I need help!

So I've been hanging around the same weight for almost 2 months now. My sister is gone for 6 weeks, & the plan was for her to see a visible difference when she returns. I'm now into week 2 with no movement on the scale. I'm staying under my calories and doing my exercises. I do the Leslie Sansone mile 1 & 2. Should I be changing it up more to get different results? Any advice would be appreciated.
Also, my DH and I would love to start ttc, but my weight is our hold back. At the rate it's going, it's getting mighty tempting to simply throw in the towel & go for it. Fat & all....but I know that's not what I really want.
Motivate me!
Give me Advice!
I'll be indebted forever!


  • LadyOfOceanBreeze
    LadyOfOceanBreeze Posts: 762 Member
    Hey there! come on over to the challenge:


    would like to see you here:happy:

    never too late, we do it every month:flowerforyou:
  • Gharley64
    Gharley64 Posts: 37 Member
    I don't know about you, but all I need to do is look at a pic of my fat *kitten* self and my focus is back.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    are you eating your exercise calories? how far under your goal are you each day? do you drink enough water? are you tracking sodium?
    a change up from your exercise would help a lot :)
  • jinx119
    I know excatly how you feel last week I was feeling the same way because despite my efforts my weight also had not budged... Just like you I was tempted to quit... then I started thinking about why I wanted to lose the weight... I wanted to lose 10kg and make a good impression on my in-laws who are coming to visit next month from India. It was then I decided I wanted to succeed more than I wanted to quit.

    I've always hated exercise so to get back on track I made exercise about fun not about losing weight, the more fun exercise was the more exercise i wanted to do. The first day after picking myself back up was hard but each day after that got easier.... what I'm trying to say is... the scale is not telling you what you want to hear right now so forget the scale and instead recommit to yourself, try a new activity that you enjoy and when your body starts to feel good making the right decisions will be easier.

    I know it's not much but it helped me and I hope it helps you! :)
  • msmitch
    so true, however i'm finding that there is a reason i am always behind the camera instead of in front of it!
  • msmitch
    I know excatly how you feel last week I was feeling the same way because despite my efforts my weight also had not budged... Just like you I was tempted to quit... then I started thinking about why I wanted to lose the weight... I wanted to lose 10kg and make a good impression on my in-laws who are coming to visit next month from India. It was then I decided I wanted to succeed more than I wanted to quit.

    I've always hated exercise so to get back on track I made exercise about fun not about losing weight, the more fun exercise was the more exercise i wanted to do. The first day after picking myself back up was hard but each day after that got easier.... what I'm trying to say is... the scale is not telling you what you want to hear right now so forget the scale and instead recommit to yourself, try a new activity that you enjoy and when your body starts to feel good making the right decisions will be easier.

    I know it's not much but it helped me and I hope it helps you! :)

    you are so true. i need to throw out the scale. I always weigh morning & evening - I think im a scale-aholic. perhaps if i make it about me & not the numbers i'll get somewhere. thanks!
  • msmitch
    are you eating your exercise calories? how far under your goal are you each day? do you drink enough water? are you tracking sodium?
    a change up from your exercise would help a lot :)

    my daily calories are set at 1300 something. with exercise its often 1700-2000 I eat back my exercise calories anywhere from 300 under to 1 under the other day :) Water is all I drink, and i make sure to get 8 a day. I do track my sodium, but i dont pay that much attention normally. I just looked back, and it looks like i range from 100 under to 100 over.

    As far as a change in exercise, any suggestions? I have limitations due to a knee injury. Doc says i have arthritis like he only sees in 80 & 90 year olds....grin and bear it :)
  • anyonebutmehaha

    As far as a change in exercise, any suggestions? I have limitations due to a knee injury. Doc says i have arthritis like he only sees in 80 & 90 year olds....grin and bear it :)

    i'm in a cast from knee down on right leg but i joined the gym anyways and found that there was plenty i really could do there! i burned up like 500 calories today at gym so if i can gimp around the gym you can too. :smile: do you have a knee brace you can wear? (and i take a NSAID about 1/2 hour before going to gym). most every gym will let you have a 'try out' before buying membership so you can check out which machines you can do. the way they have it set up with one machine for each and every body part it is easy to avoid the ones that stress your knee too much.
    ps. as your doctor ever suggested surgery? they can go in and scrape the joint and get rid of a lot of the arthritic junk. also p/t helps a lot to teach you how to move and what is good for your knees and what isn't. just a thought....
  • msmitch

    As far as a change in exercise, any suggestions? I have limitations due to a knee injury. Doc says i have arthritis like he only sees in 80 & 90 year olds....grin and bear it :)

    i'm in a cast from knee down on right leg but i joined the gym anyways and found that there was plenty i really could do there! i burned up like 500 calories today at gym so if i can gimp around the gym you can too. :smile: do you have a knee brace you can wear? (and i take a NSAID about 1/2 hour before going to gym). most every gym will let you have a 'try out' before buying membership so you can check out which machines you can do. the way they have it set up with one machine for each and every body part it is easy to avoid the ones that stress your knee too much.
    ps. as your doctor ever suggested surgery? they can go in and scrape the joint and get rid of a lot of the arthritic junk. also p/t helps a lot to teach you how to move and what is good for your knees and what isn't. just a thought....

    I actually have had 3 surgeries due to the injury & they scraped it every time.Plus I've had physical therapy many times. I know there are things I could do at the gym, maybe I just need to break down & get a membership. It's just so expensive, I've been trying to do it just from home.