30 day shred

So I see everyone doing the Jillian Micheals 30 day shred, i went to the website and it says "free" is this in fact true you just pay the shipping and handling?? I am thinking about ordering it i just don't understand the billing concept??


  • CarrieJ85
    CarrieJ85 Posts: 106 Member
    Hmmm, that doesn't seem right. I got mine from a used bookstore for $7 and I've seen it at Wal-Mart for $10.
  • tandroes
    tandroes Posts: 163 Member
    not sure about that... but it's only $9 at wal mart and sooo worth it!
  • Sepa
    Sepa Posts: 243 Member
    Hmmm. I wouldnt trust it if it says free. Its not expensive. I got mine for £5 from amazon which i guess is about $8-$9?
  • I just got mine from Amazon and all together it was $8. That free thing seems off to me...
  • hogwartshoney
    hogwartshoney Posts: 2 Member
    I just bought it at Amazon instant video for $4.99, if you want to preview it first it's &1.99. The hard copy is $7.15... I have Amazon Prime, so it might be more for non members.
  • rebel_girl11
    rebel_girl11 Posts: 17 Member
    I downloaded mine from a torrent and burned it to a dvd. I still can't get through the whole lvl 1. I keep getting leg cramps.