Losing Weight But Not Inches HELP!

Feeling very put down after losing 20 lbs since sept. And just today measuring myself I havent lost one inch! It scares me to think ive only lost water or muscle ive been trying to do this the right way and have been drinking LOTS of water. I know I need to excerise more but im trying to start off slow and build up to longer walks, excerises etc. So I need help advice motivation, and what do you think was this fat loss if I havent lost inches? Hw 274 cw 250


  • Lynnmt34
    I haven't lost a pound nor an inch!!!! :frown:
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    This is going to happen. For a while I was losing inches and no weight. Now I'm losing weight and no inches. Next month, I'll probably lose a little of both. That's just what happens. The important thing is that you're sticking to it and dong things the right way.
  • quietlywinning
    quietlywinning Posts: 889 Member
    You have lost fat, and not 20 pounds of water. Measuring is kind of tricky - getting the measurements from the exact same spot each time baffles me! I finally had to write down how many inches from my knee I had measured to get my thigh size.

    How are your clothes fitting? Depending on how much you have to lose, they should start to feel a bit looser at 20 pounds. Some people also lose in their faces, hands and feet, first. It may take awhile to really show they way you want it to show, but if you keep going, you will succeed. You can do this!
  • slavaheroyam
    I'm more or less in the same boat as you. I've lost about 16lbs in three months and I've lost probably an inch from my waist and hips and that was after my second week! My clothes have been fitting looser so while the tape measure hasn't shown any changes, I must be doing something good.
  • yasmine36
    yasmine36 Posts: 41 Member
    Same thing happened to me when I lost nearly 30 pounds (then gained it all back :( ) Even though the numbers said I wasnt losing, I felt better and when I looked in the mirror I felt very acomplished. Dont focus all on the weight and measurments but on how your body feels and how you feel about your body. STAY STRONG!
  • RoxyMoxie
    RoxyMoxie Posts: 38 Member
    Thnx for the motivation ..hang in there lynn