SHRED Group Friday Nov 11th


Ive done SHRED before, and loved it, although I fell off my slim wagon, and am starting SHRED again tomorrow. It takes dedication, but is approx 27 minutes including a warm up and cool if youre up for it let me know and we can keep each other motivated!!Ill be checking in every day!

My profile pic is me half way through it last time, in August or something.


  • TheCeebles
    There are 6 of us in a group starting it tomorrow if you wanna join :)
  • dreamtoned10
    dreamtoned10 Posts: 163 Member
    Wheres your group I cant find it!!! Bump it for me, and Ill join it and then delete this topic!
  • zumbalove29
    zumbalove29 Posts: 23 Member
    Hey guys, Id like to start with you! I did it a year ago but never finished it due to health issues. Im new to this (just started yesterday) so just let me know where to go! Thanks
  • dreamtoned10
    dreamtoned10 Posts: 163 Member
    I just found it!! Its in the Groups tab at the top of the website page.... type in 11 11...thats what I did and it appeared! woohoo!! There are now 8 of us :)