Working Out with a Newborn

My son isn't even 2 months. His dad is stationed in NC and I am several states away. He sleeps a good portion, but I am usually cleaning, doing laundry, doing dishes, taking a much needed nap or filling out job applications. When he is awake he hates being in his swing, bouncer chair and being on his tummy time mate. I am wondering is there any way I can shed some weight with him in my arms. He is insistant on being held. I tried the self soothing but he just cries till he gets red in the face and starts coughing. I feel terrible and don't want to do that to him again.


  • Do you have a wrap? Both of mine were screamers so I feel your pain! The wrap saved me. You can wrap him to you and do squats and slow lunges. When he has enough neck control you can lay on your back, put him tummy to tummy on you, and do crunches. Will he lay on a blanket on the floor if you are right next to him? Side planks would be good. Put him in a carrier and go for a walk! If it's cold outside then hit an indoor mall and walk.
  • koylefam
    koylefam Posts: 142 Member
    get a snuggie.. or baby b'jorn and try leslie sansone walking dvd's

    I bet if you do this with him (once) he will never 'ask' to be held during workout time again!

    (Maybe I should edit this and add that I am completely joking!) Best of luck with your little one!
  • thirtyandthriving
    thirtyandthriving Posts: 613 Member
    Google "baby and me exercises" I just did and a lot of interesting ideas came up. If these don't work then I would put off the dishes for exercise and then do the dishes when he's awake put him in a baby backpack or moby. Hold him when he wants to be held, they are only that small once and it flies! Don't let people tell you your going to "spoil" him by holding him-that's just plain crazy. You need that bonding time:). Enough unsolicited advice ;)
  • Use a sling and head off walking with him. :)
  • caramkoala
    caramkoala Posts: 303 Member
    definitely use him in your weight training - because his weight will naturally increase making it perfect for you and you will be playing with him, soothing him, and teaching him to count at the same time (counting your reps out loud) :wink: :tongue:

    I would start with two handed bicep curls, and look for other exercises you can adapt as you feel comfortable.
  • kaetra
    kaetra Posts: 442 Member
    Our daughter had colic for about 5 months and absolutely hated the sling. BUT she LOVED the Baby Bjorn as long as she was facing outwards, she wanted to see what was going on I think. You couldn't sit down with her, that was simply NOT allowed, so she was worn all day every day during walking, shopping, doing dishes, gently dancing away the colic and she loved the movement - etc. etc. It was a great way to keep her close and get some excersie with a little bit of weight added. :) (I was doing dishes by hand though, so it was all upright - dunno how well that would work with bending over a dishwasher).

    You have to find what works for you two though, this is just what worked for us. I never tried one of the baby and me workouts, but those look really cute and fun too.
  • Megan2Project
    Megan2Project Posts: 351 Member
    I second the baby carrier idea! There are a TON of exercise you can do with them strapped to you. I was taking my daughter out on long walks when she was 3 weeks old. I mean you wouldn't want to jog that way, but you can do plenty of strength exercises that way: squats, lunges, bicep curls, arm raises, calf raises, and more.

    ALSO do you have a stroller? You can push them for walks and runs in the stroller. Going up hills with the stroller can burn a lot of calories. I run a daycare from home and we take the kids on walks, usually with my daughter strapped to me, and then I push two more in a double stroller and then older ones hang onto the stroller as we go.

    Otherwise, you'll have to prioritize. You could wear baby while cleaning, and try to exercise while baby sleeps instead of cleaning when sleeping. Making exercise a priority is really the biggest part of it. When I had my daughter, my husband was away and I was running an 8 child daycare, and I also have a very active 2 year old boy. I cared for all those kids, got all the cooking and cleaning done, and made time for exercise. I'm not saying its easy, but if you make it a priority, you CAN do it.

    If you're not feeling up to it, that is also OK. Take baby steps and concentrate on your diet to start, then exercise once a week and keep building it up. Having a newborn is hard work all on its own and you don't want to overwhelm yourself!!