Has anyone used the Andrew Johnson Weight Loss app?

I have been using it for a little over a week now and I think its working but I was just wondering if anyone else is using it or has used it in the past?


  • I just looked it up after your post... how are you liking it? Not sure if I'll like it though...
  • Jennis0212
    Jennis0212 Posts: 37 Member
    I like it. At first I wasnt sure because i was just falling asleep so I wasnt really convinced i would be getting anything from it but I think you are supposed to fall alseep. And to be honest with you it could just be in my head that its working but i do find that I am not munching because I am bored or grabbing something to eat because all i think about all day long is what i shouldnt be eating and that makes me want to eat even more. Idk its working for me i think. All of the reviews that I have read are mostly positive but I wanted to hear from other people. Sometimes I worry the reviews arent always from real people trying things.
  • I wonder the same thing... so I'll go ahead and buy the app and will get back to you in a week, so we can both have "real" reviews. :wink:
  • Jennis0212
    Jennis0212 Posts: 37 Member
    YAY! okay that makes it so much more fun. If it does really work its the best 2.99 I have ever spent in my life
  • greekygirl
    greekygirl Posts: 448 Member
    I hadn't heard of this app until I read this thread two days ago. I looked into it and was intrigued but didn't know if I should waste my time or money. After two days of research and contemplation, I bought it last night. It got lots of good reviews and I figured it can't hurt, it's only $2.99. I listened last night; it's interesting...and I'm curious to know if it really works when listened to every night....too easy? Too good to be true? Do any of you using it have any updates? Thanks!
  • Jennis0212
    Jennis0212 Posts: 37 Member
    Well i am day 12 and so far I seem to really like it. I dont find myself thinking of snacking so much which was my biggest down fall. I dont think its going to be a drastic difference all at once but I do believe it is working for me. I didnt really start noticing my munching changes until a few days into it so i am going to weigh myself on friday and hopefully i will have lost a pound or two.
  • bbabs99
    bbabs99 Posts: 51
    Just downloaded. Should be interesting. I need help to stop binge eating, and this could be it. Excited.
  • Jennis0212
    Jennis0212 Posts: 37 Member
    thats my problem exactly! i hope it works for you like its working for me so far. good luck :happy:
  • bbabs99
    bbabs99 Posts: 51
    thats my problem exactly! i hope it works for you like its working for me so far. good luck :happy:

    Here's to hoping! Thanks!
  • greekygirl
    greekygirl Posts: 448 Member
    So I've been using this app for a few weeks and so far it seems to be working for me. I haven't been craving as many sweets as I used to. But I've noticed I do have to use it every night or it doesn't seem to be as effective. But I'm pretty pleased with this app! Does anyone else have any updates on their progress using this?
  • Jennis0212
    Jennis0212 Posts: 37 Member
    you are so right! i was doing really good when i was using it daily and then i stopped for like a week and i felt like i binged. i just started using it again last night. it works for me as long as i do it every night.