Foot surgery - How can I best maintain or even still loose w

I'm having a foot surgery next week and will be on the sofa for 2 wks, then another 4 wks on crutches, PLUS a "boot" cast (read that as still very limited activity) for 2-4 wks after that! All told 2-3 months.
I've been loosing every week for two months with MFP: 15 lbs so far!
I have been pretty sedentary with some yard and wood stacking occasionally, which weirdly might work to my advantage for this long recovery.
However, I'm getting scared of what is going to happen while I'm immobile. I won't even be able to fix my own food for at least 2 wks and then it will still be difficult. Help!


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Follow MFP's guideline. MFP's caloric intake is to lose your goal amount of weight with no exercise. Once you start exercising again you should eat more (MFP's guideline, plus eat back what you burn)
  • curlyclo
    curlyclo Posts: 243 Member
    As long as you set your activity level to sedentary and stay under your cals you should keep losing even without exercise. If someone else is preparing your meals for you, make sure they listen to your instructions and tell them how you want things prepared and to report the cals to you!
  • savlyon
    savlyon Posts: 474 Member
    I broke my foot last year and gained weight during the recovery process. Looking back, I wish I would have done more. Obviously, watch your food intake. You can lose weight without exercise since diet is like 80% of it!
    In regard to exercise, if you have a gym membership, there are still many things you can do. Definitely do upper body weight lifting and what lower body you can do with one leg. You can do the rowing machine for some cardio. You can do core work quite easily...and this is super important so that your back doesn't go out, which will cause more problems for your legs. Also, if you can swim, try that! Of course, talk to your doctor! This lady I work out at the same gym with broke her foot in the same spot I did and I see her working out in her boot all the time on the elliptical. Of course broken bones and surgery is totally different with different problems.

    Good luck!! You can do it!! Don't be the proactive!! :)
  • cmbrysonussery
    cmbrysonussery Posts: 55 Member
    I'm having back surgery next week and will be on a very strict recovery program for a min of 6 weeks. I have already been on very limited exercise restrictions for nearly a year and have maintained. (wish i was still losing but at least i'm not going up) It can be done...just track everything do what you can and allow your body to heal.
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    As long as you set your activity level to sedentary and stay under your cals you should keep losing even without exercise. If someone else is preparing your meals for you, make sure they listen to your instructions and tell them how you want things prepared and to report the cals to you!

    That's what I was going to say - just stick to your calorie goals and you'll be fine, as long as you make sure your activity level is set appropriately.

    I would also suggest talking to your dr. to see if they have any special instructions for you during your recovery, simply b/c I am not very informed on whether they may be any special concerns in your situation. But generally speaking, if you tell MFP that you want to lose weight and then stay close to your calorie goal, you are going to lose weight. :-)
  • cabannie
    Keep yourself busy. Boredom can lead to overeating. Walking with a walker or crutches when you can only use one leg can be a workout in itself.

    When I broke my leg, I had my husband load up a small cooler that I could keep by my recliner. He put healthy snacks like yogurt, raw veggies, V8, fruit and bottled water in the cooler. Since you know when your surgery is scheduled, you can shop for some of the lower calorie snacks ahead of time. Then you need a supportive helper to get your cooler packed every day until you can get your own food.

    Love the dog on ur pic, very cute
  • Raclex
    Raclex Posts: 238
    Hi there,

    Agree with everyone. I've just had saphenous vein surgery (Nov. 2nd) on my left leg and indeed, boredome can absolutely lead to overeating. Cabannie just explained exactly what I am doing on a daily basis, minus the cooler as I can and must get up every 30-45 minutes during the day.

    I must stay with an elevated foot and only walk 10-12 times a day for just a few minutes at a time. This will be until Nov. 14 where I can then slowly start walking again (at least around the block!).

    So, keeping you calorie intake 'in check' will suffice. You could also change you activity level to sedentary in order to maintain.

