So I'm really really.. REALLY - for lack of better terms, afraid of reaching the weight loss plateau, where your body gets used to the change and you don't lose any more weight. I heard this happens when trying to get off the last ten pounds, or the last twenty, or thirty :/
How can you prevent it, or if it happens, what can you do to break it?


  • I have a friend that is a personal trainer. She said when you get to that point, take a 2 days OFF from working out and watching your calories, this tricks your body and it will go into over drive and rev up that calorie burning metabolism. She also said changing up your work-out routine to create muscle confusion and that will help you get over the plateau hump as well. Good luck ;)

  • bs1981
    bs1981 Posts: 36
    I dread that too.... infact sometimes I won't lose anything for like 3 weeksand I get mad, but then suddenly like 5 pounds in a week... it's weird. Im going to try editz advice.
  • kwest_4_fitness
    kwest_4_fitness Posts: 819 Member
    lol! I hit it at my half way point. My goal is to lose 100 and I got stuck at 48 lost. For almost 8 weeks. I tried all manner of different things and nothing. But I kept at it and one day, the scale budged. I also finally broke down and took my measurements. Seems that I was losing inches even though no weight was showing lost during that time. I'm happy to report that I seem to be over the first plateau. And though I know I'm likely to hit another, I realize that I just have to keep doing what I need to do and eventually I'll break through it.
  • aekaya
    aekaya Posts: 163 Member
    haha, I know how you feel! I stayed on a plateau for like 2 months before I got over it. I did so by changing up my workout routine to include interval training as well as strength training; I adjust my calorie count daily, and I snack every few hours to keep my metabolism going.
  • mormas
    mormas Posts: 188 Member
    I'm currently stuck on a plateau having gained and lost the same 3lb for the past 7 or 8 weeks.
    I have just had 2 weeks off vigorous exercising and dieting (with no change to my weight) and am planning on getting back on track this week hoping to shock my body into giving up these extra pounds.
  • I can so relate to this, and empathise with you! :) I lost 2lbs then 4lbs - then nothing for 3 weeks! Am now bit scared to step back on the scales. It was so frustrating, cos I felt so much better, trimmer and more energised, my clothes felt looser, and looking in the mirror I felt I had lost weight, but.... the scales said otherwise! Like kwest said tho, I also started to do the measurements, and I was losing the cms. Think there is also something in muscle weighing more than fat, so all the new exercise is probably playing its part there. Also agree with editz and aekaya - think secret is in diversity - keep changing exercise and foods so the body doesn't have too much of a chance to normalise and get used to anything! Sounds like a plan! And reading these comments I do feel inspired to keep at it, as so many of us have had similar experiences. WE CAN DO THIS!! :)
  • I have a friend that is a personal trainer. She said when you get to that point, take a 2 days OFF from working out and watching your calories, this tricks your body and it will go into over drive and rev up that calorie burning metabolism. She also said changing up your work-out routine to create muscle confusion and that will help you get over the plateau hump as well. Good luck ;)


    I like this idea a lot!
  • lol! I hit it at my half way point. My goal is to lose 100 and I got stuck at 48 lost. For almost 8 weeks. I tried all manner of different things and nothing. But I kept at it and one day, the scale budged. I also finally broke down and took my measurements. Seems that I was losing inches even though no weight was showing lost during that time. I'm happy to report that I seem to be over the first plateau. And though I know I'm likely to hit another, I realize that I just have to keep doing what I need to do and eventually I'll break through it.

    Hmm, I forgot about measurements! Will take today!
  • bprague
    bprague Posts: 564 Member
    lol! I'll let you know when I even start losing weight! Granted, I only have ten pounds to lose to begin with but it's very frustrating to be 5'5" 130 pounds with eating healthy and exercising, vs 5'5 130 pounds while NOT exercising or counting calories. Oh, and I've been at this since June. yay
  • I have a friend that is a personal trainer. She said when you get to that point, take a 2 days OFF from working out and watching your calories, this tricks your body and it will go into over drive and rev up that calorie burning metabolism. She also said changing up your work-out routine to create muscle confusion and that will help you get over the plateau hump as well. Good luck ;)


    Yes! I have been stuck on a plateau for 4 weeks! Desperate, I read this suggestion on the Internet and tried it. Three days of about 2,000-2,500 calories (versus my normal 1,200). I felt like crap about myself while I was doing it (didn't even enjoy my stuffed crust pizza) but after those three days, the scale still did not budge... I managed to maintain my weight through that binge. The next day I started back up again and immediately started losing!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I have a friend that is a personal trainer. She said when you get to that point, take a 2 days OFF from working out and watching your calories, this tricks your body and it will go into over drive and rev up that calorie burning metabolism. She also said changing up your work-out routine to create muscle confusion and that will help you get over the plateau hump as well. Good luck ;)


    Cheat days are the best!
    Have 1 a week!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I have a friend that is a personal trainer. She said when you get to that point, take a 2 days OFF from working out and watching your calories, this tricks your body and it will go into over drive and rev up that calorie burning metabolism. She also said changing up your work-out routine to create muscle confusion and that will help you get over the plateau hump as well. Good luck ;)


    Yes! I have been stuck on a plateau for 4 weeks! Desperate, I read this suggestion on the Internet and tried it. Three days of about 2,000-2,500 calories (versus my normal 1,200). I felt like crap about myself while I was doing it (didn't even enjoy my stuffed crust pizza) but after those three days, the scale still did not budge... I managed to maintain my weight through that binge. The next day I started back up again and immediately started losing!

