200 pounds overweight and CAN'T have any substantial loss.

I have been ranging between 1600-1800 calories in and out give or take for a period of 4 weeks and I CAN'T lose ANY weight. I don't follow a general diet ( carbs or protein or anything ) but I do make sure that my calories are under the target everyday. PLEASE help me. I have almost 200 pounds to lose and I CAN'T get any weight down. I haven't been the best with getting food logged but I have tried to modify my sodium, but even with a deficit why wouldn't I lose SOME weight? I have been at the same 386 pounds for about 2 weeks or so and I have been watching my calories and exercising (cardio) 3 times a week for a half and hour.


Thank you SO MUCH.


  • FaugHorn
    FaugHorn Posts: 1,060 Member
    Your diary isn't public so it's hard to tell what the issue may be. Did you speak with your physician before starting a dieting program?
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    Would you consider making your food diary public? Then we can see what you're eating and that would help us see what's going on.
  • lilchino4af
    lilchino4af Posts: 1,292 Member
    I haven't been the best with getting food logged
    This is probably why you haven't lost. In order to really tell what you need to fix to lose weight you must log everything you eat, every day. Because those unlogged calories add up and could very well be sabotaging your weight loss efforts more than you realize.

    Also, if you made your food diary public, it would help get you more constructive feedback based on what you're eating (such as foods to swap out that would be healthier choices).
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    I know that diet is a significant portion of weight loss.... but I think that exercise helps more for some people. You need to move. If you have a very sedentary life, then 1600-1800 calories may just be keeping you at maintenance. I'd try busting down to 1400 for a week to ten days and see what happens... or get some exercise in there. I started with just walking the block around work
  • Ashley121205
    Ashley121205 Posts: 131 Member
    It could be if your food is high in sugars, fat or other not so good things. Being just under calories isn't always what works. It has to be good food too :) I do wish you lots of luck on your weight loss journey. You can do it !!!!!!!
  • thinkingthingirl
    thinkingthingirl Posts: 153 Member
    Sometimes it takes a little time for ur effort to pay off. Dont expect massive weight loss over night. U will get there as long as u hand on heart are being honest with yourself and not ommiting things to make ur food diary look bad.
  • kristilovescake
    kristilovescake Posts: 669 Member
    Yeah, I'd like to see your diary to comment on that..

    But things that could contribute to not losing weight: eating too much sodium, eating too many processed foods, not eating enough protein, not eating enough fruits/veggies, not drinking enough water

    Don't give up and try adding some more strenuous exercise (a few intervals of walking faster/slower instead of walking the same speed). Switch it up and try to add some more exercise.

    Feel free to add me if you want me to keep an eye on you and try to give you more ideas to switch it up.

    Otherwise, you might want to see a doctor/nutritionist and figure out what's going on; you could have something medically going on that's impairing your weight loss.

    In the mean time? Stay off the scale and focus on being HEALTHY and not just losing weight.
  • lildoggielover
    lildoggielover Posts: 72 Member
    It's hard to know how many calories you're actually eating unless you log everything. Be honest with yourself no matter what you eat and your habits will change. I wish you much success in your journey.
  • kenyonsmom10
    kenyonsmom10 Posts: 97 Member
    diary being public would allow us to give you the best feedback we can. without seeing it, we are not able to see your consumption. Also, you need to try and change up your exercise -- if you currently do none, at least go for walks --- you will also be better off changing up your diet (even if you currently eat healthy) because changing what your body gets for food and exercise tricks it. ... you may also want to make sure you are consuming enough calories for you!!! I understand you are 200 pounds overweight, however shorting yourself calories will only make your body hold onto foods that much more.... send me a message if you'd like :) I will do what I can to help!
  • oaken
    oaken Posts: 35 Member
    Keep a journal - or use MFP everyday. Be religious about it. Really find out where all your calories go. I wouldn't be surprised if you were going over 1800 if you aren't keeping a strict log of every calorie. Everything you put in your mouth, log it.

    Are you drinking sodas? If so, you need to cut that out right away and stick with water. It's not fun to drink your calories... even though I would love a Mountain Dew right now. I'd rather eat my calories.

    You asked for long term... this is the beginning of the rest of your life. Make this lifestyle change now. Eat clean (google that if you don't know what that means), drink lots of water (at least 8 cups a day) and watch your calories. Keep up the exercise! Good luck!
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    try this for 2 weeks and see what happens. eat the same calories you're eating now (or whatever MFP has selected for you), but do the following:

    1. limit or eliminate processed foods.

