Do i HAVE to eat the calories ive burned??

Im very new to this and havent mastered navigating through the site so im just goin to ask...So if im on a 1200 calorie a day diet and i work out at a gym 5 days a week and burn 800-1000 calories each visit can i still just eat my !200 calories give or take a few? I cant see myslef eating 2200 calories and losing the weight i want. HHHEeeellllllppppppp:noway:


  • EcHoOoOoO
    EcHoOoOoO Posts: 89
    Im very new to this and havent mastered navigating through the site so im just goin to ask...So if im on a 1200 calorie a day diet and i work out at a gym 5 days a week and burn 800-1000 calories each visit can i still just eat my !200 calories give or take a few? I cant see myslef eating 2200 calories and losing the weight i want. HHHEeeellllllppppppp:noway:
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    This question is asked very often on here. Every day pretty much. Don't forget to read the sticky posts at the top of this page.

    There are differing ideas about eating exercise calories by the MFPers.

    One way to think about eating exercise calories is this: on non-workout days, do you usually eat 200-400 calories total?
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    This question is asked very often on here. Every day pretty much. Don't forget to read the sticky posts at the top of this page.

    There are differing ideas about eating exercise calories by the MFPers.

    One way to think about eating exercise calories is this: on non-workout days, do you usually eat 200-400 calories total?
  • MisoSoup79
    MisoSoup79 Posts: 517
    With only 16 lbs to lose, you have to eat more than 1200 if you're going to burn that much in the gym or you will tell your body that it is in a time of famine and you'll feel like crap, have a hard time losing, lack energy and possibly cannibalize your own muscle tissue.

    1200 isn't even appropriate for someone in the healthy or slightly overweight category. I am eating 1400-1500 plus exercise calories and losing at a good pace. If you only eat 1200, and then burn 800, then your body only gets 400 calories to perform basic functions, like breathing, digestion, etc. That would be dangerous.

    Figure out what your BMR is and don't eat less than that. If you want to do this the healthy way and be able to maintain your weight loss and feel great, then you've got to take a realistic approach.
  • omid990
    omid990 Posts: 785 Member
    ah yes the million dollar question.

    that is completely up to you. there are people on this site that don't touch their exercise calories but lose weight and there are people like me who don't lost an ounce unless they eat them. of course there are those inbetweeners as well.

    the site is set up so that you do eat your exercise calories. you're just going to have to mess around with it and see what works for you
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member

    One way to think about eating exercise calories is this: on non-workout days, do you usually eat 200-400 calories total?

    HUH? I don't get this question?
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    To eat or not to eat....

    I gained weight eating the exercise calories and I didn't lose weight just sticking to the 1300 the site gave me. You will have to experiment with your own body. I personally burn 1000 calories per day and I only eat 1500-1700 per day.
  • FitnessGeek
    FitnessGeek Posts: 487
    I won't explain why it works because there are a lot of posts that will explain it better. But I will say that, like you, I do a lot of exercise and burn about 700-1,000 calories a day doing that. I always ate back 80-100% of my exercise calories. Yes, some days that did mean I was eating 2200 calories, but it worked! I saw weight loss the whole time.

    Now that I am on maintenance, I still eat all my exercise calories. I haven't gained back any of it.

    From experience and from the multitude of posts I have read, I highly suggest that you eat back most (if not all) of your exercise calories.

    If you have a hard time eating that much try adding foods like avocados, trail mix, nuts, dried fruit, and peanut butter to your every day diet. They are all high calorie and healthy options for padding calories.

    Good luck!

    **edit** I just wanted to add that I only had 17lbs to lose as well and I started in a healthy BMI range (22). I just wanted to firm up and get to the lower part of my BMI range (19.7). There is nothing wrong with the 1200 calorie a day diet if you are in the healthy BMI range and still want to lose a just makes it that much more important that you eat your exercise calories! **
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    please see this post:

    I recommend eating them. It works for me, and it worked for my role model, TamTastic, who has lost 133 lbs. So I do-

    Where are you getting your calories burned information? Because 1000 calories burned at the gym would take a pretty monumental effort.

    I think the FitnessGeek is right on-
  • soxygirl
    soxygirl Posts: 173
    This is a very controversial topic, but I have to say I agree with the previous posters -- try to eat back at least 3/4 of your exercise calories, because if you are working your body that hard through exercise you are depleting it of the nutrients it needs. I struggled with this from time to time until I started to work protein shakes into my diet . . . when I am still a few hundred calories away from what I need for the day I mix myself up a nice shake . . . sometimes chocolate, sometimes fruit . . . it's a great source of the exact vitamins your body uses during a workout and doesn't give me that overfull feeling.
  • AHealthierMe
    AHealthierMe Posts: 15 Member
    Hi there, I have only been doing this for 6 weeks and have already lost 6 lbs. I haven't changed my diet significantly and am eating 1840 each day unless I add in exercise. Some days I eat all of my exercies calories and some days I don't. I think it is different for everyone but it seems like with gradual weight lost you may be more likely to keep it of so I say eat them all! :)

    Created by - Calorie Counter
  • EcHoOoOoO
    EcHoOoOoO Posts: 89
    do you think this "EAT YOUR BURNED CALORIES" applies to everyone?? I started this on monday and its wednesday and already lost 4 lbs by burning 1000 and eating 1200, is it possible that different things work for different bodies or will this catch up with me? and if i eat all my burned calories over the weekend will i gain it since i dont eat them during the week?? ugh this is hard lol.
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    please see this post:

    I recommend eating them. It works for me, and it worked for my role model, TamTastic, who has lost 133 lbs. So I do-

    Where are you getting your calories burned information? Because 1000 calories burned at the gym would take a pretty monumental effort.

