Clothing sizes



  • SandraLD
    Ever watched the American show "What not to Wear?" They suggest making your tailor your best friend. Buy clothes you love and have them tailored to fit you exactly. We are never the same shape even if we are the same size. I remember when I lost weight a few years ago and was the same size 14 as my Mom. Her comment was "How can we be the same size?" She is 5'7 and I am 5'2 and not the same shape as her at all. However yes we were the same size.

    Ok so having your clothes tailored costs a bit of money but it is worth it. I do it when necessary as I am so short everything is way to long on me. It mens though that I have a small wardrobe but one I love.

    Good luck.
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    i get a lot of stuff from H&M and im a curvy 8