Hi, new here, looking to lose 100+!

Hello, everyone! I'm timingsands, 29 years old, and have struggled with my weight since I was little. I've been lurking around the boards for a week or so but started using MFP 27(?) days ago and have lost 7 pounds so far, hoping to drop at least a hundred pounds, if not more.

I've tried a lot of different diets but I could never get past the first three weeks...this is the first time I've lasted this long, and I don't see myself quitting anytime soon, or at all, actually! Counting calories was something I did numerous times before, but looking up a food item online, writing it down on a notebook, calculating calories was so irritating and time consuming I gave up even before I had lost any weight. Other diets I've tried:

1) Slim Fast (gross, always hungry, expensive)
2) NutriSystem (gross, always hungry, expensive, gave me bad stomach pains, everything tasted like orange grease after two weeks...if you've had NutriSystem you know what I'm talking about)
3) No-carb and low-carb diets (I lasted about five days each time...I'm Korean and I need rice like I need air)

I figured if I can't eat what I want to eat, then I shouldn't diet at all, and I stopped weighing myself for an entire year and basically let myself go.

In October, I was eligible for a discount upgrade on my cell phone and got an iPhone for a very low price. It's my first smartphone and I was playing around with the camera when I took a picture of myself...oh my god. My face looked like it was blown up with a tire pump with a good shot of Botox thrown in for good measure. I quickly deleted the picture and weighed myself...I couldn't believe it. The scale said 245, the heaviest I had ever been. I had a good cry and I hurriedly looked for a calorie-counter in the app store, and MFP was the first one and it was free! Hurrah!

I've been exercising more (all cardio) and hope to add some strength-training to my routine to build muscle. I've looked into Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred, and hope to start that soon. If anyone has any other strength-training exercise videos please let me know! For cardio I used to walk a mile a day until it got too dark (I don't get home until 5:30 PM when it's pitch dark and my neighborhood isn't the safest at night) so now I do 20 to 40 minutes on my exercise bike. I only eat about half of my exercise calories...I always leave some for margin of error.

My weapons of fat destruction (WFD) includes my dog, digital food scale, tape measure, my iPhone, bathroom scale (although this particular weapon can be self-destructive at times), measuring cups and spoons (sometimes I eat straight from the measuring cup, especially soup, heh) and the Fit & Active food line from ALDI (I recently found a sugar free strawberry jam for 10 calories a tablespoon)!

Wow, I wrote a lot more than I intended. In any case, I would love to befriend anyone who needs to lose as much as me!


  • groovybeenz
    groovybeenz Posts: 151 Member
    Hey there, I'm looking to loose 100+ as well. I've been on and off MFP for about a year now. Back on seriously for the past 2 1/2 wks. It's a long, tough road. If you need a buddy feel free to friend me. Good luck.
  • mistresseeyore
    mistresseeyore Posts: 717 Member
    We are all here for you. You will do great.
  • Steph_Marie29
    Good luck with your journey! I've been on here for over a year now.
  • jvan1957
    jvan1957 Posts: 114
    OK looks like you got a lot of tools but what you need is to log EVERYTHINg and get yourself some friends.
    I only have about 50 of my 100 to still lose but you can add me as a friend if you like.

  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    That's funny, I found MFP the same way.

    I also eat straight out of measuring spoons/cups.
  • Myrtlemama4
    Myrtlemama4 Posts: 92 Member
    Hello and welcome! I too started at needing to lose more than 100lbs, but what is working well for me and getting thru week by week and not concentrate on the big number. People ask me how much I want to lose, and I am really not paying attention to that. I really disregard it. Go day by day, log it all. Even if you stumble, log it, and move on. I have my bad days too, but this site is like facebook for healthy lifestyles. I love it!
  • teezmom
    Sounds like you have been very productive! Please keep up the effort! Consistency will pay off. I have to lose about 83 pounds. Open to becoming a friend!
  • Kelly_Wilson1990
    Kelly_Wilson1990 Posts: 3,245 Member
  • Robyn_T
    Robyn_T Posts: 540 Member
    For those unaware, there is a thread for people who need to lose 100 pounds or more. Just do a search for "100" and you'll find it.

    The group of people who post there are great. They're very supportive and have wonderful ideas.

