Been here a week

Love the site already have lost some weight but I have a question do you eat the calories you gain by exercise or not a little confused there but otherwise I really like this have not stuck to any diet this long.:smile:


  • dragonssoftballmom
    I was wondering the same thing!
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Hi and Welcome!

    There's a ton of info about this very topic so when you have time go to Community (above) and click Search and enter the topic like "eating exercise calories". Lots of info to look through and then you can decide what you want to do.

    Good luck on your journey!
  • Wendysworld13
    Wendysworld13 Posts: 225 Member
    Seriously mixed messages on this. The science says that the calories that you are basically assigned are enough to lose about one pound a week. When you exercise, you use more energy therefore your body needs more fuel - hence eating those calories will not hurt you. However if you don't eat those calories you will lose weight faster, bu are you losing good weight or bad weight??
    I live by this principal - if I need the calories I try to eat about half of them. If I don't I only eat 100 of them. And I supplement with something really nutritious - not empty calories.
    Good luck and I hope you make it this time. Feel free to friend me if you would like!
  • gersoco
    gersoco Posts: 155 Member
    Hi there and welcome aboard!

    The short answer : Yes!

    The long answer:
  • rinwaln
    it is a personal decision in the end but there are a lot of discussions on here about that very topic personally I eat some of my exercise calories but I try not to and I'm losing well I also have a friend or 2 that won't eat theirs and shocker they are losing as well so read up and think about how you want to approach your particular situation and keep up the great work
  • DOUGLAS0724
    DOUGLAS0724 Posts: 2 Member
    I wouldn't eat the calories you lose by exercising. Undoubtedly, there will be a day during the week that you go over your daily calorie goal. The calories you lost by exercising will help offset the overage you experience.