    Check with your doctor as well as see what you can incorporate and when in your daily routine. Everyone's different but I believe that cabannie nailed it: don't get bored because you'll end-up eating!
  • jecka31
    jecka31 Posts: 284
    As corny as this sounds, get the "Sit and Be Fit" videos. I had a friend who tore a ligament in her knee and was out for a few months. Her doctor told her to do these videos and she actually lost a few pounds! It might now help you lose weight but it could help you maintain.
  • Raihn
    Raihn Posts: 20
    Eric and Curly: That's encouraging - thanks!
  • Uerzer
    Uerzer Posts: 273
    Talk to your Doc... To recover from a surgery your body needs nutrients and calories (your daily requisites might even go up even if you aren't moving, at least during the first days)

    I wouldn't be strict on my diet after a surgery! good luck with it :flowerforyou:
  • Raihn
    Raihn Posts: 20
    Thanks everybody. Lots of helpful ideas and the positive feedback is worth a million bucks for lifting the grey cloud that was building over my head. Y
    es, the boredom will be my enemy.
    I'll have to see if I can find the Sit and Be Fit videos for after the first 2 wks. I have "books on tape" and hope they'll fill in some time when I'm sick of TV & movies.
    Good luck for continued recovery after your surgeries. Cmbryson, hope everybody's comments encourage you too. Hope all goes well for you!

    The little dog is Mini Cooper, our 9 month old toy poodle. I was never a huge dog person and certainly not a poodle girl, but this little guy has brought so much joy into my life.

    Thanks again Everybody - I'll be re-reading these to remind myself that there can be a good outcome!
  • Raihn
    Raihn Posts: 20
    Wow Uerzer, your pancakes make my mouth water!
    I usually get very good nutrition - lots of veggies - so I like your idea of an occasional relaxing of the rules, so to speak. But that's so easy to do I have to be careful.
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    create a calorie defecit
  • Raihn
    Raihn Posts: 20
    Clue - What exactly is that? How?
  • yesthistime
    yesthistime Posts: 2,051 Member
    Google or YouTube "chair aerobics" -- best wishes!
  • itontae
    itontae Posts: 138 Member
    the most weight I ever lost was in the three months sedentary recovery period following surgery to both feet.

    Calories in v calories out still applies.
    Good luck with the surgery
  • Raihn
    Raihn Posts: 20
    Hey, I'll check YouTube - good idea.

    Wow, that's really something! Thanks for sharing about BOTH feet - wish I could take care of both at the same time.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I've had a foot surgery before and it sucked.

    First of all, the leg that you are getting operated on is going to get really weak, while your other leg, will get really strong from standing with the crutches.

    Personally, I didn't gain much the summer I was operated on, because it was so hard to carry food around with crutches. I usually waited for my husband (boyfriend at the time) to come home from work and bring me food. It was either that, or hobble around with crackers. A plate with food on it is so hard to carry.

    Your arms will get a great workout on the crutches too. Feel free to have a seat and do some bicep curls with some dumbbells if you are craving exercise.

    Good luck with it! I hated being without my foot for a couple months, but I was so glad when I did finally step on it again and it felt a thousand times better than it did before the surgery, so hopefully you will be glad you did it too!
  • Raihn
    Raihn Posts: 20
    Thanks! Yeah, I'm not looking forward to the recovery but am expecting good results in the end.
    So I'm happy to hear that yours was so much better after surgery.
    I didn't think about trying to carry food. lol Maybe it'll be easier to continue to loose than I thought.
  • losing4baby
    losing4baby Posts: 28 Member
    I currently am in a boot for a broken foot... have been for almost 4 weeks now and have another 3 weeks to go. I keep telling myself to at least do some upper body weights or SOMETHING but so far haven't. I am just being tight with my food plan and logging every little bite. Someone posted about seeing someone at the gym on an eliptical wearing a boot.... that amazes me! My hip hurts enough by the time I have hobbled around at work all day from the uneven stance with the boot. I'm about to get up and run the vacuum and will be wiped out from that! LOL I say be kind and gentle to yourself and try not to worry about exercise at first but instead eat healthy, drink your water, etc. Good luck!