    Why 1200?
    Are you 4 foot tall?
    BMR is probably upwards of 1400-1600.
    Cut calories should be closer to 1700 for a comfortable maintainable weight loss.
    Look up BMR calculator on google.
    You arent cutting right!
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    LIQUIDS AND INCREASED EXERCISE. These, plus a zig zag diet, helped me a lot
  • Why 1200?
    Are you 4 foot tall?
    BMR is probably upwards of 1400-1600.
    Cut calories should be closer to 1700 for a comfortable maintainable weight loss.
    Look up BMR calculator on google.
    You arent cutting right!

    I love it when people tell me I'm not doing it right. Because losing 28 pounds in 4 months, average of 7 pounds a month, 1.5 pounds a week (which is textbook healthy weight loss) is ... Wrong? I'm doing exactly what my doctor told me to do, and it has worked fabulous so far! But thanks for the negative reply on my second post here on My Fitness Pal. Thought I was going to find support on this website.
  • Keran24
    Keran24 Posts: 90 Member
    I seem to be in a pattern of losing for a few weeks, plateauing for 2 weeks and then losing again. I just keep on doing what I am doing and try to kick in some extra exercise.
  • katcena
    katcena Posts: 326 Member
    Why 1200?
    Are you 4 foot tall?
    BMR is probably upwards of 1400-1600.
    Cut calories should be closer to 1700 for a comfortable maintainable weight loss.
    Look up BMR calculator on google.
    You arent cutting right!

    I love it when people tell me I'm not doing it right. Because losing 28 pounds in 4 months, average of 7 pounds a month, 1.5 pounds a week (which is textbook healthy weight loss) is ... Wrong? I'm doing exactly what my doctor told me to do, and it has worked fabulous so far! But thanks for the negative reply on my second post here on My Fitness Pal. Thought I was going to find support on this website.

    Try not to take those comments in a negative way, I don't think they were intended as such. You have consulted a DR and are following a professional's advice...but since your original post didn't say that, I am afraid that some of us that have been on these boards for a while (most of this year for me) we tend to jump to conclusions because so many people make the initial mistake of starving themselves and trying to lose 50 pounds in 2 months. I have also been guilty of this....:embarassed: But, your post made me reflect for a second on how sometimes I might write things that come across a bit harsh. I am going to try harder to not make that mistake again....I hate to think that I may have negatively affected someone's experience here without realizing it. So, thank you!:wink:
    Congrats on your weight loss by the way! :drinker:
  • LorTay8
    LorTay8 Posts: 79 Member
    Hi - congratulations on the weight loss so far - and the thing is you will get lots of suggestions that work for some - sometimes I think that this is an inexact science as we are all different and all have a different composition. There are lots of professionals and quasi professionals here too - and it is very interesting to dip into the science of what works - but most of us don't have time - and we want what has worked so far to carry on working....... Age can also come into it, change to metabolism - for me not you - I certainly feel that what I am doing now would have had dramatic results 30 years ago - it is just going to be a much harder fight now (why oh why did I allow those pounds to creep on???)
    I do believe in interval training. I do believe in having the odd day off. I do believe in muscle shock (changing exercise routine) and I do believe in eating back half the calories you use in exercise. You have been doing all of these things - and so - why the plateau? Drink more water? Sleep better?

    I am trying all of the above - and I am not going back to how I was before (not logging my food, not doing much exercise..... and slowly gaining weight every year.

    Keep with it - it has to work - let us hope to find the answers. I am going to make a couple of little changes - I have been having little snacks here and there - no more!!! and I have had the odd thing that I haven't logged..... No more...... Good luck and stick with it! Keep reading the inspirational stories of people's journeys..... and I also contact people and ask them directly - how they did it!!! One lady told me how she dramatically changed her eating habits and massively increased her exercise levels.... If that's what it takes!!!

    Best wishes, from another person on a plateau! (temporarily, I am sure!)
  • EmsyB78
    EmsyB78 Posts: 90 Member
    Oh my goodness...I thought I was alone out there in the gloomy land of Plateau. Here yea for all you lovelies who also have hit the odd wall.

    I gained 4st being pregnant last year (he's 10 months old now!!) and finally started to do something about it...71 days ago when I committed to this. Immediately I had a massive loss of 9 lbs then in 2 & 3lb losses and have lost 17lbs since I started, but over the last 2-3 weeks I've bobbed up and down the same 2-3lbs on the scales and it's been driving me mad! Unfortunately for me it has an adverse effect and knocks my motivation...including my healthy food choices (vicious circle) so I'm going to make a massive push now to really increase my exercise (and change it too - I do the same 2 circuit classes every week) so I'm going to start some treadmill work (and actually use the gym membership I've just signed up for!) and some swimming one morning a week.

    I think the advice everyone has given you is excellent and it's helped me too - so thanks everyone! Good luck! xx