Starting 30 Day Shred Tomorrow - Anyone wanna join



  • luhluhlaura
    luhluhlaura Posts: 278 Member
    I'm proud of us too :)
    yesterday night I was just like "no laura, don't do it. You really have to study blah blah" but I eventually picked myself up and reminded myself how crappy I would feel if I missed a day. It's all worth it! Great job everyone!

    Going to do L1 D6 tonight.
    I haven't been doing my normal runs 3-5 times per week though, so I'm disappointed :( I had a test tuesday, a test today, and I have a project due tomorrow! so I really haven't been able to make it to my gym. next week, I'll try to do both.
  • L1D3 (skipped last night -uh oh!) Back on the train.

    L1D3 was good. Feeling a difference already in making my body move. Still slackin on measurements though!
  • Firstwwjd
    Firstwwjd Posts: 11 Member
    I did it this morning and again tonight! The only problem is I'm having horrible pain in my shin after tonight's so we'll see how I'm doing tomorrow but I may have to take a rest tomorrow. I hope not though.
  • StormieL
    StormieL Posts: 78 Member
    I'm proud of us too :)
    yesterday night I was just like "no laura, don't do it. You really have to study blah blah" but I eventually picked myself up and reminded myself how crappy I would feel if I missed a day. It's all worth it! Great job everyone!

    Going to do L1 D6 tonight.
    I haven't been doing my normal runs 3-5 times per week though, so I'm disappointed :( I had a test tuesday, a test today, and I have a project due tomorrow! so I really haven't been able to make it to my gym. next week, I'll try to do both.

    good job. I think as far as trying to fit a workout in this is probably a good one..I mean 20 minutes is nothing in the scheme of a day :)
  • getfit009
    getfit009 Posts: 11 Member
    I totally agree Stormie!! I also love how L1 is divided into 3 sections.

    I just finished L1D4!! woooo hoooo
  • StormieL
    StormieL Posts: 78 Member
    sorry but does anyone else find the vacant smiles on Jillian's helpers faces a little off putting? I actually wish there was a version where you've already done it at least twice and know the routine pretty well and there wasn't as much of Jillian stopping to show us what her girls are doing to make it more clear for us...sorry just a bit of a rant..
  • Well tonight will be l1- day 3 for me I am alternating days with the C25K on my treadmill and the 30 day shred. Hoping it will give me the endurance I need to finish this level 1 with out any struggling and move on to level 2
  • Yvette711
    Yvette711 Posts: 12 Member
    L1D4 - I am starting to get use to the workout. I feel great getting it done first thing in the morining. I will need to find my measuring tape, so I can post before and after stats.
  • luhluhlaura
    luhluhlaura Posts: 278 Member
    sorry but does anyone else find the vacant smiles on Jillian's helpers faces a little off putting? I actually wish there was a version where you've already done it at least twice and know the routine pretty well and there wasn't as much of Jillian stopping to show us what her girls are doing to make it more clear for us...sorry just a bit of a rant..

    I hate hate hate it when she says to anita "It's so very hard, isn't it buddy? isn't it?" Lol I feel like Jillian is being so sarcastic!
  • luhluhlaura
    luhluhlaura Posts: 278 Member
    probably wont do the shred tonight :( I just got home after a long day at school and I have a tummy ache for some unknown reason... but I bought my 5lb-ers so I'll def be pushing myself tomorrow!
  • raisingbabyk
    raisingbabyk Posts: 442 Member
    I just finished L1D3 today
  • Duffeyl2
    Duffeyl2 Posts: 5 Member
    Im in!!!!
  • StormieL
    StormieL Posts: 78 Member
    so it's been almost a week of this. today is my weekly weigh in day, no weight loss but I'm not going to feel bad about that since I can't lose every week. especially when i'm noticing a difference in my clothes and cardio fitness already.
  • I am down .4 small lost but happy with it.

    I am glad that I am taking my time and getting some exercise in I missed yesterday but I will be doubling up today.
  • luhluhlaura
    luhluhlaura Posts: 278 Member
    skipped yesterday, doing L1D7 today in about 20 mins :) I'm considering doing it twice but idk, we'll see!
  • getfit009
    getfit009 Posts: 11 Member
    StormieL that is awesome that you are already seeing a difference in your fitness and clothing!! Imagine what you will be like in 3 weeks time!!

    I have completed D5 and D6 yesterday and today. I am going away on a school camp on Monday and won't be back until Friday and won't be able to shred it up while I'm away. I can't decide if I should do an extra week of L1 when I get back or go straight onto L2... any thoughts?
  • I want to join I orders my DVD it should be here in a couple of days
  • daydream58
    daydream58 Posts: 572 Member
    I do a lot of activities and many many workout DVDs so that I usually don't repeat something for about a month. BUT I did try (finally) 30DS last night and I have a question for you. On the crunches, when she says don't engage your neck, leave your neck out of it!

    HOW? How do you isolate your neck and take it out of the equation? She said look at the ceiling and while I think that helped a little, I felt my neck was still pretty involved, which is why I never EVER was good at crunches. I also have to REALLY concentrate to stick my butt out to make sure my knee never goes out over my toes... that is hard for everyone or just me?

    Just wondering what your success is with these issues and any tips on improving my form?
  • StormieL
    StormieL Posts: 78 Member
    I do a lot of activities and many many workout DVDs so that I usually don't repeat something for about a month. BUT I did try (finally) 30DS last night and I have a question for you. On the crunches, when she says don't engage your neck, leave your neck out of it!

    HOW? How do you isolate your neck and take it out of the equation? She said look at the ceiling and while I think that helped a little, I felt my neck was still pretty involved, which is why I never EVER was good at crunches. I also have to REALLY concentrate to stick my butt out to make sure my knee never goes out over my toes... that is hard for everyone or just me?

    Just wondering what your success is with these issues and any tips on improving my form?
    i find it really helps if you make sure to always look up and concentrate on pulling from your belly button. Like she says pull your belly button into the ground. Unless you're Anita you're probably going to use your neck a bit :)
  • lequire
    lequire Posts: 20 Member
    Yea I'm down to start this again! I bought it a few months ago and did it for two weeks before I got bored. It was really challenging and I thought I was in pretty good shape so that wasn't the issue but I might as well pick it back up again.

    That's so great that people are already seeing differences in their clothes and fitness!!! My only thing is I need to figure out a specific time to schedule it in. I run in the mornings and lift weights on my lunch break so I guess I'll be doing it right after work.