Starting Couch to 5K today!



  • Liss416
    Liss416 Posts: 209 Member
    Hey guys... is it too late to join this thread? Tomorrow I'm going to finish week 4... I don't have convenient access to a treadmill, so I'm running outside... though it's starting to get cold, so I may rethink my plan...hahaha... I love running... my issue is that I WANT/NEED to do it every day, but my body can't handle it. If I run more than 3 days in a row, my knees start to hurt... and now the top of my foot hurts (weird, right???). So I have to cross train, which is fine, but lately my other options are not as "fun" as running... On a funny note, I have four boys (2-3-8-10) and they all want to run with me... so they've been jogging with me... it's a riot... we only go around the block, because the little ones want to run too... we're talking about doing a family fun run this spring...

    Have a great night all (or day depending on the time zone)!

  • amandarae1980
    amandarae1980 Posts: 23 Member
    I started couch to 5k at the beginning of the summer and now I actually think of myself as a runner. Generally, I now run (3) 5ks a week....mostly because I enjoy it. NEVER in a million years did I think those words would leave my mouth. Good luck, stick to it, it really does work. :)
  • budgetqueen79
    budgetqueen79 Posts: 310 Member
    I just got my treadmill put up yesterday to start.
  • That program did wonders for me. I just finished week 8 and my 5K is on Thanksgiving day...just 2 weeks away. Day 1, I was counting my footsteps to get through the 60 second runs. Today, I ran 28 minutes straight, no problem. You can do it too! Just follow the program, get good running shoes, and enjoy the burn. It will change your life!
  • flabulous4
    flabulous4 Posts: 599 Member
    Disappointed. After my highly successful day the other day, I thought I'd have it made today.
    I ran outside again instead of the treadmill and I couldn't quite finish the last part. I had to stop two minutes short. I had a really hard time breathing. :-( I wish I knew what the factor was...the cold air? the terrain vs. the treadmill? was the speed significantly different? I just don't know. I guess I'll just repeat this week until I can nail it. Definitely not giving up....but disappointed. I had really thought I'd turned a corner.

    When I started I found that I could run 20 minutes plus on the treadmill....and about 2 minutes outside! It is just different but your body will get used to it (surprisingly quickly) and running outside is much nicer overall. I'm doing my 5th 5K race tomorrow!
  • Liss416
    Liss416 Posts: 209 Member
    I just finished week 4 day 3... it's such an adrenaline rush... I can't wait for week 5!

    Good luck, flabulous4, on tomorrow's race! Please give us an update when it's over!
  • Scott_P
    Scott_P Posts: 95 Member
    I completed this months ago, and the best thing I can say is do it outside, get running shoes, listen to your body, and go at a Pace that is comfortable for you. You will struggle some days and others you will sail through your run and think "that's it?".
    On your bad runs don't give up, don't let it deter you from your next run.
    Good job for starting this program. You won't regret it. I know I dont.
  • conchita962
    conchita962 Posts: 327 Member
    Disappointed. After my highly successful day the other day, I thought I'd have it made today.

    I ran outside again instead of the treadmill and I couldn't quite finish the last part. I had to stop two minutes short. I had a really hard time breathing. :-( I wish I knew what the factor was...the cold air? the terrain vs. the treadmill? was the speed significantly different? I just don't know. I guess I'll just repeat this week until I can nail it. Definitely not giving up....but disappointed. I had really thought I'd turned a corner.
    Thanks! It was actually *gasp* fun! I couldn't believe it. :)
    I just completed Week 4, Day 1! It was the easiest one yet, I can't believe it. It was the first one that I've done on the treadmill and I was not looking forward to it, but it was great. I'm wondering if I found it so much easier to breathe, etc. because of the treadmill instead of outdoors or another factor?

    Actually...the longer you run the easier it gets! Your body finally gets a chance to warm up, your heart rate and breathing settles! Now is when it gets good!

    Keep going!


    Don't give up and don't feel like you should've done this or that or that you failed. It's a learning curve. On days when you feel like you're breathing too hard just slow your pace down a bit or walk for 30 seconds. It will help alot. NOTHING wrong with that. It's better to walk or slow down than to quit. And just because you missed 2 minutes doesn't mean you have to repeat an entire week .
    You should feel proud every single time you run..regardless of where, how, good, bad, how fast, how slow..does not matter. You have the rest of your life to improve of little things..right now just finish. You'll do great !!
  • flabulous4
    flabulous4 Posts: 599 Member
    You should feel proud every single time you run..regardless of where, how, good, bad, how fast, how slow..does not matter.

    I'm taking that one to heart!

    Today's race update:
    Beautiful day BUT lots of rain had come down in the night so it was a bit of a mudbath - we were skidding around at the start and I had to slow down for all the corners because it was so boggy! Plus must admit that I had a couple of glasses of wine last night so not really on my best form.
    Time: 30:03 - just over 2 minutes slower than last week's run. EEK!
    BUT I still really enjoyed it - about halfway round I decided to just stop worrying about the time and enjoy the scenery, and at one point I even forgot that I was running up a hill.
    Next week, weather permitting, I'll be back under 30 minutes. Looking forward to getting out tomorrow and finishing week 4 of Bridge to 10K!
  • Liss416
    Liss416 Posts: 209 Member
    That's so great flabulous4! It must have been so much fun - soggy, but fun!

    I just finished week 5 day 1... am eager to do day 2 with the 8 min. runs... is the format for bridge to 10k similar? did you go from c25k straight to the bridge? Do you run everyday? if not, what do you do for cross training? I don't have convenient gym access (or rather, no one to watch my 4 kids so I can go the gym) - so I do exercise videos... I've been kickboxing and c25k'ing it... but I think my body is getting used to kickboxing and I should mix it up...hmm what do to do... I'm tempted to ask for p90x for Christmas... Has anyone done that?

