it's not an emotional thing... i just LOVE food.

so i'm one of those people that eats when i'm not hungry (like 99% of other ppl trying to lose weight, it seems).
i tried to be concious of how i was feeling when i ate and wasn't hungry. i wasn't upset. wasn't stressed. no anxiety, nothing.

i just like food.
there is food i just want to eat because it TASTES good. and it's not things like ho-hos and twinkies and 1000 calorie treats. i LOVE to bake, and i love to bake things that are healthier versions of "naughty" food. i just genuinely enjoy the food i make, and the healthier food i buy.
i don't want to deprive myself by taking all of this food out of my home, because it isn't BAD for me, i just lack the self control to not eat it.

does this make sense?
does anyone have the same problem? any suggestions on improving my self-control?

i know people suggest to go for a walk when im feeling like eating something t get my mind off of whatever it is, but at the end of the day, i just want to ENJOY that food.

ugh. help :flowerforyou:


  • abbylove08
    abbylove08 Posts: 215
    so i'm one of those people that eats when i'm not hungry (like 99% of other ppl trying to lose weight, it seems).
    i tried to be concious of how i was feeling when i ate and wasn't hungry. i wasn't upset. wasn't stressed. no anxiety, nothing.

    i just like food.
    there is food i just want to eat because it TASTES good. and it's not things like ho-hos and twinkies and 1000 calorie treats. i LOVE to bake, and i love to bake things that are healthier versions of "naughty" food. i just genuinely enjoy the food i make, and the healthier food i buy.
    i don't want to deprive myself by taking all of this food out of my home, because it isn't BAD for me, i just lack the self control to not eat it.

    does this make sense?
    does anyone have the same problem? any suggestions on improving my self-control?

    i know people suggest to go for a walk when im feeling like eating something t get my mind off of whatever it is, but at the end of the day, i just want to ENJOY that food.

    ugh. help :flowerforyou:
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member

    its all about what is more important

    you want to enjoy food,.,thats fine

    one thing you could do is exercise enough to eat the extra stuff that you eat when you arent hungry ,,,,thats what I do

    decide what you want the most
  • ngwife4life
    ngwife4life Posts: 569
    If you're going over your calories, it's a problem. If you aren't, it doesn't really matter because you're controlling it! No one really acknowledges this, but boredom is a feeling. If you eat because you are bored, the general suggestion is to do something. Usually it's suggested you go for a walk or start a hobby because watching TV makes it waaaaay too easy to munch on things and get us good and bored again! I completely feel you on food. When I have any sort of Italian leftovers, I cannot wait to eat them the next day! I go to bed at night thinking how DELICIOUS my lunch is going to be. It's kind of pathetic!
  • Bug263
    Bug263 Posts: 90 Member
    i'm the same way..i still eat the stuff but i plan it into my calories so i don't feel deprived..i tried to cut them out when i started in september but then i would go to the store becuz of a craving sit down and overindulge. so now i just do it in moderation ( restarted in feb.)...i have a treat everyday so i don't get that craving that makes me sugar crazy. good luck! happy losing!:drinker:
  • amycakes812
    amycakes812 Posts: 441
    If you like to bake but have a problem overeating it, try wrapping whatever you make into individual portions. Put them into a tupperware container and then put it somewhere out of reach. In the morning, get out one portion and then put the rest away. It will make it much harder to just have access to the treats. You will be able to give yourself the time after eating one portion to actually ask yourself if it is worth sabotaging your calorie allotment. Also, if you need help figuring out the nutrition info of your recipes, Spark People has an easy to use recipe calculator. Hope this helps! :flowerforyou:
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    One thing that I do and still feel like I really truly ENJOY, I eat such a variety of food, but way smaller portions of everything. I feel like all my tastebuds are satisfied and I'm not stuffed and still have lots of energy to enjoy my day.
  • abbylove08
    abbylove08 Posts: 215
    i will admit, there are sometimes that i do eat when i am bored - and that is an emotion.
    other times i just want to eat yummy food.

    the priority thing is a good point, i used to put reminders on sticky notes around the house to remind me why im trying to lose weight. i think it's time i start that again!

    most of the time i do end up working it off at the gym, but i feel like im only exercising to burn off extra calories, not because i want to exercise and get stronger.

    i think i will def try putting things out of reach. that way, i'll only go for them when i REALLY want them (ie im HUNGRY and want somethign GOOD.). i probably wont think it's worth the trouble to get to the stuff unless i'm actually hungry,

    this whole weight loss thing is such a journey, and im learning so much about myself.
    thank you ALL for your advice :)