginner who want to learn the correctly and this is what I need.
    P90x is more advance and for someone who does not to lose much weight.
  • Romans624
    Thanks ladies for your input :)
  • djdelano
    I'm late to the game on this topic, but P90x is awesome for burning calories, and you don't have to stress your joints to do it.

    I'm talking yogaX, coreX, and cardioX (lighter version of plyox)

    then of course the arms workouts and chest and back.. holy cow if you focus on light weights and high reps (except pullups of course) the calories are gonna burn, the fat gonna fly off, and let the toning engage!

    I laughed when I say YogaX in the strength plan week4.

    After the first 15 minutes I was NOT laughing. After 30 minutes I wanted to cry. When it came to poses, I wept.

  • UpToTheChallenge
    Insanity is NOT easy on your joints. I actually messed up a ligament in my big toe from doing it.
    You will see results and notice your fitness level increase, but if you're worried about your joints, Insanity is not for you.
    I did P90x for about 1 month a couple years ago... I don't remember that being hard on the joints.
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    You can get the schedule on teambeachbody.com
  • FitFabDiva67
    FitFabDiva67 Posts: 9 Member
    Insanity was HARD on my knees and ankles vs. P90 X. Insanity had too much jumping and high impact moves for my taste.
  • JamesBurkes
    JamesBurkes Posts: 382 Member
    Can't comment on Turbofire but P90X was fine on my joints, except Plyo. That said, my right knee isn't great but it can cope with one high impact workout a week.

    Insanity is very tough on the joints. I love it, but I have to use the individual workouts as a once or twice a week thing. If I tried to do the program as prescribed I think I'd be in real trouble.