    I think the FitnessGeek is right on-

    Just wanted to let ya know Lep that TamTastic DOES NOT eat all of her exercise calories, she and I had this conversation. Look at Tams Secret to Skinny post.

    I eat 1500 cals a day now, whether I work out or not. I was stuck for 2 months eating them, not eating them, upping cals and eating them and then not. I now eat 1500 and nothing more.....unless I do a hike and I am hungry. Listen to your body, decide if the growling is hunger or if it is habit. Since I started eating this way almost a week, I have come down 3 pounds......finally after 2 months.

  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    I recommend eating them. It works for me, and it worked for my role model, TamTastic, who has lost 133 lbs. So I do-

    Tam actually states in her post on how she got where she is that she only ate about 1/2 of her exercise calories on the days she worked out and then stuck to 1400 calories on non workout days. Each person is different, some will eat all those calories back and lose and others will not.
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    I was at the point where I was burning a lot at the end and wouldn't eat all of them but I would eat enough back to bring my caloric intake to a safe level.

    But, I DID eat a lot! I mean, my base cals were 1400 at the end. Plus 1/2 my exercise cals. Trust me, I enjoyed nice plates of pasta on those days sometimes!!!! :tongue: :laugh:

    I think the key is to realize that if ALL you were doing is exercising, then eating those cals back makes no sense. But since we are already eating less AND exercising....those exercise calories are there to allow you to eat a little more and not feel so deprived and your body just needs a little added fuel on those days. Just listen to your body. If you are eating healthy and eating enough, then don't shovel food into yourself to meet a certain intake. The important thing is to make sure what you are doing is safe. Anything beyond that is really subjective.

    Right now, I am still going to the gym. I am at maintenance and pregnant and I burn around 600 cals even now...and I try to get most of them in but my goal is to eat enough to where I am satisfied and feel good and fuel myself with nutritious things for my baby and myself. I don't stress myself out though. That doesn't do any good for anyone! :wink:

  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    please see this post:

    I recommend eating them. It works for me, and it worked for my role model, TamTastic, who has lost 133 lbs. So I do-

    Where are you getting your calories burned information? Because 1000 calories burned at the gym would take a pretty monumental effort.

    I think the FitnessGeek is right on-
    Thanks for saying I am your role model! That is so nice!:bigsmile:
  • EcHoOoOoO
    EcHoOoOoO Posts: 89
    I have to ask you if im not eating my excersize calories and maintaine about 1200 calories a day when i do have a week day like the weekends with the family at mcdonalds will i gain weight like instantly?
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I have to ask you if im not eating my excersize calories and maintaine about 1200 calories a day when i do have a week day like the weekends with the family at mcdonalds will i gain weight like instantly?

    weight loss or gain never happesn instantly

    water weight changes hourly but not actual weight
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    please see this post:

    I recommend eating them. It works for me, and it worked for my role model, TamTastic, who has lost 133 lbs. So I do-

    Where are you getting your calories burned information? Because 1000 calories burned at the gym would take a pretty monumental effort.

    I think the FitnessGeek is right on-
    Thanks for saying I am your role model! That is so nice!:bigsmile:

    You're welcome- it is so true!! Whenever I feel like this will take forever, I always think of your success. It keeps me on the path more often than I would be if I was trying to do this all alone. Your before and after pictures are the best inspiration!! I was so scared in the beginning that if I lost the weight I would be so saggy and look like those people on TV who have to have skin-ectomy surgeries. My goal is similar to your accomplishments and it makes me so happy to see your beautiful sleek tummy and nice tight arms! :blushing:

    Your accomplishments make me know that all this is possible for me too!

    tnemay: you won't "gain weight like instantly" but if you don't break the habits of taking your family to McDonalds, you will sabotage your success. My advice to you is to eat most or all of your exercise cals, and don't eat drive-thru food. If you know it is bad for you, why would you let your family have it? Retrain your kids now and they will have a much better shot at staying healthy for their whole lives long. Best wishes-
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    have to ask you if im not eating my excersize calories and maintaine about 1200 calories a day when i do have a week day like the weekends with the family at mcdonalds will i gain weight like instantly?

    You may gain some water weight; however, it takes approx 3500 cals above your maintenance calories to gain a pound of fat. So you'd have to eat around 5000-6000 calories at McDonalds or wherever that day to gain a pound.