Time to use MFP seriously, could use some friends :)

Hi everyone :) I'm sort of new to MFP (started in September but I got bored of it easily) I am hoping that this try will bring me better results. I'm 20 years old (almost 21), been heavy my whole life and really want to change the way I look. I've lost weight before (25 pounds) and it was much easier than I expected, but I can't seem to keep my motivation going. Since losing that weight I gained it all back due to some issues in life. I'm hoping to find some new friends that could help me with my goal of losing 50 pounds :)


  • melelana
    melelana Posts: 122 Member
    Good luck! :)
  • vittix
    vittix Posts: 84 Member
    Your doing great so far don't give up :)
  • traceizbiz
    Hi ya, I am new (ish) to... feel free to add me as a friend as I dont have many on here and we can encourage each other! :flowerforyou:
  • Floridamom82
    Always up for a buddy to lose weight with :) goodluck to you
  • EricNCSU
    EricNCSU Posts: 699 Member
    You can do it.. it's worked wonders for me already. But you have to stick to it everyday. Feel free to add me.
  • jpowell510
    I like you have struggled with my weight my entire life (I'm now 33). I also have lost weight before had life issues and gained it back. I decided it was time to get serious and stop planning it or "meaning to" and just do it. I also was afraid I would get bored with this, but I found the key that works for me. I have made it a challenge. I try to see how I can get the most for my calories. It has also been a learning experience about how many calories are in things. I have found several low calorie "healthy" junk food options that really are good. Also found so low calorie desert alternatives to take the edge off when I'm having a craving. Try making it into a challenge for yourself and don't freak if you have an off day. Good luck!!!!!!!
  • Tlebeau
    Tlebeau Posts: 8 Member
    Friend are important to hit your goals.

    i started on Feb 12th and have lost 110 lbs so far. I'm now at 250lbs and healthier than any other time of my life. Got another 50lbs to go...but no problem with MFP by my side.

    These are life changing goals that take commitment and dedication. I only go to McDonalds to use thier WiFi !!
  • DrippingSun
    Wow! I've gotten so many friend requests already. That will surely motivate me! Thanks for the support :)
  • Tori_356
    Tori_356 Posts: 510 Member
    Having friends will definitely help, that's what helped me, add me if you like :)
  • KristaWeiss
    KristaWeiss Posts: 233 Member
    Good for you on giving it another shot!