starting out (again..)

I started on here a few months ago and I didn't really put a lot of energy into trying to stick with it. This time I'm really trying..and I'm hoping to have more success and lose around 20 pounds before getting pregnant. Which is definitely in our near future (probably around March or so). I know I need to stay on target though..any tips or support would be wonderful! Thanks.


  • Shoshauney
    Hi hheit610,

    What a great gift to give your unborn child! Going into your pregnancy wtih an ideal weight will probably make the entire experience better! Best of luck to you :):)
  • hheit610
    That's what I'm trying to really enjoy the next pregnancy I have. I wasn't overweight with my daughter but I wasn't comfortable for most of it either. This will mean a lot to me and our new baby. Thanks for posting :)