What made you decide to loose weight?

georgie0303 Posts: 6 Member
One of my close friends had a heart attack at home and nobody knew.

She was only a few years older than my, much thinner and healthier than me, But it made me realise the same could happen to me and my young children could be with me locked up in our house, they would be helpless.

I have managed to loose 63lb and I am only half way through.

Listening to Capital FM the other day made me remember the reasons why I began my journey the a healthier me and it has helped give me a boost. They asked what was the tipping point for a big change in your life?

I was wondering what other inspirational stories are out there, it may help give a kick start again to someone else.


  • aimeeturner
    aimeeturner Posts: 225 Member
    The thought of turning 40 in just one year. I set my goal to be in the best shape of my life on my 40th birthday.
  • udallmom101
    udallmom101 Posts: 564 Member
    My husband came home from a 12 hour work day and I was in the same spot, in my pj's, with the computer on my lap. That is the same position I was in when he left 12 hours prior. He told me I wasn't the woman he married and he would like to see that energetic, happy person again. It hurt, cut like a knife, but it was just what I needed to get going again!
  • Sooznine
    Sooznine Posts: 29 Member
    My son was telling me a story of something "funny" his friend said that included, incidentally, something about how his mom (me) was fat... my son didn't realize what he had said or that it had made such an impact on me.... but i decided then and there i was NOT going to be the 'fat mom'. My own mother was overweight and i always said i would never turn out like that... and i had. So i did something about it. 47lbs later, i'm almost there!
  • mandycasey
    mandycasey Posts: 274 Member
    A couple of things 4 me , my mum died suddenly from a stroke at 47 (she was in good health not over weight) and that got me thinking about me and my weight - didn't want my children to loose me that young especially if there was something i could do to prevent it.
    Also my photos from my holiday last june ( my before picture) I knew i was big but i never thought i looked that awful - until i saw the photos anyway.
  • My cholestorol level. I just turned 30. I was borer line high when I went to my primary doctor for the first time (establishing a new one). I quickly went home and decided to change. It also helps that I have a pending wedding to keep me motivated.

    I am looking to be here for a long time. To be healthy and the best I can be possibly for my little guy.
  • Peep_chic
    Peep_chic Posts: 369 Member
    Size 12 jeans were tight on me and I refused to buy a bigger size.
  • Ruchell
    Ruchell Posts: 236 Member
    You really have a motivating story...mine is much sillier in reality, but just as serious in my head. My son was about 5 months old when I saw a commercial of Brooke Burke jumping on the trampoline with her children. I realized if i kept up my habits I wouldn't have the energy to be that mom and I wouldn't be giving my son the best version of me. Later that same day I heard the statistic that children who have at least 1 obese/overweight parent are twice as like to be obese/overweight themselves. I knew I needed to make the healthier changes to be a better example to him and any children I have in the future. That day I put a picture of him and I on my fridge...he's a newborn in my arms, I'm at my heaviest weight and there's a bag of Burger King behind us on the table. It's been over a year and it works every time I look at it to remind me why I'm doing this. That was 59.5 lbs ago!

    Congrats on your success!
  • itsanot
    itsanot Posts: 89 Member
    My friend posted a picture of me on facebook taken at a pool party. I was in my suit shoving food in my mouth and it was so gross looking that something just clicked in my head that I had to do something and do it now!
  • skingszoo
    skingszoo Posts: 412 Member
    I never lost the final 15 from my pregnancy and when my father died I lost it I didn't care I ate terrible slipped into a depression and finally it hit me. I was young (25) when my father died. I was MAD that I lost him that young. I was NOT going to let my children feel that same way if they lost me too. I had to get control of my life. I was so focused for 4 months taking care of nobody but my father I lost myself. I needed ME back. He was gone and I needed to get my life back on track for my husband and kids. Dad wouldn't want me to live like I was unhappy and fat. I had to make him proud.
  • wiffe
    wiffe Posts: 224 Member
    My driver's license picture. H telling me he was leaving. I want to be able to run around with my girls. Still have about 40 more to go.
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    My mother died of colon cancer. I decided when I had kids I would help them to learn how to eat healthy and not have a bad relationship with food. When I was growing up, we had the clean plate club. I remember not being able to get up from the table and being miserably full.take what you want but eat what you take kind of thing. and when my dad remarried, my stepmom had weight issues and was always buying junk food. So as a preteen and teen, I was way over weight. I vowed to let my kids decide when they were full, not have a lot of junk(we still bake and have ice cream only in moderation) in the house and make sure they get enough exercise. All three of my boys are skinny although my oldest put on the freshman 15. I want to be around for grandkids as my parents never knew my kids. That is my main reason for wanting to get healthy. That and wearing cute clothes! And just because she was thin doesnt mean she didnt have health problems. You have to go to the dr and follow up to make sure you are healthy.
  • babylemonade
    babylemonade Posts: 250 Member
    Vanity.. It may not sound so inspirational, but it's become so much more than that now. I started this because my boyfriend started talking about working out and trying to lose weight, then he joined this site and started Insanity, and I felt like wow...I don't want to be the fat girlfriend when he's fit and healthy. In a way he motivated me, and now that we've both been doing this we feel great and accomplished. We're healthier and happier, and especially with each other. He always thought I was beautiful but he can't keep his hands off me even more so now.

