Japanese Steakhouse???

Tonight I am going to an old haunt of mine, the Japanese Steakhouse, the one where they cook the awesomeness in front of you. Eeek! I know the first thing to be weary of is portions, since they are huge! But what is the best thing to order? I LOVE the soup and salad and hope it's not too high cal, and I know to watch out for sodium overload. But how bad is the fried rice (yum!) and is chicken the best protein (not crazy about salmon or shrimp)? As always, thank you fellow MFP'rs, you are all the best!!!


  • chefchazz
    look it up. while your at it check the calories for that ginger dressing...YIKES!
  • KMSForLife
    I commend you for thinking forward. I would say to have a great time, enjoy yourself and just watch your portions. I wouldn't stress too much - a night out at a Japanese Steakhouse isn't an every day thing!
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    I would get the ginger dressing on the side and then dip your fork in it and then pick up your lettuce with it. I would also have them leave the rice off, it's a huge waste of calories. Chicken is a good protein option. I like shrimp, so that would be my choice. I would ask for a take out box and box half the meal up right away. Have fun! I love Japanese Steakhouses.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I just went to one of these last night (unexpectedly) and ended up eating 1000+ cals even though I made better choices than I had in the past. My biggest piece of advice would be to avoid "extras" like dessert, drinks, sushi rolls, etc. (Unless the sushi IS your dinner!) Just the main meal will probably be more than your typical meal, though you can make choices that are lower cal (Last night I chose a salad dinner that was topped with steak - a good choice by itself, but I also had sushi, dessert, etc.).
  • xmelanieg
    xmelanieg Posts: 4 Member
    The best change I ever made in my dieting routine was to stop denying myself the foods I love. Just watch your portions, let your body tell you when you are full...take some home, eat it for lunch sometime during the week. I went to a hibachi last night. Since it's not a daily, weekly, or even monthly thing for me...I got the steak meal. You won't gain weight from one meal, your diet isn't ruined. Don't cut the foods that you love out of your diet, you're more likely to give up in the end.
  • robinogue
    robinogue Posts: 1,117 Member
    Personally I say enjoy! Whatever you eat just work it off. Eat and enjoy then know you have to work it extra hard later to make up the difference...
  • doornumber03
    doornumber03 Posts: 221 Member
    i'm on the eat what you like but just do good portion control. You can't deny yourself something you really want, you just have to be smart about it.....Unlike me who had 7 beers and buffalo wings last night.....Needless to say, 1st thing this morning was at Spin Class burning it off. That's the key when you do go overboard, work it off and don't beat yourself up too much. Good luck tonight and above all, have fun!