Can't turn it around!!

UGH. I went on vacation last Wednesday. I brought my workout clothes and only ran 2 of the 5 days I was there. I was completely out of routine with eating and working out. Now I'm back and I'm starting to get sick and haven't been to the gym since I've been back (I got back Monday afternoon). I was really going strong before I left, but I'm finding it hard to get back on the ball here!

I'm logging my food again starting today and am trying to drink water (a sore throat is making that hard) but I'm just so annoyed. This is what happens all the time. I make progress, something gets in the way, and then it takes me like 2 weeks to start my routine up again! I need to figure out how to turn it around faster than that before I ruin all the progress I made.

HELP! What do you all do when this happens?? :cry: :mad:


  • star139
    star139 Posts: 134
    UGH. I went on vacation last Wednesday. I brought my workout clothes and only ran 2 of the 5 days I was there. I was completely out of routine with eating and working out. Now I'm back and I'm starting to get sick and haven't been to the gym since I've been back (I got back Monday afternoon). I was really going strong before I left, but I'm finding it hard to get back on the ball here!

    I'm logging my food again starting today and am trying to drink water (a sore throat is making that hard) but I'm just so annoyed. This is what happens all the time. I make progress, something gets in the way, and then it takes me like 2 weeks to start my routine up again! I need to figure out how to turn it around faster than that before I ruin all the progress I made.

    HELP! What do you all do when this happens?? :cry: :mad:
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    I am right there with you. I just can't seem to get back into the swing of things! It's very frustrating!

    Just keep on trying and one day the light bulb will go off and you will realize you are back in the game!!

    Don't give up, just keep keeping on!!!

    That's my plan anyways!

  • heather0mc
    heather0mc Posts: 4,656 Member
    i am in the same boat :sad:
    i went on vacation last week and got back monday. i have been exhausted and sore from walking in bad shoes. i dont think i can muster the motivation to get to the gym this week so i am taking it one day at a time. i know for a fact that monday will be my turn around day. i do not understand why i cant seem to get back in the game before then but i feel my body is just screaming at me to relax for the rest of the week. i am going to listen to it and hit it hard next week.

    sorry i dont have any advice except to take baby steps...:flowerforyou:
  • erlehmkuhle
    What I do to prevent vacation problems are to watch portions at food spots and be sure to get the exercise in. Try not to drink as heavily, stick to water. Be active!!!

    As far as motivation, start with natural energy in the morning like oranges, strawberries, etc. If that is not enough, stock up on an herbal energy drink. The key is to start your day off on a positive. I call it your morning moment of truth. How the morning goes once you wake up is how your day ends. If you start with dread you will end with dread. Boost the moral from the time the alarm clock goes off. It will help tremendously. Then get at it.
  • modelgirl
    modelgirl Posts: 32
    you can do it. just keep trying do not give up
  • star139
    star139 Posts: 134
    i'm really glad to hear that i'm not the only one having these issues :flowerforyou: i suppose that's a little motivation within itself.

    i'm still not going to the gym today :blushing: but i am back on track with watching my food intake