Foot surgery - How can I best maintain or even still loose w



  • jlanab
    jlanab Posts: 89 Member
    not sure if people will agree with my post but i worked out after i had foot surgery. there is a move on Jillian MIchaels 30DS you can do punches with 3lb weights while sitting down and some ab exercises are also possible. You can do a combo of cardio and strength with the upper body and worry about lower body WHEN YOU GET THE GREEN LIGHT FROM YOUR DOCTOR! 3 weeks after surgery I had a boot and as ridiculous as it looked I went to the gym and got on the eliptical 2-3 times a week. There are options but make sure you rest and heal and make that your priority over weight loss during your recovery period
  • Raihn
    Raihn Posts: 20
    Thanks jlanab and 4baby for your comments.

    I'm having a toe fusion and cannot put any weight on it for 6 wks. NO WEIGHT at all, I have been warned, if I want it to be successful. After that I'll get a boot and be able to walk without crutches for the first time.
    So no gym or elliptical for me, but I do hope to do some upper body things.
    I have learned from when I have laid up before, for various reasons, I don't really feel like doing much. Hopefully this will be different!
    But you are right jlanab, healing is first priority.

    I never thought about my back hurting from being uneven. I sure hope you get better quickly 4baby, and loose the boot!
  • sdunnwel
    sdunnwel Posts: 1
    Hello, I recently had major foot reconstruction surgery and my doctor ordered me a knee walker! no crutches what a blessing find knee walker on you tube and you will see how you will be much better off.