Need some MFP support to get up for gym!!!!

OK MFPers- gimme your best- I have decided to keep on with the before work gym thing, but lately its been hard with the weather getting cold. Hah- I have NO EXCUSE- my gym is across the street from me, literally. So what the heck is goin through my head? Need some booster shots! What ya got?

I absolutely can't get my butt in gear AFTER work, I am draaaaained. So before work it is. What do I do????? How do I stay motivated for the 5am wake up?????? Feel free to friend me!


  • kathleennf
    kathleennf Posts: 606 Member
    Two pieces of advice:
    1> Ask yourself honestly if you were ever sorry you went.
    2> The "heroic minute" - don't start your day with a defeat. Decide at night exactly what time you are going to get up, and when the alarm goes off get up that very minute!
  • wonca
    wonca Posts: 81
    There's two ways I typically deal with this:

    First... I have my entire gym bag packed and ready to go, so all I need to do it roll out of bed, grab my bag and go.

    It seems really minor, but when I do it.. I find myself heading out the door and on days I don't.. I'm still under the covers.

    Second.. I remember someone telling me once about why they worked out in the morning and to paraphrase..."I go ahead and take some time for myself before the day starts and when I'm done, there's nothing the day can bring that I can't handle."

  • mynameiscarrie
    mynameiscarrie Posts: 963 Member
    1. Always remember that you'll never regret working'll always regret not going. every time.
    2. the hardest step is the step out the door.
    3. If i'm on the fence about going, I stop thinking about it and just do it.
    4. 5am is early, but you'll feel so energized when you're done! you'll be glad you went!
  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    as much as someone can motivate you over the internet, the choice is ultimatly yours. i leave you with these two links. i hope they help.
  • Ephena
    Ephena Posts: 615 Member
    A picture of yourself at your high weight and an item of clothing that's a goal size/fit on your bedroom wall right by your bed. I did it and it gets my but out of bed and moving when I would much rather be sleeping.
  • ChaliBahli
    ChaliBahli Posts: 39 Member
    I like that! the heroic minute! No snooze, good stuff thx!
  • ChaliBahli
    ChaliBahli Posts: 39 Member
    nice wonka- I feel the same way- if i take that time for myself, my stress levels that vary throughout the day are much more tame- no highs and lows.