New :/

I work part time as a Jager/Coors Light/Budweiser Girl and I havent had much luck keeping the weight off to look good during my shift or anywhere else for that matter. Alot of people around my area said this site works. I downloaded the app on my phone as well and they all said to say hi and make friends and get some help until they can get on to help me. So I guess this is my plea for help :)


  • Football_N_Guns
    Football_N_Guns Posts: 297 Member
    Do you get free beer? Just kidding, welcome and good luck to you.
  • Hewitt347
    Actually yes :). As long as we get rid of our manditory trays of shots or cans. We offer free alcohol and swag (free stuff) and can drink some with you to coax you into buying more :p
  • jasmineheaven
    Welcome to the site and enjoy your stay! If you ever feel discouraged remember that there are others up here willing to give you advice and help you out :)
  • SoapyPonyLevine
    SoapyPonyLevine Posts: 685 Member
    Welcome to the site. Your job sounds awesome by the way, even though I don't know how I would do with all those free drinks.
    Best of luck to you, this site is great if you stick with it. I will now add you!
  • Hewitt347
    great thanks :)