I just received my Turbo Fire package in the mail and I have 3 words:




I have been doing Turbo Jam for a while now and I actually hit a plateau with it and decided to go ahead and upgrade to Turbo Fire...I knew it was going to be intense but WOW!! LOL! And I'm only on day 1 of WEEK 1!! Turbo Fire users, please add me!! I really want to reach my fitness goals and I don't want to give up on this work out! Please support me! lol!! I know one day I will get better with the choreography and I can tell that it gets fun over time, but my legs and my buns beg to differ, lmbo!! I am sore from head to toe and DRENCHED with sweat! I feel great but wow! This is the hardest work out I've ever done in my life!! I look forward to tomorrow's work out but I know it will be so much better if I had some friends that were doing the same work out! I appreciate it! :smile:


  • jlm962
    jlm962 Posts: 64
    I am just 1 day ahead of you!!! Feel free to add me :) I have my schedule taped to my bathroom door and I'm checking the days off with a big red marker. Its helping me just do it!
  • musicforever04
    musicforever04 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm one month in and I love it :)
  • RonKay
    RonKay Posts: 85 Member
    I received my turbofire last week but haven't been able to start yet as haven't been v.well. BUT I have watched the DVD's...AHHH!! So when I'm better, i'll need all the support I can get!!

    I'm completely new to turbo so I think for the first week or so i'll just be chucking my arms around! Looking forward to it though, music sounds great! :-)
  • tracylee679
    tracylee679 Posts: 189 Member
    Hi! I am going to be starting a full round of TF after Thanksgiving, but I am going to do some of the workouts this week and next to get me primed for the full on schedule. We have a group started called Christmas Turbofire Challenge and you all are welcome to join. Are you going to do the 9 week program or are you going to do the full on 20 weeks with the advanced DVD's? I am undecided about that yet myself.

    Just a word of caution, if you have issues with you knees at all or are working out on a hard surface you may need to go a little lower impact until you strenghen your joints. When I started the program the first time I was working out in my basement on a concrete floor and I messed my knees up so badly that I could barely walk up and down the steps! I got a foam puzzle mat from Wal-mart and that did the trick! Good luck to all of you ladies! I am going to send you friend requests!

  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I just finished week 1 & am heading into week 2 tomorrow!!
    I love this program, love love love!
    It's been the best thing for me (aside from running)
    I planned on doing the 12 week, but just recently bought the advanced dvds so I can do the full 20.
  • tiffanydawnn
    tiffanydawnn Posts: 122 Member
    I am starting the Prep schedule tomorrow. I modified it a bit to replace some of the stretch days with cardio. I did Fire 30 and HIIT 15 a couple of days last week and WOW! But I don't think I'm ready for the full schedule just yet. I'm excited. I love Chalene!
  • Eponine7
    Eponine7 Posts: 161
    Great job!!! Didn't you have fun while you were sweating your head off though??? :)

    I am starting week 2 tomorrow...we can get through this together!!