Thinking about "breaking up" with Weight Watchers

Eponine7 Posts: 161
And I'm scared.

The truth is, I've lost 64 lbs. with WW using their Points system. I had actually lost 70 at one point but gained 6 lbs. and have been stalled here for about 8 or 9 months. I have been consistent with working out 5 days/week, but I struggle on weekends, and I am a quantity eater--and go way overboard on the "free" fruits and veggies sometimes. Not all the time...but enough.

So I landed here at MFP and have started counting calories. I also just started wearing a BodyMedia Fit Core Armband. What I am realizing is that all those "free" foods and weekly "extra points" of WW add up to some serious calories...and because I am someone who will eat as much as possibly allowed under any "diet" or "lifestyle weight management system", I suspect that I have reached the end of the line with WW. I think I need more accountability.

But I'm scared. Scared to give up the weekly weigh ins, most of all. Scared of not having the weekly classes. Scared that if I give up what helped me get this far, that I won't be able to go further (or God forbid, will gain the weight back).

Has anyone been in this situation? Do you have any thoughts you could share that could help me with this decision?
Thanks in advance...


  • CouleeRunner
    CouleeRunner Posts: 256 Member
    I quit WW for MFP and I don't regret it at all. I quit when the new points plus system came in. I did well before but not with the new points plus. It just didn't work for me.

    MFP is essentially the same (I did WW online) except it's free and in my opinion, it's better. I like that you see all the information about the food you eat (not just the points value) and you get a better picture of your nutritional needs here.

    I really don't see the point in paying for WW when you get everything and more here.

    ETA: Don't have to give up the weekly weigh ins. Pick a day to weigh in weekly and let your MFP friends know when that is. I have friends asking me about my weigh in if I have not posted on my weigh in day....the friends here can make you accountable!
  • is there anything stopping you from using them (WW and MFP) in conjunction with one another? use WW to keep up with those classes and weigh ins, and it's great for making sure you eat your veggies and fruits and enough protein, etc. but you can also use it with MFP to keep those "ww free" foods in check. They don't *need* to be mutually exclusive, I dont think.

    That being said, i hate the new WW points system, I was old-school so I gave that up a while ago.
  • maemiller
    maemiller Posts: 439 Member
    not all diets work for everyone. I was on weight watchers, i never lost anything and i tried So. Beach and every other diet you can think of. I found Body for Life and it worked for me just because the exercise and training is close to what ive been already doing, then being on MFP that also helped me so much more.

    get off of WW for a while and see what happens. I think you have a better support system here and its free vs. opinion
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    You can still do weekly weigh-ins here. Find some friends (feel free to add me if you want) and set up a time/day for your weekly weigh-in. Do it at that time and log your weight. MFP will post it for your friends to see. Also, make your food diary public. I find that knowing that EVERYONE on MFP can see my food diary makes me think twice about what I eat!

    You can do this. And as racetoplace said, this is free and gives you a lot of extra information about your nutrition.

    ETA: Apparently racetoplace and I are sharing a brain tonight! She was adding the same exact thing I was typing! LOL
  • faithfulrose
    faithfulrose Posts: 18 Member
    I did WW once but actually found it extremely frustrating with the points system and restrictions. There is something so freeing about simply counting calories and eating whatever you want as long as you stay under goal (I type this as I finish my piece of cheesecake). You might find you really like it! But I totally understand how scary change can be!

    It's been years since I did WW, so I'm not sure about how the program works anymore. Can you put your membership "on hold" for a month? You can give myfitnesspal one month and see how you like it and progress. If it works for you, then you can stick with it. If not, you have your fall back plan of WW. If you can't put it on hold, can you write a check for the next month's fees and put it in a prominent place in your house? Then you know that everything is ready to go in case you want to start up with WW again.

