Workout for beginners

Clinno Posts: 123 Member
edited 12:22AM in Introduce Yourself
Hi all,

I am fairly new to this whole dieting/exercise regime and It's really hard to know where to start as far as working out goes.
I have been doing lots of walking and some light weights and I'm starting to feel great but all of the workouts I could find online I diddn't feel I was quite prepared for until I found this one:

It seems very lame at first but it really does work, at the very least a good foundation for more exercise :)

P.S if anybody has any more links for the novice exerciser Please do share!

Cheers, Clint


  • Hi ...
    How are you doing?
  • Hi!

    I try to mix up cardio and weight training. I get bored very easily.

    I'm currently starting my exercise regiman all over. My goal is to do cardio 3 times a week (starting at 30 minutes a day.) And weight training 3 times a week (starting with 30-45 minutes.)

    My issue is trying to stick to it.

    good luck.
  • You should start with telling us what is your goal and then we can recommend you something ;)
  • Clinno
    Clinno Posts: 123 Member
    I am 79kg 172cm tall I think 23% fat 40% muscle and I want to be about 72kg and mostly muscle, but fit - not just superficial :)
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    Starting Strength gets a lot of recommendations. seems like a lot of people like it a lot.
  • Clinno
    Clinno Posts: 123 Member
    What is this starting strength you speak of? Is laces out an ace Ventura reference? Love that movie, if not excuse my rant :)
  • Laces_0ut
    Laces_0ut Posts: 3,750 Member
    is a weightlifting program for people who are starting out. always heard great things. and yes my name is in reference to Ace Ventura. :D Bumble bee tuna!
  • Clinno
    Clinno Posts: 123 Member
    Hah! Thanx I'll check it out. I only have a bench press though, no gym membership yet :l
  • Well you seem to have to loose some kgs and burn body fat. I would recommend first to start with nutrition, choosing right food is the most important thing. Only cardio exercises can help you with that. Forget about diets concentrate on cardio. You should burn 600 calories daily by doing cardio, then you can eat most of your RIGHT food you like. Choose cardio exercises that you like most. Don't force yourself to do what you don't like. If this happen then you will loose motivation.
    I would personaly recommend to get kettlebells. Swinging kettlebells is an amazing exersice where you do cardio and strength training together in one time. This could be your start. You can do this at home.
    Check this guy here:
    He shows amazing workout, try ;)
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    have a look at Biggest loser 30 day jump start. It seems quite ok. I'm doing Biggest loser Bootcamp and it kicks my butt every day. There is a beginner level and a more intense level.
  • PBJunky
    PBJunky Posts: 737 Member
    Starting Strength gets a lot of recommendations. seems like a lot of people like it a lot.

    This^ don't waste your time with other ****, get started with compound exercises and build it from there...6 months on SS you will have a great foundation to add isolation exercises and start focusing on your weaker areas
  • adross3
    adross3 Posts: 606 Member
    P90X is the best but costly.

    Insanity will get you win shape. I don't think that you need any equiptment.
  • PBJunky
    PBJunky Posts: 737 Member
    P90X is the best but costly.

    Insanity will get you win shape. I don't think that you need any equiptment.

    P90X, you hardly gain any mass...looks like this scrawny dude below.

  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    P90X is the best but costly.

    Insanity will get you win shape. I don't think that you need any equiptment.

    P90X, you hardly gain any mass...looks like this scrawny dude below.


    That's only if you follow their diet which has you eating under maintenance. People who buy the program are not usually looking to gain mass, but to lose weight. On the other hand, I can show you plenty of other pictures of people who did gain mass because they ate differently than that guy.
  • PBJunky
    PBJunky Posts: 737 Member
    P90X is the best but costly.

    Insanity will get you win shape. I don't think that you need any equiptment.

    P90X, you hardly gain any mass...looks like this scrawny dude below.


    That's only if you follow their diet which has you eating under maintenance. People who buy the program are not usually looking to gain mass, but to lose weight. On the other hand, I can show you plenty of other pictures of people who did gain mass because they ate differently than that guy.

    Would love to see pics of people using the P90X that achieved an impressive physique =)
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I'll ask a couple of my FB friends if it's OK to post their pictures here and be back later if they say yes. My friend Mike is one example that I would like to show you, and he is totally ripped. I just think ANY decent strength training program along with decent nutrition can help someone gain mass.

    Shoot, maybe I'll dig up my own little bicep picture for you. I wasn't trying to bulk at all, but that's a long story anyway. Basically I was having issues with food, and some people with wonderful intentions told me to eat I did. And I was doing P90X at the time (this was 2008) and I gained 5 pounds, but wasn't much fatter. I did, however, have arms with totally defined muscles that I was proud of, lol. I kinda miss that, but now I know better what to do and am working hard to get there.
  • PBJunky
    PBJunky Posts: 737 Member
    I'll ask a couple of my FB friends if it's OK to post their pictures here and be back later if they say yes. My friend Mike is one example that I would like to show you, and he is totally ripped. I just think ANY decent strength training program along with decent nutrition can help someone gain mass.

    Shoot, maybe I'll dig up my own little bicep picture for you. I wasn't trying to bulk at all, but that's a long story anyway. Basically I was having issues with food, and some people with wonderful intentions told me to eat I did. And I was doing P90X at the time (this was 2008) and I gained 5 pounds, but wasn't much fatter. I did, however, have arms with totally defined muscles that I was proud of, lol. I kinda miss that, but now I know better what to do and am working hard to get there.

    Would appreciate it as I know P90X is mostly based on bodyweight exercises and small weights, curious to see what mass people have gained.
  • Clinno
    Clinno Posts: 123 Member
    Well you seem to have to loose some kgs and burn body fat. I would recommend first to start with nutrition, choosing right food is the most important thing. Only cardio exercises can help you with that. Forget about diets concentrate on cardio. You should burn 600 calories daily by doing cardio, then you can eat most of your RIGHT food you like. Choose cardio exercises that you like most. Don't force yourself to do what you don't like. If this happen then you will loose motivation.
    I would personaly recommend to get kettlebells. Swinging kettlebells is an amazing exersice where you do cardio and strength training together in one time. This could be your start. You can do this at home.
    Check this guy here:
    He shows amazing workout, try ;)

    Thanx for that, I'll check that video out tomorrow :)
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