  • wvipersg
    Well welcome! I am pretty new to this site as well. My goal is to get to 200 pounds or below. I am doing pretty good so far, I started at 265 and I now weigh 238 and I have lost 6 pounds since I joined this website. We have a cruise in May of 2012, so I really want to make my goal before that vacation. Good luck to everyone.
  • runiechica
    runiechica Posts: 180 Member
    Welcome! I'm definitely in the looking to lose over 100 pound club. lol

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • teezmom
    I agree! I try and take it day by day. I have found myself on the scale first thing every morning. Some will say that's not good but even if the scale goes up it makes me more determined in these first few days of my re-commitment to stick to it. It helps me to gauge my eating pattern and structure my food choices..
  • timingsands
    Thank you, everyone! I "friended" everyone who sent a friend request. My food diary is open for friends...you might notice my dinners are a bit strange sometimes, though.
  • Georganna1962
    Welcome! I've lost 28 pounds so far and have 160 to go. For the first time in 20 years I know I am going to make it to my goal. I eat a little of whatever I want as long as I am under my calories for the day. I also do water aerobics and deep water jogging for 1 hour each time twice a day. I am feeling stronger every day. I love MFP because of all the easy to use tools and the people. You will make it to your goal. We are here for you! :drinker:
  • jmestole
    jmestole Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! I am also a long term struggler of weight and have a slight love obsession with carbohydrates, they are my drug of choice! I have found the most success with a trainer and classes at the gym, they make you work harder than you already would and keeps you accountable to your workouts! Keep pushing through and you can do it!
  • Georganna1962
    You've lost 233 pounds. Congratulations! How long did it take to lose it?
  • sarahwls100609
    sarahwls100609 Posts: 38 Member
    I have lost 119 lbs. I had gastric bypass though and I am limited to what I can eat due to severe gerd and meat intolerance since my WLS two years ago. Like you, I had been heavy most of my life and tried every diet out there. I was in a severe car accident in 2007 that fractured my spine so, losing weight was a MUST in order to have spinal surgery which I will have Feb 6, 2012. MY exercise is limited to the pool at the Y. I am a two year cancer survivor and "on the road to better health and
    wellness." I love MFP and have been on here about two months. I find journaling helps me and there is a very strong support system
    on here. YOU CAN DO IT!!! Find an exercise you like and stick to it. I am here for you if you need a friend. I was a severe diabetic on
    2,000mg of Metformin and 5 insulin shots a day. I had high cholesterol, high blood pressure and severe depression. After losing weight I went off everything, My life has done a complete 360 and I have never felt better. Now I just take a handful of vitamins and Nexium for the acid refux. You would be surprise how losing weight can
    improve your overall outlook on life and your health. It did mine. My self esteem was low and now I hang my head high and keep reaching for the stars. Hang in there. YOU can do it. Just take it one day at a time. :)
  • not2shabbee
    Hi, I'm new as well (my "first" post here). I wish you all the luck in reaching your goals. I started using this as a way to keep track of everything (sugars, fats, calories, sodium, etc.). A couple of months back I started to be seen for diabetes so I was really looking for something to help count how much carbs I was eating. And my doctor told me that my chorlesterol and blood pressure were bad, too. So, I decided to check out what average numbers were for that as well, Well, to make a long story short, they weren't bad - they were horrific. I realized I needed a major lifestyle change and change of diet. I was at somewhere between 300 and 325 lbs. After a couple of months I'm down to 250. My sugar levels are almost in the normal range (still a little high and they spike sometimes too much) and I haven't been back to the doctor yet to find out if my other numbers improved yet. Another person said she didn't look at total amount of weight to lose, and I agree. I don't even own a scale in my house. I find out how much I weigh when I go to the doctors office. So, the 50 lbs was a pleasant surprise. Of course I'm not eating for the caloric equivelant of 3 people like before. So serving size was a big issue. And I tried to cut out every carb I could (because of the diabetes). I would still have some obviously but if I found sugar free or no sugar added those were the choices I would make. Now I'm looking at all things I eat and looking for more healthy alternatives. For example, I liike sandwiches so giving up bread is hard, but I'm looking into flatbreads/wraps. I've given up milk and drink soy milk now. Drastic changes can give drastic weight loss. Personally, I'm not looking to lose weight. Yeah, I'm overweight, but I'm more focused on eating healthy. (I still need more veggies some days.) But, if weight loss is your goal, with hard work, it will come.
  • KathyWel
    KathyWel Posts: 140
    Welcome! Feel free to add me, I have lost 85 pounds so far using MFP among other programs such as Food Lovers. I still have 81 pounds to go and sure could use some additional friends to help me through this journey as well.
  • Szolga
    I was 240 after I had my 3rd daughter and managed to get down to 211 on my own by counting calories with a calorie book and a note pad. I found myself losing steam and someone recommended this site to me. I am on facebook usually every night and this is as easy as getting on there. I really want to get atleast to 150 but should probably push myself to 125. Right now I am focusing on a closer goal, I just dont want to see a 2 as the beggining number. I have a little over a pound to go for that then I will make another smaller goal. I find that chasing after the large goal seems to far away and impossible. If I make small goals they seem much easier to achieve and therefore more motivating. Good luck. If you want to talk Im here!