Early morning workouts

Who all gets up early to workout? What time do you workout and what time do you go to bed at night?

Im wanting to start working out in the mornings. I would have to wake up at 5, meaning I would have to go to bed pretty early....but I would like to try it!


  • whouwannab
    whouwannab Posts: 350 Member
    I would like to see other comments. I need to start getting up to work out at that time also.
  • starbucksbuzz
    starbucksbuzz Posts: 466 Member
    More power to you if you can do this, I hear that alarm and my brain goes "or you could sleep another hour and a half" and that's the end of it usually.
  • evanstm
    I'm up at 445 and turn the lights out at 10. Good luck!
  • MacSkillz
    MacSkillz Posts: 417 Member
    I'm getting myself into the schedule of waking up at 5am, working out for an hour, then getting ready for work. The times that I go to bed every night vary. Lately it's been about 11/11:30pm.
  • ilikejam33
    ilikejam33 Posts: 252 Member
    I am a huge fam of the early workout. I get up at 5:15 at least 4 days a week and go to the gym for Spinning or Pump which is from 6-7am. I go to bed around 11:30-12 at night.

    I know this sounds like crazy little sleep but honestly it is all i need, i am lucky in that when i sleep, i sleep hard. Not to say some moring are not tough (some are brutal) but i have found that since my body has gotten use to the am excercise it has adjusted to get me the most out of my sleep time, and i am fully rested and really enjoy the moring workout. it means i know exactly how many cals i have for the day and also keeps me motivated all day.
  • stormy213
    stormy213 Posts: 632 Member
    Wake up at 3:30, go to bed at 9:00. It's hard sometimes but a great way to start the day. (I only do this because I start work at 6).
  • Xaspar
    Xaspar Posts: 726 Member
    I TRY to get up early to work out. Mondays and Fridays I am out the door before 5 because my daughter has a swim team practice. But the other days, even though I SHOULD be able to get up and get to it, I just seem to NOT.
    I DID however drag myself out of bed early enough to do a Shred it with Weights workout from Jillian Michaels and I love that her workouts , though intense, are quite short. Less than half an hour, so even days I don't get out of bed as early as I SHOULD to not feel rushed before getting to work, I can do them!
    Since I have to be at work by 0745, a 0630 workout isn't too bad.
    As long as I got to bed on time the night before. :-s
  • Iamachocaholic
    I actually do a mix of both ... exercise classes two nights a week, personal trainer at 5:30am, and rowing (depending on the day) morning or night.

    I like working out in the morning because then I'm DONE by the time I go to work and I have the nights to myself. I hate it because I am so not a morning person and it's a struggle to get there.

    I like the nights because by the time I get home from the gym (usually 8:30pm) I'm pooped and ready for bed (between 9pm-10pm), and not likely to eat anything else. (lol)

    Feel free to friend me and we can encourage each other with the morning workouts!

  • moxette
    moxette Posts: 104 Member
    I teach a Boot Camp class Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri I get up at 4:30 and most of my campers get up between 445 and 5. There is a going to bed range between 8:30 to as late as 11pm depending on the person. I think getting no less than 6.5 hours of sleep and up to 8 (man wouldn't that be niiiiiice) is doable. Plus we all like having wednesdays off to sleep in a bit. It makes getting up on Tuesday morning ALOT easier too! It takes some getting used to. But it is soooo nice to be done before breakfast!
  • Runs4Wine
    Runs4Wine Posts: 416 Member
    I get up at 4:30am (it used to be 5) and I'm out the door running by 5am. I return and either do ST or hit the shower if it was a longer run.

    I have to be out the door by 7:30 with DS to take him to school and get myself to work. It's the only time of the day I can get a WO in.

    I'm in bed usually between 9-10pm
  • Neize
    Neize Posts: 301 Member
    I normally get up at 415am and go to bed by 930pm
  • Xaspar
    Xaspar Posts: 726 Member
    Wake up at 3:30, go to bed at 9:00. It's hard sometimes but a great way to start the day. (I only do this because I start work at 6).