    Must go... Have a great night!
  • flabulous4
    flabulous4 Posts: 599 Member
    Format for bridge to 10K is as follows:

    Week 1 Duration: 53 min.
    Run 10 min/walk 1 min Repeat x 4.

    Week 2 Duration: 57 min.
    Run 15 min/walk 1 min. Repeat x 3.

    Week 3 Duration: 63 min.
    Run 17 min/walk 1 min. Repeat x 3.

    Week 4 Duration: 66 min.
    Run 18 min/walk 1 min. Repeat x 3.

    Week 5
    Day 1: Duration: 55 min.
    Run 22 min/walk 1 min. Repeat x 2.

    Day 2: Duration: 61 min. Run 25 min/walk 1 min. Repeat x 2.

    Day 3: Duration: 71 min. Run 30 min/walk 1 min. Repeat x 2.

    Week 6 Duration: 70 min.
    Run 60 min.

    There's a group just started up on here for it as well.

    I did c25K and then I just ran 5K 3 times a week for a few weeks before deciding to do bridge to 10K. I run 4 times a week at the moment, 3 sessions of bridge to 10K and a 5K on Saturday mornings. Must admit that that's it for me at the moment - I was doing 30 day shred with the other half and I need to get back to it but life has been busy - can't imagine how you manage with 4 kids, 2 is more than enough for me!
  • Liss416
    Liss416 Posts: 209 Member
    I just did week 5 day 2... so far so good. I think I am going to follow your footsteps, flabulous4 and do several weeks of 5k's a couple days a week before starting the bridge... maybe I'll wait until spring? We'll see how much outdoor running I can do... Thanks for giving me the breakdown of the bridge... it looks so intimidating... BUT so did c25k at first...

    I'm so hooked on running... I love burning so many calories!!!

    Flabulous... do you have boys, girls, one of each? I have boys only (and not wanting a girl... 4's

    Have a great weekend, everyone!
  • flabulous4
    flabulous4 Posts: 599 Member
    Heh heh...I have 2 boys, 5 and 3.

    B210K looks scary but I'm finding it OK. In some ways I think it's hard once you've begun running for over 20 minutes to go back to the interval training. The first time it was really odd and doing the extra 10 minutes was tough...but you get used to it. Looking forward to next week (week 5) when it's down to 1 walk break and duration goes up...although I may not be saying that on Thursday!

    Good running all!
  • Christi6604
    Christi6604 Posts: 246 Member
    Thanks for the support! I ran week 4, day 3 yesterday, on the treadmill again....and it was great again. :) I think I'm going to stick with the treadmill to build my endurance and then start incorporating outside runs again. My outside route is very hilly and the whole thing is an maybe it's just a bit too challenging for me at this point.

    I also have an ankle that had been sprained twice in the past, that was swollen, so I will start wearing a brace.

    Glad yesterdays fun was enjoyable again!
  • Hi, I'm not doing the Couch to 5K but I have started a very similar programme which I found on line. Today was my first official day, though I have been going for mini walk jogs for the last week or two but decided I needed a programme to follow to give me some sort of focus. I am doing it in the mornings when kids are at school, little one is only part time so I have a limited time I can do it. I am going out locally and feel a tad self conscious but I am not giving in to that. I really want to raise my fitness levels and lose some more weight. Plus after 7 years of full time mummying, it's nice to have something different to think about!
  • asteria82
    asteria82 Posts: 10 Member
    I did it and it is a totally amazing program! I remember someone telling me early on "remember progress, not perfection." Even if you feel that you should be running at a faster what you can to finish the day. Even if you're running at a 4.0 speed :) Best of luck!
  • Liss416
    Liss416 Posts: 209 Member
    I just finished week 5 day 3... the 20 min run was fine... I didn't hit the 10 min wall, but didn't get a surge of energy after 10 min either... I'm thrilled I finished it... I used run keeper to track (just downloaded the app the other day... I LOVE IT)... I did 2 miles in during the run!!!! YAY!!!!

    I'm thinking of getting winter running gear... any ideas/brands? I've heard wear layers and wick materials...

    Hope everyone has a great week!
  • Liss416
    Liss416 Posts: 209 Member
    Just finished week 6 day 1... am pushing to run as frequently as I can... I start a new job on Thursday and my running window will be closing slightly.

    Have a great day!
  • Christi6604
    Christi6604 Posts: 246 Member
    I think I doomed myself here. Lol. I was WALKING a couple days ago and re-sprained my's a pretty mild sprain, so I'm wearing a brace and will take a couple weeks off depending on how I feel. Then, I'll jump back in.

    Any thoughts on how long I should take off? This ankle has been sprained 3 times now. The first sprain, about 11 years ago was quite severe, the second sprain, a few months ago was fine after two weeks.....clearly, I need to always wear a brace on that ankle now. ...but I'm wondering how much time I should really take off....I don't want to keep injuring myself! My general practitioner told me yesterday that she thinks that because this sprain is so mild, I should take a week off, see how I feel and could start incorporating exercise slowly again. Any other thoughts?
    - Christi

    Thanks for the support! I ran week 4, day 3 yesterday, on the treadmill again....and it was great again. :) I think I'm going to stick with the treadmill to build my endurance and then start incorporating outside runs again. My outside route is very hilly and the whole thing is an maybe it's just a bit too challenging for me at this point.

    I also have an ankle that had been sprained twice in the past, that was swollen, so I will start wearing a brace.

    Glad yesterdays fun was enjoyable again!
  • NPetrakis
    NPetrakis Posts: 164 Member
    excellent program, it works! If you find yourself repeating a particular week due to difficulty, don't worry. Just keep at it