
I know it took longer then a day to put the weight on so it is going to take much longer then that to take it off but it is extremely frustrating when I've lost almost 20lbs and went to try on new winter coats and when I put on a womens XL (my normal size) I felt like the hulk about ready to rip out of the darn thing...then on top of that my clothes are not fitting much better except my jeans are falling of my butt and it's still not enough to go down to a smaller size...just seriously frustrated right now!

Not a cry for compliments just wanted to vent to people I know would understand!


  • sk2775
    sk2775 Posts: 703 Member
    You are just in-between sizes right now...which is totally annoying. It use to totally frustrated me, but now I usually end up getting the size smaller as I know that i"ll fit into that in a week or month from now. Having the size smaller jeans or top just motivates me to keep working-out and eating healthy (as i want to fit in those nicely).
  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    I never got smaller clothes until I lost 35lbs.
  • madubil
    madubil Posts: 131 Member
    I understand. Completely. Its very frustrating to know youre working hard, and making changes that are so slow in paying off. But... you'll be around longer to enjoy your success, and you will have success if you keep plugging away at it. I promise you. We have a similar amt to lose- and I'm down 10 after two months of darn near killing myself- it makes me want to scream- but I believe I'm worth it- and it will pay off.
  • Isrn2
    Isrn2 Posts: 160
    Totally annoyed along with you! I've lost 26 pounds in 4 1/2 months. I know that's a healthy, sustainable weight loss, but I'm feeling so frustrated when I think about the fact that it's going to take another year to reach my first goal weight.

    I'm not feeling like my clothes are fitting much better, but other people say they can see a difference. I'm losing a ltitle steam and trying to stay motivated.

    Keep up the good work!!
  • court182
    court182 Posts: 307
    I know what you mean! The scale says I've lost 12 pounds, but some of my clothes fit the same. I know I've gained muscle though and I'm sure you have too! Don't get discouraged...keep it up! :)
  • tmwalsh88
    I completely understand! I have such a hard time finding clothes that fit me well! I used to be a competitive swimmer (hence the weight gain...kept eating like a swimmer even though I wasn't swimming anymore) and it was hard then to find clothes that fit my body too. Maybe it's increased muscle mass? When I was swimming I always had to get bigger sizes because of my shoulders/back not fitting into things. It was always so frustrating to have a dress fit perfectly and then not be able to zip up the last few inches.

    Now, though I almost wish I had those problems. The reason my clothes don't fit well now is definitely not from muscle! I was diagnosed with PCOS this summer and most of my weight goes to my middle urgh! So my waistline is way bigger than the rest of my body and I feel so disproportionate. But now I'm venting! We'll all get there eventually!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Since you have almost 80 pounds to lose.. It's going to take a while before you start seeing any changes up top, as that is the last area to go for most women.

    I only have roughly 30 pounds to lose, and nothing really changed until I was half way/nearing the end of my weight loss... and it took me almost 11 months to lose 28 pounds.

    As far as pants go, belts and a tailor are going to be your best friend. Instead of buying new jeans, I just took them all to a tailor and had the waist taken in.. heck of a lot cheaper then buying all new clothes!
  • monroe61
    monroe61 Posts: 620 Member
    Thank you everyone...and good job/luck with all that you have done and are doing!

    I am happy I lost 18lbs and I didn't start losing weight until I joined MFP approx. 14 weeks ago and my original goal was set at 1lb/week so I'm technically doing better then expected...just was annoyed by the fact that I felt like if I lifted my arms my coat was going to bust apart at the seams!! LOL

    I think part of my frustration comes from my wonderful hubby in this journey with me and the fact he has lost 40lbs already and now weighs LESS then me (makes me sick knowing I am heavier then him) But I know men lose faster/easier because of the hormone difference...blah blah blah!!
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    I understand completely. I, too, am having the in-between-sizes blues.

    I went to try on a new jacket and had the same thing happen so I decided to just deal with the bagginess of my current one until next year.

    My biggest issue is jeans. I know my waist is going down because my husband had to drill 2 new holes into my belt but even though my husband says my butt is getting smaller too, I can't really tell. I have hated spending money on clothes since I gained weight and nothing looked right and I still hate it now that I am losing the weight (and still nothing looks right lol). I am going to have to make an exception for jeans though. My few pairs of jeans that actually fit me are wearing out in the thighs, which is driving me nuts because this never happened to me at my heaviest.