Cheat Days

I've heard that having a "Cheat Day" can be helpful when you're watching what you eat. What do you think?


  • mrsc86
    mrsc86 Posts: 188 Member
    I do have a cheat meal twice a week - although I dont go crazy (my cals will skill be under 2000 before exercise)

    I find I am still losing each week. Maybe not as quick as I would without the cheats, but I still have my sanity!
  • brittanidigby
    brittanidigby Posts: 247 Member
    I have one cheat 'day' a month. :) I don't really care if I go over my calories that one day a month. But that's the only day I go over. :)
  • karinaes
    karinaes Posts: 570 Member
    cheat 'meals' are safer! (once or twice a week)
  • sandrahover
    sandrahover Posts: 33 Member
    I have to give my self one "cheat" meal a week. I plan it, look forward to it, and make it worth it. Ha! It keeps me straight the rest of the week. :happy:
  • rsdgirl
    rsdgirl Posts: 246 Member
    i get a cheat snack 2-3 times a week because for me meals arent hard to stay under cals but when i snack i find i go over faster , so thats just what i do, good luck
  • hyperheather
    I just had a cheat day because I was on a trip. I have felt totally guilty ever since:(
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    I fit foods i like into my calories. No need to cheat.
  • EmmieBaby
    EmmieBaby Posts: 1,235 Member
    I will have to occasional *cheat, what is this diet you speak of* days either for special occasions or when Im just in a rut and need the grease.
  • ldalbello
    ldalbello Posts: 207 Member
    I have a cheat day once in a while but I always regret it the next day. Last Saturday I had pizza, chinese food, a bottle of red wine and a few rum and cokes. I've been beating myself up about it all week.
  • mrsdeg1983
    If i am craving it, i will have it. Other wise i am more likely to over do it and fail. I do count them in to my calories.
  • doornumber03
    doornumber03 Posts: 221 Member
    i do a cheat meal once or twice a week.....i find that if i don't, i'm craving it alot more and then want to binge. Keep it in control and it's a great way to still satisfy the cravings.
  • therealkittymao
    therealkittymao Posts: 194 Member
    I am older (38) and so I try not to spend a whole DAY cheating (I just feel like it gets harder to keep weight off anyway once you're in your thirties, why risk it). I do try to honor my cravings by figuring a little bit of something I want into my daily calorie intake. And every once in a while I have a cheat meal, or cheat drinks with my friends. :) I think it actually really helps keep me on track, in the long run!
  • PreciousMissy
    I do have a cheat meal twice a week - although I dont go crazy (my cals will skill be under 2000 before exercise)

    I find I am still losing each week. Maybe not as quick as I would without the cheats, but I still have my sanity!

    Ditto. I don't count on the weekends, but I don't eat an entire cake either. I allow myself little bits of what I want then go back on plan on Monday.
  • jskaggs1971
    jskaggs1971 Posts: 371 Member
    You know, I've been calling them "cheat" meals, but is it cheating if I plan them and incorporate them into my day? I'm going to say no.

    Example: Over the weekend, I did some heavy housework (moving furniture, steam cleaning carpets, putting it all back to rights later), and then went for a run in the afternoon. For dinner, I ate about half a sausage pizza.

    Great nutrition? No.

    Within my calorie goals for the day and the week? Yep.

    I think I'm going to stop calling them cheat meals.
  • maemiller
    maemiller Posts: 439 Member
    ill have a cheat day here and there for something im craving like wings or pizza, you cant deprive yourself of your favorite foods. I just make sure that if i do eat something bad, that i can burn it off the next day
  • KelleFlr
    KelleFlr Posts: 142
    I think you have to be careful if you are serious about your weight loss. For me, I know 500 cal a day = 1lb a week, so if I want to stay on track I have to watch my calories. If I have a cheat day and go over calories, then I defeat my purpose.
    Also, if I eat candy or sweets, then I end up binging or craving more, so I have to just stay away from it. I am only about 6 weeks into this journey though so I am being more of a stickler for myself.
    I went for breakfast with a friend today and she asked if I was eating or drinking my meal today ( I sometimes have coffee with her and will have had my morning meal shake so won't eat). Cracker Barrel has yummy biscuits.... I usually go without.... I gave in today -- that's my 133 cal cheat -- sure I can burn the calories off but I also think about the fat and what all else (white bread) that I put in my body for no reason. So for me it wasn't worth it. It's a good lesson to remind me that I have other ways I'd rather 'spend' my calories... plus I keep track of my protein,carbs and fat. That biscuit was bad fat. (ok, enough of that, huh)
    Good luck with whatever you decide, thanks for letting me share my opinion. Best of luck on your weight loss journey as well. :bigsmile:
  • AndieCal
    I suppose it's everything in moderation. Like having one slice of pizza, not 3. Or having 3 tacoes and not 5 or 6. I'm mostly cutting down on the amount of food I eat. But I think once a week, I'll go ahead and have that dessert!