    2. replace the processed foods with lean proteins (fish, chicken, ground turkey, protein powder, even grass fed beef), healthy fats (extra virgin olive oil, nut butters, nuts), and carbs with a low glycemic index value.

    3. drink 12-16 glasses of water a day.

    4. limit the amount of grains and bread-type products you eat. if you eat some, aim for whole grains.
  • Sarw27
    Sarw27 Posts: 68 Member
    Are you counting your calories accurately? I have struggled up and down with the same issues, but I've realized that beginning this is a process... I am still surprised sometimes by how many calories are in something, and I mess up a lot thinking things are "no big deal".

    For example, on Monday I decided to trade my regular coffee for a french vanilla, only to discover that the FV was over 500 calories, which is 300 more than my regular coffee. So to make up for it, I had to eat a really small lunch, which left me hungry all day, and then I binged on dinner. I won't be making that mistake again!

    Sometimes those little things we don't think matter, add up to a LOT. Careful with drinks and be sure to log everything you eat accurately.

    Also, are you eating back excercise calories? There's a lot of different opinions out there but you have to see what works for YOU. I'm still figuring my body out, but I've been trying to maintain my regular calories and only eating back excercise ones if I'm hungry and I feel as though I need to. Or say, I'll eat back 1/3 of them.

    Good luck!
  • starscreensiren
    starscreensiren Posts: 46 Member
    You also have to measure! Measure everything, don't guess. I take out my measuring cup for everything. I weigh things. I never guess. And the weight just fell off when I started realizing what a cup really was. I was underestimating what I was eating before I began measuring and weighing everything.
  • sweetheart03622
    sweetheart03622 Posts: 928 Member
    It could be if your food is high in sugars, fat or other not so good things. Being just under calories isn't always what works. It has to be good food too :) I do wish you lots of luck on your weight loss journey. You can do it !!!!!!!

    This isn't necessarily true. Where you have a substantial amount to lose, just staying under should be enough for a while. I'd venture to say that you're eating more than you think. For instance, a standard apple you buy at the grocery store is usually about 2 of any serving size on MFP based on weight. You can also consume a TON of calories in the form of creamer in your coffee, a few m&m's, a bite of a co-worker's salad, etc. Be mindful of these things as well.
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    It is true that even those who consider themselves watching their caloric intake under estimate how many calories they consume and over estimate how many calories they burn. You have to be totally honest with what you eat - weighing and measuring everything.
  • Powe6023
    Powe6023 Posts: 4 Member
    If you're over 300 pounds, then 1600 calories a day may simply be too few and your body's metabolism is slowing because it senses a big loss. Talk to your doctor to set the most appropriate daily range for caloric intake.
  • kristitampl
    kristitampl Posts: 64 Member
    Maybe you should seek medical advice.
  • airycha
    airycha Posts: 135 Member
    I haven't been the best with getting food logged
    This is probably why you haven't lost. In order to really tell what you need to fix to lose weight you must log everything you eat, every day. Because those unlogged calories add up and could very well be sabotaging your weight loss efforts more than you realize.

    Also, if you made your food diary public, it would help get you more constructive feedback based on what you're eating (such as foods to swap out that would be healthier choices).

    I logged everything I ate for at least a month and didn't lose a pound (may have even gained a little). I have stopped logging and lost 7 pounds in the last month or so. It all depends on what works for you.

    Making her diary public probably won't help all that much if she hasn't been good about logging.
  • oaken
    oaken Posts: 35 Member
    SETTINGS (at the top) > DIARY SETTINGS
    Scroll to bottom - Choose Public
  • athaliah
    athaliah Posts: 24 Member
    first thing - Open your diary so people can see what your eating and give you options, swaps and other alternatives.
    Next, make sure your drinking lots and lots of water, and try to get as most non-processed food as possible into your diet. Plan ahead your meals, it works.

    As someone that at 200lbs to lose, about the same place you are, I'm being told that I need to eat more when I am exercising. You gotta eat those exercise calories. 1600 and 1800 cals a day is fine for smaller girls, but if your holding onto a whole extra person, your burning that off in a day just by breathing. (search BMR calculators)

    Might need to see if you can get in a session with a dietitian. I found out that having a personal trainer helped me greatly as well. If you can afford it, maybe you can do one session and have them check up on you like once a month or every few months to tweak things with you. It will also help with accountability and you'll get a ton of face to face thoughts on what to do better.

    Its a slow process to get things right but I am finding out myself, that it works. Its a lifestyle change and you can't change everything at once, just go slowly, put things in one by one until you get to where you need to be at. You can do it.