    47 lbs later, I know that even if he weren't around anymore, I'd keep going on, for myself. Plus, I want to be proud of what I see in the mirror. I looked at myself recently in a group picture from junior year in high school and I looked HIDEOUS. My face was round and surrounded in fat with my double chin. I was disgusted by it. I'm done being depressed and feeling ugly :)
  • I had just turned 50 and was very unhappy I didn't go out alot because I didn't like the way I looked. then the turning point was when my Daughters wedding pictures came back and I saw myself It made me sick I knew I was over weight but didn't fully realize how bad I had gotten as I rarely looked in the mirror and didn't dare step on a scale.. The pictures of me truley motivated me to get real this time and lose the weight! and I am happy to say a little over a year later I am down 50 pounds with 10 more to go for my goal weight. the changes? I get out alot more, Im happier, I made some friends I can go walking with, I get to wear cute cloths for a change instead of over sized tee's and sweats, My health is pretty good and my self esteem has greatly Improved..:happy:
  • georgie0303
    georgie0303 Posts: 6 Member
    Wow. These stories are great.

    Sometime just remembering why we started can keep us going,
  • georgie0303
    georgie0303 Posts: 6 Member
    My husband came home from a 12 hour work day and I was in the same spot, in my pj's, with the computer on my lap. That is the same position I was in when he left 12 hours prior. He told me I wasn't the woman he married and he would like to see that energetic, happy person again. It hurt, cut like a knife, but it was just what I needed to get going again!

    Me too. I had naps in the afternoon when my kids did! eventually getting to the point my farm on face book was more maintained than my house. lol
  • doornumber03
    doornumber03 Posts: 221 Member
    my wife and daughter. My wife started exercising to be a good example to our at the time...2 year old daughter. She went so far with it that she did a Marathon. I still did the i'm going to get to the gym some time.....but after all the excuses i made, i knew that i was the one setting the bad example. Having high blood pressure and being just a blob also didnt hurt..... I'm happy to report my daughter now sees me going to the gym all the time and is starting to ask if she can come with me. I love the fact i can keep up with her now!
  • jmclowser
    jmclowser Posts: 14 Member
    I'm a 2 year cancer survior, I have a 3 year old, my husband has cancer and my parents aren't getting any younger. I know that all of these wonderful people are depending on me to be here. I love them and they love me. I need to be the best I can be, for myself and for them.
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    I went to the doctor and for some reason or another seeing the scale say 206 lbs just gave me the motivation to lose. In the first 12 weeks I lost 36 lbs, and that TRULY motivated me to go forward... now I'm up to 50 but I reached a plateau. Still not giving up until I get it all off though.
  • spacecase76
    spacecase76 Posts: 673 Member
    my cholesterol was high and, I officially weighed (half a pound) more than I did 9 months pregnant. :grumble:
  • georgie0303
    georgie0303 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm a 2 year cancer survior, I have a 3 year old, my husband has cancer and my parents aren't getting any younger. I know that all of these wonderful people are depending on me to be here. I love them and they love me. I need to be the best I can be, for myself and for them.

    Well done. You have fought for so much, Keep it going
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