
I need to VENT!!!

I could really utter a few choice words at the moment but I am trying my best not to.
Life is driving me nuts. Our renovations aren't finished completely, there's tools and mess still here and there through the house, and money is tight so I can't see it getting finished any time soon. My daughter (5) is having a difficult adjustment to French Immersion school this year and her behavior at home is unruly. Wining screaming, kicking, and I can't deal with it anymore! I'm sure my weight loss would be going twice as fast if I weren't so stressed ALL the time! Don't get me wrong, I love my kids, but I'm starting to think boys are in fact easier than girls. My 2.5 year old is a piece of cake compared to miss drama queen! Every little thing sets her off and I am about to blow a gasket!

Just needed to let that out.



  • nomoremuffintop42
    nomoremuffintop42 Posts: 129 Member
    Hang in there I know how you feel....I felt like I was losing my mind this morning with my for 5 year old behavior i have a 4.5 year old that does the same and an 8 year old that sometimes reverts back when she sees the little one get a way with murder....wish parent hood came with a mannual and vacation time ahahha suggestions just wanted to let you know you are not alone:0 take care
  • mizjohnston
    mizjohnston Posts: 196 Member
    Maybe you need a little mini day or weekend getaway from all. I know you said money is tight but how about staying at a friends making it a ladies night or just get out of the house. That helps me when I just want to scream lol.
  • WendyWeighsIn
    WendyWeighsIn Posts: 26 Member
    Completely understand except my kids are 12 and 20. Yup, still drama at 20. LOL. Vent anytime you need. You are still doing awesome!!!! Just make sure you make some time for YOU!!!
  • celewis2011
    celewis2011 Posts: 243 Member
    I know exactly how you feel , I have a 17,16 and 2 yr old , I feel like i have to yell at the two teens more then i do the 2 yr old. The 2 yr old at least picks up his toys , I cant get the teens to pick up after themselves. Some days I just want to hide in my room and call in sick as a mom. Thank god its me and hubby's 6 month anniversary today and we are going out to celebrate, his idea , he is so sweet , he is the one that makes a big deal out of being Married 6 months now.
  • Fatbuster205
    Fatbuster205 Posts: 333 Member
    Oh bless you! OK solutions:
    Get hubby to put all tools in one place!
    Be firm with 5 year old - naughty step time for 5 minutes every time she kicks off - she'll learn.
    Give yourself some me time - gym, walk, bath - whatever fits your lifestyle.
    And be proud of yourself. You don't want to lose weight fast. You want to be fit and healthy for life. Losing weight quickly will not work. So big breath and remember you are THE BOSS!!!
  • adalton6
    adalton6 Posts: 204 Member
    I need to VENT!!!

    I could really utter a few choice words at the moment but I am trying my best not to.
    Life is driving me nuts. Our renovations aren't finished completely, there's tools and mess still here and there through the house, and money is tight so I can't see it getting finished any time soon. My daughter (5) is having a difficult adjustment to French Immersion school this year and her behavior at home is unruly. Wining screaming, kicking, and I can't deal with it anymore! I'm sure my weight loss would be going twice as fast if I weren't so stressed ALL the time! Don't get me wrong, I love my kids, but I'm starting to think boys are in fact easier than girls. My 2.5 year old is a piece of cake compared to miss drama queen! Every little thing sets her off and I am about to blow a gasket!

    Just needed to let that out.


    I have three little drama queens and YES boys are definitely easier. My three year old son is so much easier to deal with than my three older girls. It is good you just let it out. I use to hold everything in and it is so bad for ya! If I am mad or stressed I let go before it builds. If I have noone to complain or talk to then I get on my computer and just write out my feelings and it makes me feel SOOOO much better. Then there is the occasional go outside and scream on the top of my lungs but at least the neighbors dont stare anymore they are used to it! Hang in there and things will start looking up!!! :flowerforyou:
  • cheechersmom
    thanks all for the support. Glad to hear i'm not the only one. Sadly we don't have a garage, so I'm not sure where to get the hubby to put all the leftover reno crap. We started a behavior chart last week but this morning, I told my daughter she would not even be able to redeem herself today and that she had no chance at getting a check for "good listening" and she gave me this look like....ya, so what Mom! and continued the bad behavior. And now....she's at a birthday party, which, had it been my decision, she would not have gone! The girl has got to have 25 pairs of pants and several dresses and leggings (she won't wear tights) It never fails....aside from pj's she throws a fit with whatever wardrobe issue she is having. It doesn't help that at the moment we are treating what seems to be a bladder infection so every single article of clothing makes her uncomfortable.
  • nomoremuffintop42
    nomoremuffintop42 Posts: 129 Member
    Yesterday i was in the food store with my 4.5 year old she was kind enough to tell me I was a loser, she hated me and so on, kicked me and got out of the cart while i was paying to grab bubble tape for me to buy for her(give me a break)...i told her if she kept it up she(warning with each trouble spot) was going to her room as soon as we got home(what could i do in the food store beat her ahhahha) anyhow on the way home there was a little voice in the back telling "mom I love you. I am sorry I was bad" I said I love you too...we got home she went to her room and that was the end of it...just wanted to let you know I had one of those moments and thought of you...stick to your guns stay strong:)