    OMG, starting work at 6 would probably kill me (and people call me a morning person... LOL)
    More power to you!
  • Lillabet76
    When I work out in the morning during the week, I am up at 6am to be at the gym as the doors open at 6.30am. At the weekend I don't have to get up until 7.30am as my gym doesn't open until 8am!
    I tend to work out in the evening during the week as otherwise I have to cut my workout short to get back so my husband can have the car to go to work, I do prefer to work out in the morning at the weekend though :smile:
    I try and make sure I go to bed by 10pm when I know I have to be up in the morning (whether that's to work out or not) and sometimes I go to bed even earlier, depends how tired I am :yawn:
    Hope that helps :happy:

    Edit: I should say I tend to be in bed by 11/11.30pm when I don't have to be up the next morning but with a lively 2 year old son who doesn't know the meaning of the concept of a lie in I tend to be up by 7.30am at the very latest :happy:
  • blady135
    blady135 Posts: 12 Member
    it may not be quite as early as you're trying to do....but I get up at 6 and go to bed usually around 10:30. It was really difficult for me to get on that schedule (night owl) but the first few nights I took melatonin and now it has become an easy routine! I agree that the shred videos come in handy for those mornings you feel a little rushed to get a workout in. I usually pair the video with a jog around the neighborhood most mornings.
  • lcs1211
    lcs1211 Posts: 121 Member
    At the gym at 5:00 M-F and around 8 on Saturdays since that is when they open. Gets me going for the day and know exactly what kind of breakfast, lunch, dinner I can have with my calories (I do eat most of my exercise calories). If I don't get my workout in in the morning, it's wayyyy to easy to find excuses not to do it.
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    Bed at 10, wake up at 5, coffee and hit the gym.
  • Cathleenr
    i am up at 8 AM to eat, then leave for the gym at 8:30. sessions with the trainer and then cardio and back home (and in bed for a nap) at 11:30 til 12:15...up and off to work at 12:30. work 2PM til midnight, home at 1 Am, go for a run and showered and in bed at 1:45 AM. asleep by 1:46 :). then i do it all again. 5 days a week. weekends i don't do the night run. im training for some events, so once they are over in december, the schedule will relax a little, but i'm so used to it now that i dont know what i will do with all my free time in the morning!
    its definitely worth it, tho. ive lost almost 100 pounds and competing in my first bodybuilding/figure show in a week.
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    I get up with the kids (they usually wake at7ish) give them breakfast then put them infront of the TV whilst I do my workout (its is the only time of day the triplets are allowed to watch TV so it means they sit glued for 30-40 minutes. I also work out in the evenings. The trips go to bed around 7pm ans Sophie is allowed to read in Mummy's bed whilst I do my exercises the I read to her and she goes to bed. Afetr a shower and feeding myself and husband and any chores that got skipped during the day I'm usually in bed around 10pm but I read until about 11pm
  • Ephena
    Ephena Posts: 615 Member
    I've been doing early morning workout for several weeks now and while at first it was really hard I'm getting more and more used to it. Make no mistake I am far from a morning person I don't want to be up at 5 every morning but it's really been paying off for me when it comes to how I feel the rest of the day.

    I usually go to bed between 10 and 10:30.
  • crystalinda
    crystalinda Posts: 151 Member
    Who all gets up early to workout? What time do you workout and what time do you go to bed at night?

    Im wanting to start working out in the mornings. I would have to wake up at 5, meaning I would have to go to bed pretty early....but I would like to try it!

    This me right here. I used to go to a bootcamp class after work at 6PM. But since I live in San Diego traffic would often make it miserable to get there. So I switched my work schedule to allow me to go to the 6AM class instead.

    I never considered myself a "morning" person and I've had to train myself to get to bed early enough to wake up on time and have the energy to work out. I have an alarm set to go off at 10PM at night to remind me to get ready for bed. Best case scenario it gets me in bed by 10:30, worse case by 11:30. If I can get to bed by 10:30 I'm usually in good shape by the morning, feeling rested enough and ready to work out. But it did take about a week to adjust. When I get to bed at 11:30 I'm tired but still alert in the AM.

    Its still a work in progress for me, I've noticed that I'm averaging about 6 hours, but I often sleep only 5 and when I do I feel terrible. I'm trying to work my way up to 6.5 or 7 hrs of sleep, to get rid of the grey circles under my eyes. Also my bc class is only 3x a week so on non-bootcamp days I still go to sleep around 10:30 - 11:30 but I sleep in to 6 AM.