High Cal eaters/bodybugg users HELP!!!

Ok so.... been using my bodybugg for a week and a half.... tracking foods on here to a deficit of eat LEAST 600-800 a day based on my calorie count on body bugg... and Ive GAINED 2 lbs???? WTF is going on? Ive been struggling trying to lose weight for almost 2 months and CANNOT LOSE ANYTHING!!!
Is it possible to still be eating in a deficit but not lose??? Do some people need really low calorie to lose???? HELP me out here please!!! :(


  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    How much weight do you have to lose? Is it that TOM? Any reason you might be retaining water? Are you certain your scale is accurate? Did you weigh-in under the same conditions? (same amount of clothing, same time of day in relation to eating/bathroom/etc)?
  • goldfinger88
    goldfinger88 Posts: 686 Member
    Are you eating enough? Often we let ourselves go under 1000 calories or our BMR and as a result, the body goes into starvation mode and we gain weight. I doubt you're doing that but just a thought.

    Also, as someone else said, are you weighing on the same scales, in the same place and the same time? Did you weigh two or three times to make sure the reading was right? Are your scales on a carpet? Carpets and scales don't go well together.

    If you did in fact gain weight, it hurts. I know. It's happened to me. Likely it's water. I doubt there's any way it could be fat. Also, you could be gaining muscle. Are you measuring as well as weighing?
  • dedarlin
    dedarlin Posts: 41 Member
    if your NET calories are less than about 1200 your body may think it is starving and actually save every last bit of fat it can...this would be extremely counter productive. I would recommend re-evaluating your calorie intake and make sure you're eating enough to sustain your body, if you're burning 600 to 800 from exercise yous should be consuming 1800 to 2000 calories a day. of course it's very important to break this up into 5-6 'meals' and watch your fat and sugar intake, also i personally saw results when i upped my protein to about 100 grams per day :) good luck!
  • noeys
    noeys Posts: 56
    Same scale, same time etc.... Im not eating too little, Im eating at least 2000 calories a day (Im burning anywhere from 2800-3300) Making sure my deficit isnt too much, or too little. I have NO CLUE whats going on. No TOM time, nothing.

    month and a half ago I started just doing MFP and eating most of my exercise calories to get my net to 1200, and did it for a month and didnt lose, so I got the bodybugg to get ACTUAL numbers. But it appears even with actual numbers Im not losing?? Thats why Im wondering if some people really do need to eat less to lose? Back in the day I did WW and always did great, and I know WW is pretty low calorie.
    I have about 50 lbs to lose, so definitely have plenty of fat stores to let go of. *SIGH Im so frustrated. Ive been working out 5 times a week as well (nothing extreme, and YES its included in my calories, since the bodybugg has it calculated in)

    What am I doing wrong?????? :(
  • Figuringoutme
  • koosdel
    koosdel Posts: 3,317 Member
    Ok so.... been using my bodybugg for a week and a half.... tracking foods on here to a deficit of eat LEAST 600-800 a day based on my calorie count on body bugg... and Ive GAINED 2 lbs???? WTF is going on? Ive been struggling trying to lose weight for almost 2 months and CANNOT LOSE ANYTHING!!!
    Is it possible to still be eating in a deficit but not lose??? Do some people need really low calorie to lose???? HELP me out here please!!! :(

    Let's see that food/excersize diary. We can sort this out, I promise.
  • noeys
    noeys Posts: 56
    Set to public. Dont mind my sugar intake yesterday, we were at a bday party and the sugar led to OMG WANTING MORE lol!!!! And looking, the day before wasnt that great either LOL!!!!

    My calorie burn range seems to be 2800-3200 depending on the day, and what I did that day. so ignore the MFP calorie settings etc cause my calorie burn is on bodybuggs site. ;)