First Major Goal reached. MFP works very well.

waynehowie Posts: 6
edited 2:14AM in Success Stories
Hey All,

Its Saturday November 12th at 733am here in Ontario Canada right now. I was feeling pretty down and out this august when I hit 200lbs for the first time of my life. I reached the age of 40 this year and my metabolism ground to a pathetic halt and the weight piled on. I have been 170 for the majority of my adult life and was surprised when I stepped on the scale this summer. Everyone was telling me I was gaining weight but I didn't know just how much.
I know 200lbs doesn't sound like the end of the world but I did not feel well at all and I didn't like the way I looked. Needless to say I dloaded the app in September and followed it religiously every day. I found adding exercise was an easy way to eat more and trim up faster so I joined a gym and have been going every week day for 3 weeks now. Walking the dog every night has made my Beagle a much healthier as I watched the weight fall of of her too. If you have a beagle you know how hard this can be!
So I woke up this morning for my weigh in at 5am and low and behold I hit 170lbs! It took me about 9 weeks to lose 30lbs. Not only have I followed the MFP app but I have also educated myself to my nutritional needs throughout the day and have never felt better.
I have new goals now to change my body slowly over the next 6 months so when I hit 41 in May I will be in the best shape of my life. I might have been able to do it without MFP but I have to say it kept me on track and helped me select the right foods to eat. It can be very difficult to find food that is nutritional when you travel and are forced to eat out alot. The MFP app has many of the common restaurants outlined for caloric and nutritional values making food selection much easier.
I have also made some great contacts at the gym that are going to help me put back on some muscle mass I may have lost in the last two months. I am interested in seeing just how far my body can be transformed!

Helpful tips: Pitch out sodas and sugary coffee in your diet. Stick to water!
Walk the dog, go for a walk. 60 min of walking every night with an ipod and audiobooks. Exercise your body and your mind.
Ask healthy people questions about their diet and exercise habits. Anyone in good shape loves to talk about how they keep it up. Alot of work goes into a good physique!

Good luck to all!


  • Your story is very inspiring. Wow 30 pounds in 9 weeks is amazing! Keep up the great work. You will love life so much being fit and healthy! Congradulations to you.
  • Kimbers70
    Kimbers70 Posts: 102 Member
    Congratulations! That is amazing to have losr 30 pounds in 9 weeks!
  • lily1972
    lily1972 Posts: 375 Member
    Congratulations!! You have been very self-disciplined and it has paid off extremely well!! What an inspiration!:drinker:
  • Fantastic - well done....:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Wow! 30b in 9 weeks is very good, that said I am on 21lbs lost in 62 days and very pleased with the results. I shall be around MFP for a bit longer as Id still like to shift another 31lbs. Well done to you though!
  • Bourds
    Bourds Posts: 90 Member
    You are an inspiration to alot of people and should be very proud. Keep up the good work!!
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