    Regardless, not everything works for everybody and sometimes what fits your lifestyle then might not fit your lifestyle now. Best of luck finding out what works best for you today!!
  • thumperj2u
    thumperj2u Posts: 25 Member
    I was a member of WW but after several months I quit because I was not learning anything different. I have done a lot better on MFP. I never ate the extra points I had every week because it didn't make sense to eat extra calories. They would tell me I needed to eat those to lose weight but I knew if I did I would gain. I have had much better luck on this website. Good luck on this journey.:flowerforyou:
  • Liss416
    Liss416 Posts: 209 Member
    I agree with racetoplace... mfp really has everything you need to continue your weight loss.... But it sounds to me that you benefit from the support from the weekly meetings and the accountability of the weigh-ins. Maybe you could do what horror_hamster suggested and do both... try both for a couple of months... eventually see if the online mfp support is enough... if it is, the break up with WW... if not, keep both.
  • LisaDunn01
    LisaDunn01 Posts: 173 Member
    If you know what puts weight on, then you can make better food choices and the weight will come off. Bottom line: with WW you can have dessert and grains and pasta and such because you deal with points. However, to really get healthy and be at a better weight, you need to make the correct food choices. Sugar and grains (breads, pastas, etc.) put weight on. Grains convert to sugar in the body and stores as fat. To lose weight, you need to reduce/eliminate these two items from your diet. My first goal was to get down to 70 grams of carbohydrates per day and to get carbs through fruits and vegetables. I lost then leveled off. I took it down to 50 grams of carbohydrates per day and the weight reduced again.
  • Lisa_222
    Lisa_222 Posts: 301 Member
    Don't be scared. Your online friends go with you everywhere. We can pounce on you if you just tell us you are about to eat another calorie past your goal. Seriously, though. i hated weight watchers. I don't know what it was, I'm not the type to sit around asking someone if I can eat something or not. To hell with that. I eat whatever I want here, as long as I log the calories and don't go over. It's the tried and true method and its more freedom than those programs that make you memorize stuff, lol. If you go for the socialization, then keep going but do the calorie diet. But personally, I'd save the money. Use the 15 bucks a month or whatever they charge to pay for an iPhone to have your log and your friends with you wherever you go.
  • blueridgemtnpj
    blueridgemtnpj Posts: 2 Member
    I am currently doing Weight Watchers Points Plus online - I had done it before a few years back. I always wondered about the points, how many calories they really were. I decided to do them both - I really like MFP better - their food data base is way better than WW - I am constantly having to add foods to WW and very rarely with MFP. My membership with WW ends on 12/27/11 and I won't be renewing - I am going to do MFP.
  • aprilkida
    aprilkida Posts: 117 Member
    I never 'officially' joined WW but after I had my son 2 years ago I used my mom's old school WW books and pointsfinders. WW helped me lose 60lbs in about one year, 20lbs under my pre-pregnancy weight. Over the last year, gradually eating more and exercising less, I've gained 7lbs back. I decided I needed to do something to lose those 7lbs plus the other 10lbs that I had intended to lose. Two weeks ago I started up again on tracking points and lost 5lbs in the first week. I discovered MFP about 5 days ago and continued to track points while doing MFP for the first 2 days and lost another 1-2 lbs. I was so encouraged that I decided to stop tracking points and just do MFP. Since I've done that, I've gained half a pound back. Now I know it is still quite early in my new journey and I've already lost a good amount in almost 2 weeks but I am tempted to go back to tracking points along with MFP to see if I start losing again. It seems like my points target ends up being about 200 calories less than my MFP calorie target so I'm not sure if that is making the difference or not. I'm supportive of both programs but I think MFP is a lot more convenient. Hopefully I can fully switch over eventually...even if it is once I've reached my goal weight. Good luck in your decision!
  • Any program that charges you to lose weight is automatically questionable to me. I tried WW, I hated it. In fact I kind of felt ripped off.

    You have nothing to be scared about. I've tried more things than I can count searching for the magic answer. (I finally found it, inside my own mind and body). Try both for a while if you're scared. MYP is free. There are also several other on line options that don't charge if you decide you don't like MFP.

    You can do this. Be positive, Be healthy, Be strong and be well.
  • I've tried WW in the past. The first time around, I had some success (I think about 40lbs), but eventually got to the point where it just wasn't working for me. I went to my weekly weigh-ins knowing that I'd gained, and not doing anything about it. I joined a couple of other times, with the same results. I knew what I needed to do, but I just didn't do it.

    In hind-sight, I think the problem was really that I wasn't really learning how to eat well. The points system worked to a point, but it didn't really teach me about eating nutritionally. When I was tracking my points, the stuff I was eating was low in points, but it was still just crap. Fat-free hot dogs were a mainstay; usually 3 at a time, wrapped in whole wheat bread (6 points total). This system doesn't teach you to look at things like sodium content (420 mg for the hot dogs), or any other nutrition like iron, potassium, etc. It doesn't teach you how bad things like breads and pastas can be for you. It doesn't really teach you about making good choices.

    Since then I've learned much more about nutrition, and making good choices based on the nutrients in the foods. I've read the Eat to Live book and follow much of its guidelines. Overall it's a little extreme for me in some cases (I won't go full vegetarian) but it's still very good. I've also added a solid exercise routine, which has made a huge difference.

    WW is very successful for many people, but I didn't find it a good plan for me long-term. I feel like I'm on a much better path now.
  • Juliane_
    Juliane_ Posts: 373 Member

    This is why PointsPlus sucks. Their old points system works great but their new one? no way. The idea behind it is great but it needs modifications because PointsPlus gives you too many calories and obviously people are not losing weight. This is why I went back to Momentum.
  • casi_ann
    casi_ann Posts: 423 Member
    I have lost weight on weight watchers, got to goal, became a lifetime member and know that if i would have kept counting points i would have maintained my loss. But, I love MFP, they give you the same things that WW on line gives you, but it is free. I actually like it more in some ways.
  • FunRun08
    FunRun08 Posts: 203 Member
    I did WW online and lost about 60 lbs, I reached the point when i wasn't losing and I wasn't gaining, and I realized that WW is a great tool but it has taken me as far as it could. If you have the basics from WW you can transfer that knowledge to MFP very easily. Set a WI day, tell your friends so they expect it on said day. You will still have the exercise calories for the extras if you want them. And most of all watch out for the message boards, there is a lot of great advise on there and a LOT of really bad advise. Either way best of luck to you!
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I say go ahead and quit WW. You can rejoin if you miss it.
  • Jaymefirst
    Jaymefirst Posts: 268 Member
    I agree with the rest of the posters. I lost 120lbs with WW a few years ago, then they switched to the PP and I hated it. Plus the all the money I was spending just to stand on the scale week after week and not see any movement. I do miss my WW pals but I keep up with them on FB. I love MFP, the support here may not be in person but it is far greater than what WW ever provided. Good luck with whatever you choose.
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    I agree with some of the posters. You can still go every week for your weigh ins but log your food and exercise here rather than follow the WW program.
  • sunflowers8
    sunflowers8 Posts: 83 Member
    I packed up ww 20 days ago and found this site . when ww went to pp it just was not working for me .but i still keep on the ww boards every day.

    Give this ago if it doesn't work you can go back to ww.
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