Prayers needed pronto!



  • Sorry if this is obvious - but has the family all been tested to see if any of them are a valid donor?.. In my little exp and knowledge of bone marrow transplants.. the family members all have seemed to be the best bet. Maye group em all up and make a day of it to go get tested.

    As someone on the bone marrow registry.. i can say that all it took was 3 or 4 cheek swabs.. and just send them back to them.. all was free.. ( dont know how common that is.. the free part.. my 'guess' is your dads or maybe your medical would pay for it.. if there Was a charge.. ).

    also.. giving bone marrow.. seems to be made a lot easier now.. apparently they put you on a type of 'dialysis' machine.. give you a certain drug.. and they can get the bone marrow out that way.. worst case scenario is the old fashioned needle type.

    Hope he is Not in a great deal of pain.. and everything works out.

    take care.
  • jakejacobsen
    jakejacobsen Posts: 584 Member
    You Got It!
  • BreakinTheChains
    BreakinTheChains Posts: 381 Member
    praying for your whole family..
  • nellyb2011
    nellyb2011 Posts: 167 Member
    I am praying now and will continue to pray for u and ur family.
  • Prayers your way!!!! Hang in there sweetie
  • skinnylizzard
    skinnylizzard Posts: 460 Member
    Just sent a prayer. You are stronger than you think you are! I believe you will get through this with God's help and support of family and friends. You will be there for each other and you will be source of strength for those around you.
  • dchienku
    dchienku Posts: 625 Member
    U r in my prayers and thoughts! GOD Bless U !
  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Prayers are with you and your family. . May the Lords will be done.:bigsmile:
  • Sorry if this is obvious - but has the family all been tested to see if any of them are a valid donor?.. In my little exp and knowledge of bone marrow transplants.. the family members all have seemed to be the best bet. Maye group em all up and make a day of it to go get tested.

    As someone on the bone marrow registry.. i can say that all it took was 3 or 4 cheek swabs.. and just send them back to them.. all was free.. ( dont know how common that is.. the free part.. my 'guess' is your dads or maybe your medical would pay for it.. if there Was a charge.. ).

    also.. giving bone marrow.. seems to be made a lot easier now.. apparently they put you on a type of 'dialysis' machine.. give you a certain drug.. and they can get the bone marrow out that way.. worst case scenario is the old fashioned needle type.

    Hope he is Not in a great deal of pain.. and everything works out.

    take care.

    They did, but they are only asking his brother to see if he is a match, then they will go to the donar bank. I have offered but I have to wait until after March since I am still breastfeeding my daughter who is only 8 months old. I don't know if I would even qualify since I am not blood!!! I got adopted( at 15 months old) by my aunt and uncle who is now my mom and dad!!! Long and short of it.
  • ckatastrophy
    ckatastrophy Posts: 112 Member
    Prayers for healing, comfort, & support for you and your family.

    Be good to yourself & remember stuffing your face won't solve any problems or make you feel better (I tend to want to do the same thing when I'm under alot of stress, & it helped me alot when someone said this to me - hope it helps you too). You can get through this. ((hugs))
  • My first prayer is for strength and the peace that passes all understanding for you...we are all so sorry to hear about your dad.

    Never let go of the faith you have that God can heal your father because He is able to.

    The bible is full of examples of his healing....the woman with the issue of blood, the blind man, etc. God hears and answers prayers. Perhaps some reading will bring you peace...

    And congratulations on overcoming the urge to light up. You have done a very loving thing for yourself and those who love you :)
  • ccpace4
    ccpace4 Posts: 100