Ways I cut back on my calories...

Ways I cut back on my calories...
I will admit, I love food, the bad kind of food. And me being a stay at home mom, I use to eat a lot of junk. With my 2yr old, I'd snack, and than when she's sleeping I'd get bored and eat some more. And that would be y I look like I do. So to cut back I made some real simple changes along with throwing out all the junk food. I thought I'd jot them down and maybe someone else can benefit from them, or perhaps someone will have more ideas/tricks I could try as well

Portion control. I was the type of person who made dinner and filled up the plates and it never seemed like it was a bad thing. I went out and bought salad size plates from the dollar store, and now when I make dinner I fill up one of the plates which is 1 serving (and not 4 like a dinner plate.) and I get the illusion that it's a full plate, and I do actually feel full when I'm done.

Along with lunch, I usually have a salad or a sandwhich. I switched to the heatlhy and light sandwich bread that is only 35 calories a slice. So my sandwich is around 100 calories together, and than i cut it in half and than in half again so there is 4 pieces, and I usually have been eating only 3 outa 4 pieces. Where as before I'd eat a sandwich and than a handful of chips with it.

Foods I love, and that I can't give up I altered so that I could have them, and not feel guilty about it. I love cheese burgers, I can never give them up. So once a month I make burgers using half ground turkey, and half xtra lean hamberger (to get the burger taste). I use a wrap, or use lettuce as a bun. Or last time I didn't have either so I used 1 piece of the 35 cal bread. my burger usually ends up being round the 250 calorie area. I use the ground turkey, and xtra lean hamberger mix for other things too, like meatloaf, taco meat, meatballs.

Making tacos...My 2nd fav food, I use the turkey/hamberger mix, or I use ground chicken, or fish. All 3 versions are xtremely delicious on whole grain taco shells, or fat free wraps.

My 3rd fav food is pizza! So I make homemade pizza. On fat free flatbread. italian or garlic and herb style. Put turkey, turkey bacon, cheese, olives, sauce, and tomatoes, and cheese and it's around 250 for the whole pizza. Or when you have to have the peporoni, and sauasage kinda pizza its between 300-400 calories.

Garlic bread was always something I'd put on my plate, now I make my own garlic bread with melba toast, garlic salt, and mozz cheese. Put in toaster oven for 2-3 minutes and it's 75 cals for 5 pieces.

I also use melba toast for salsa, peanut butter, cheese, etc. With 5pieces only being 50 cals you can't not eat it. Melba toast with laughing cow cheese is a great snack at only 85 calories.

And everyone loves ice cream...Skinny cow ice cream is delicious, and only 110-120 calories for an ice cream cone!!! Nothing beats a dessert like that! :)


  • egdanger1
    egdanger1 Posts: 59 Member
    I also had a huge problem with portion control. I have started using the salad plates for my dinner plate. It has really helped a lot. I like the idea of mixing the ground turkey and the lean ground beef. But I am afraid of this one because my husband does not like turkey burgers at all.

    All in all, these are very good tips. Thank you!!!
  • tinglesby
    tinglesby Posts: 96 Member
    thanks so much for the tips! im so gonna try the pizza!! :)
  • mrsjohnson75
    mrsjohnson75 Posts: 182 Member
    These are some great tips!
  • Cbcarter08
    Cbcarter08 Posts: 33 Member
    Great tips! Im going to start some of these.
  • ashleighjoy2007
    ashleighjoy2007 Posts: 150 Member
    I also had a huge problem with portion control. I have started using the salad plates for my dinner plate. It has really helped a lot. I like the idea of mixing the ground turkey and the lean ground beef. But I am afraid of this one because my husband does not like turkey burgers at all.

    All in all, these are very good tips. Thank you!!!

    Maybe he'd like it if he didn't know? You could do 75% beef and 25% turkey in the beginning and see if he notices lol. My gramma buys fat free milk and puts it in a 2% jug, light mayo and puts it in a different container, and frozen yogurt but keeps it in a different container. My grandpa hates fat free milk, light mayo and frozen yogurt. So she tricks him and he doesn't know the difference. Sometimes its all in their heads =]
  • ashleighjoy2007
    ashleighjoy2007 Posts: 150 Member
    I love the mixing turkey with ground beef idea! I'm in the process of altering my favorite recipies to make them low cal too!

