Men.. need a question answered



  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,953 Member
    My husband thinks flannel and blue jeans are delicious and always tells me I don't need makeup. I'm sick right now with an awful cold and I'm pretty sure I look as good as I feel (awful!) But last night we were chatting and out of the blue he tells me how beautiful my eyes are. It's probably because they're all glassy from being sick but still, a man who loves you will see the beauty more than the ugly. I wear makeup often but I don't feel like I have to have it on to make him think I'm pretty. :)
  • BHAK
    BHAK Posts: 33
    As my friend Joe sings...

    Gimme that girl with her hair in a mess
    Sleepy little smile with her head on my chest
    That's the you that I like best
    Gimme that girl

    There is a time and a place for everything...Dressed to the nines, heels and all to old tee shirt and a pair of jeans...depending on the situation all can be so sexy!!!!!!!!!

  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    I wouldn't want my wife to go through all the trouble to go work in the yard, but I do appreciate when she is trying to look nice for me. Especially when it's just for me.

    My wife has an extensive collection of lingerie and nothing makes me more excited than when we are sitting on the couch together, in the evening, and she gets up, walks to the stairs, turns around, looks at me over her shoulder and says, "What color?"

    That's my clue to go behind the bar, make a "Very Berry Stoli" for her and wait, patiently, on the couch for her return.

    Oh, here you go:
    Very Berry Stoli Recipe

    One shot of Stoli in a Wine glass
    Add one shot of Rasberry Liquer
    Fill with Champagne
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,902 Member
    One long tee and that's it!!!
  • I prefer the dressed down look. That's not to say dressed up isn't hot, but to me, the natural dressed down look is way effing sexy.
  • Phoenix24601
    Phoenix24601 Posts: 620 Member
    My fiance and I met working at camp. When we met my hair was always up, no make up and t-shirts. Thats how he likes it. When I dress up for a date he always says I look good, but alot of the time he will ask for his "camp-girl" look. Some guys like that, and I am not complaining. :)
  • bluecollarfrench
    bluecollarfrench Posts: 344 Member
    in my personal opinon when guys say they like "no-make up" the mean makeup that doesnt look fake just enhancing your natural qualities maybe alittle foundation blush and mascara a red tinted chapstick, you'll look great but it wont be over done and they prob. wont notice you have any on. Also in my opinion guys like your hair to look nice but its all the clothes your wearing that decide if its fancy dressed up or not like when my hair is curled and im wearing jeans a tshirt and my romeos i still look approachable just relaxed

    I just love the fact that you wear romeos. Have a feeling most here don't know what those are.

    I also agree, most men really don't know if you have makeup than really just lightly enhances, vs takes over the face. The "natural" look I think is what most men are into. Now when going out though, I like to have my lady looking nice, dressed up.
  • lackie09
    lackie09 Posts: 123 Member
    My guy wants me to be the bell of the ball every time we go out he wants me n a nice dress, hair n makeup done,... all that Crap! i like to dress up but i hate feeling as awkward as it makes me feel. i mean i could c if we were going somewhere nice but were not We just go to a restaurant We always go to. i just dnt c the point... but anyway listen n believe when he says he likes the jeans n Tee im sure he wouldn't say it were it not true
  • askme12
    askme12 Posts: 155 Member
    Depends on the guy, I prefer little to no makeup.
  • 0PhAtDaDdY
    0PhAtDaDdY Posts: 569 Member
    Women feel free to answer too =)

    Lately i've had some type of a mind eff.
    I 've never been the girl to get all done up for my every day life but lately i feel unattractive. My man always states that he likes me the most when i have no make up and i'm in my jeans and tee, but i feel like i should put on the make up do the hair and wear the heels. I think this is coming from my mom, telling me that i always have to look nice or J ( my man) will find someone prettier... like WTF is that??

    So men does it matter? I'll dress up if we are going out, but to just sit at home with a pile of make up on seems unnatural to me.

    When at home simple and plain is attractive...Now when going out should spruce up a bit never know who you'll see...Now my wife dressed up with makeup is super hot...WE are going to a function tonight with our lovely daughter in tow as well..So to the question super dressed up at home not happing.....
  • spyork
    spyork Posts: 187
    Well, i work in the building trade in the uk and visit a lot of offices and building sites and i used to visit a site office twice a month and i used to fancy the girl on reception something cronic, well dressed nice make up etc. But i bumped into her in town wearing jogging bottoms and a t-shirt no make up and she looked amazing, really amazing. Sometimes the natural look is more sexy.
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Women don't have to dress up for me. In fact, the less the better :)
  • fitfreakymom
    fitfreakymom Posts: 1,400 Member
    Listen to yourself and nobody else. If you want to wear makeup then wear it, if not then don't . Do what is going to make YOU happy with yourself.