I am my own worst enemy. How to stay motivated?

I want to give myself the present of being 148 pounds by Christmas. As I am around 155 now, that should be doable. However, I have a big problem. I stay motivated for 2 or 3 days and then something happens at work or home, and I hit the food. Now I know about keeping good food at home, staying away from the candy at work, exercise, etc. But there seems to be a little devil on my shoulder that says "Eat your comfort food". And I eat too much for 2 or 3 days.

I have good for me food stashed at work and home already. So that is not the problem. This little voice says " let's eat Mexican today", "there's M&Ms in the vending machine", "in Walmart, buy some candy as reward for putting up with Walmart", etc. And I don't fight it. Does anyone else have to deal with the little inner voice that works against you? How do you conquer it?


  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I just used a similar comment on another post, but a book I am reading used the phrase, "is this permissible or beneficial." Of course you are allowed to eat M&M's, but are they beneficial? Another great way to stop yourself in the moment is to use the Acrostic, H.A.L.T., am I hungry, angry, lonely or tired? Most likely you will not actually be hungry and you will stop yourself!
  • BPayton27
    BPayton27 Posts: 626 Member
    I reward myself for hitting my goals. I have managed to avoid that little voice for a month now, and I was a huge comfort food eater. It comes down to how much you want it and how willing you are to change. A piece of candy now and then is not going to kill you, if that's how you want to reward yourself. I got myself a new pair of gym shoes at 10 lbs lost. At 20 lbs lost, I will get myself a dress. Reward yourself with what motivates you to stay on the horse. This is not about being perfect, it's about changing your life for good.
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    I want to give myself the present of being 148 pounds by Christmas. As I am around 155 now, that should be doable. However, I have a big problem. I stay motivated for 2 or 3 days and then something happens at work or home, and I hit the food. Now I know about keeping good food at home, staying away from the candy at work, exercise, etc. But there seems to be a little devil on my shoulder that says "Eat your comfort food". And I eat too much for 2 or 3 days.

    I have good for me food stashed at work and home already. So that is not the problem. This little voice says " let's eat Mexican today", "there's M&Ms in the vending machine", "in Walmart, buy some candy as reward for putting up with Walmart", etc. And I don't fight it. Does anyone else have to deal with the little inner voice that works against you? How do you conquer it?

    You need some self discipline. with out it, you'll never accomplish anything.
  • sunshinesher01
    sunshinesher01 Posts: 82 Member
    I used to have that inner voice... But it is much quieter now. I think you have to be READY to lose weight in order for those voices to go away. Since I started working out, I no longer want to eat unhealthy foods. They make me feel sick, and also it ruins the hard work that I put in at the gym. So whenever I get an urge for some candy or something, I drink some cold water, if that doesn't help I eat some fruit or some protien. By then, I don't need that candy or whatever anymore. I have had chocolate since on this journey, but I shared the bar with my partner and it was with in my calorie goal. Everything in moderation. :-)
  • betzeross
    betzeross Posts: 161 Member
    You can lose 7 pounds by Christmas but it will take dedication.
    You are going to have to talk louder than the "little devil" does!
    Seriously, I talk to myself all the time.
    Convincing myself not to have more of something that tastes so good.
    Keep busy - distract yourself.
    When tempted to eat something that is not healthy - picture yourself at your goal weight.
    Try logging in the food that you're about to eat and see what it does to your journal - you might change your mind before you actually eat it!
    I wish you success.
    Feel free to add me as a friend and I will do my best to encourage and support you on this journey.
    Think positive! :happy:

    **Also, exercise is important in reaching your goal.**
  • betzeross
    betzeross Posts: 161 Member
    You can lose 7 pounds by Christmas but it will take dedication.
    You are going to have to talk louder than the "little devil" does!
    Seriously, I talk to myself all the time.
    Convincing myself not to have more of something that tastes so good.
    Keep busy - distract yourself.
    When tempted to eat something that is not healthy - picture yourself at your goal weight.
    Try logging in the food that you're about to eat and see what it does to your journal - you might change your mind before you actually eat it!
    I wish you success.
    Feel free to add me as a friend and I will do my best to encourage and support you on this journey.
    Think positive! :happy:

    **Also, exercise is important in reaching your goal.**
  • My tactic is to pick a day of the week where blowing the calorie budget is allowable. That provides me with a release, which helps me stay focussed the rest of the time.

    I also try to plan my calorie consumption during the day. I like to drink beer in the evening, so I usually leave myself a thousand calories (of my 1800 target) for post-7pm consumption.

    At other times, I just try to remember that I'm cutting down on my eating to reach my target weight, and anything I eat is compromising that goal. It's not then about treats, but about food itself. All foods. My biggest enemy is bread: I come home from work tired & hungry and my instinctive reaction is a couple of slices of toast. BAM! 200 calories!

    It sounds to me like you're in the behaviour-shaping part of your programme. You need to stay strong at the times when you are facing temptation. Perhaps you could plan-in something sweet for when you get home from the shops? If it's part of your allocation, it's no sin.
  • Iceskatefanrn
    Iceskatefanrn Posts: 489 Member
    This is such a great question. I deal with this exact issue many times per day. I've recently started to CHANGE that "self-talk"... and YOU CAN CHANGE IT... IT'S UP TO YOU!

    Yesterday someone brought in a bunch of Halloween candy and put it in the copy room. That's where the printer is, I go in that room several times a day, can't avoid it. I looked in the bag and grabbed 3 "fun size" candy bars. I put them in the tiny freezer section of the fridge I have in my office and I decided to challenge myself - "Can you go a whole day without eating those?". So I DID! I didn't touch 'em, and they are still in there now.

    TODAY I decided that I could go another day without eatng them. It's early yet, but I TELL YOU HERE AND NOW, I WILL NOT EAT THEM TODAY.

    Now, this sounds kinda stupid, but you have no idea how EMPOWERING it is to give yourself a challenge then MEET THAT CHALLENGE! YOU CAN DO THIS!

    Here's something else to remember - those M&M's in the vending machine? What will happen if you DON'T eat them? I promise you here and now, the WORLD will NOT end... you will NOT die... and they WILL still be there TOMORROW! So if all you can do is say "I won't eat those TODAY"... well, tomorrow you get to say that again! And guess what? If you go a whole week or month WITHOUT eating them... the WORLD will NOT end... you will NOT die... and they WILL still be there for another day!

    Change your self-talk... it's up to YOU, and YOU CAN DO THIS!

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

  • Jamaica113
    Jamaica113 Posts: 73 Member
    I too have a problem with motivation but I found a quote that really helps me......."Nothing tastes as good as thin feels"
    This is true. You know how great it feels if your jeans fit good. I have to constantly ask myself if those M&M's are worth it. Good luck in your journey!
  • Bunnyboo82
    Bunnyboo82 Posts: 42 Member
    Don't know how you feel about Dr. Oz, but I think he has some great ideas and helps people to stay motivated. I'm attaching a link to his ten commandments, its little things you can do to help you feel like you have made progress. You will do great!
  • I absolutely agree with you, i reward myself after a certain goal. I just texted my fiance this morning and i said 'when i lose another 5lbs im going to get a slice of papa ginos pizza' which may not seem like a huge thing but im a huge comfort food eater too.