    And honestly, I didn't even know there was such a thing as ground chicken and ground fish. This could be fun, thanks so much!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
  • saritag79
    Very good tips. Yes I was the same way and I use to think I was the only one like this. But glad to see i'm not. We all know the first step is to be honest with ourselves and our habits. Thanks!!
    As for the "beef eating" husband,Honey just make what you're going to make don't tell and well hope for the best. My husband knew just by looking at the meat that it was NOT BEEF!!!!! OH NO, HIS WORLD IS COMING TO AN END. I told him it didn't hurt him, he's not sick, and his stomach is full. He says "yes and it was pretty good". I didn't take beef completely out of my cooking but just opened my family's door to try new things. Give it a shot. He'll come around.
  • Gottastop
    Gottastop Posts: 67 Member
    I second the he might not even know.
    The cost of good quality lean ground beef has gone up so much....I can't remember the last time I bought it.
    I've been using Jennie-O 93/7 ground turkey for about the past yr; the only real difference is in color.
    I've found that if you add some beef soup base or A-1 steak sauce or Heinz57 they don't know.
    Also I always put onion powder in it so that might help too.

    Also burgers made with a turkey/beef mixture taste completely different than a straight turkey burger, especially if all you've tried is the pre-made frozen kind

    I also had a huge problem with portion control. I have started using the salad plates for my dinner plate. It has really helped a lot. I like the idea of mixing the ground turkey and the lean ground beef. But I am afraid of this one because my husband does not like turkey burgers at all.

    All in all, these are very good tips. Thank you!!!

    Maybe he'd like it if he didn't know? You could do 75% beef and 25% turkey in the beginning and see if he notices lol. My gramma buys fat free milk and puts it in a 2% jug, light mayo and puts it in a different container, and frozen yogurt but keeps it in a different container. My grandpa hates fat free milk, light mayo and frozen yogurt. So she tricks him and he doesn't know the difference. Sometimes its all in their heads =]
  • Iamachocaholic
    LOVE LOVE LOVE these ideas ... gonna steal a bunch of them ... thank you so much!
  • applebobbrush
    applebobbrush Posts: 235 Member
    Ground turkey goes awesome in meatloaf too. My husband couldn't taste the turkey.

    half turkey, half hamburger (lean), onion, ground triscuit crackers, egg, bbq sauce in and on top....Delish. It's actually a recipe from Men's Health magazine.
  • tschmelzer
    I also had a huge problem with portion control. I have started using the salad plates for my dinner plate. It has really helped a lot. I like the idea of mixing the ground turkey and the lean ground beef. But I am afraid of this one because my husband does not like turkey burgers at all.

    All in all, these are very good tips. Thank you!!!

    I do this too!! The salad plates are plenty big to fit what I need on them. I also use our small bowls for cereal etc. Makes me feel like I have more food which is exciting. It is all psychological!!!
  • egdanger1
    egdanger1 Posts: 59 Member
    I also had a huge problem with portion control. I have started using the salad plates for my dinner plate. It has really helped a lot. I like the idea of mixing the ground turkey and the lean ground beef. But I am afraid of this one because my husband does not like turkey burgers at all.

    All in all, these are very good tips. Thank you!!!

    Maybe he'd like it if he didn't know? You could do 75% beef and 25% turkey in the beginning and see if he notices lol. My gramma buys fat free milk and puts it in a 2% jug, light mayo and puts it in a different container, and frozen yogurt but keeps it in a different container. My grandpa hates fat free milk, light mayo and frozen yogurt. So she tricks him and he doesn't know the difference. Sometimes its all in their heads =]

    I LIKE THIS IDEA!!! Thanks!!!
  • rnaycheslock
    My husband as well will not eat turkey burgers, and thats when I started mixing the 2. I didn't tell him tell after I made a few things with it like meatloaf, meatballs, taco meat, and hambergers. After he ate everything, and said it was good, I told him what I did, he didn't believe me at first, but now he eats it knowing, and without hesitation. :)