Mixin' up oatmeal



  • irisheyes42us
    brown sugar splenda mix is awesome! Also a big spoon of pumpkin puree! I like all the other suggestions too.:)
  • mwilson57
    mwilson57 Posts: 78 Member
    I've actually started thinking of my oatmeal as liquid toast. It's basically that, right? So, once you start thinking of it like toast, you can add just about anything you'd eat with toast. I add kale or spinach right at the beginning, and sometimes I'll mix in a soft boiled egg at the end. The yolk makes the oatmeal more rich and creamy.
  • J3NZ0R
    J3NZ0R Posts: 26 Member
    I make plain oatmeal with vanilla soy milk and add 1/4 cup of raisins. Tastes like dessert!
  • phocid
    phocid Posts: 85 Member
    Just slowly dial back the sugar you use. I mean really slowly. Cut out 1/4 tsp each week. You will get used to it!

    I used to put 1 tablespoon of sugar in my coffee each and every morning. I'm down to 1 teaspoon, and I'm fine with that and don't wish to reduce any further.

    I recently discovered that I love putting Cardamom in my oatmeal and cream of wheat. Super exciting flavor burst!
  • sdgirl22
    sdgirl22 Posts: 225 Member
    I'm all about the savory oats: sesame oil. soy sauce, chili sauce, and green onions; mushrooms, olive oil, salt, pepper, and a little parmesan; salsa and avocado. Then I either add an egg or a veggie-tofu stirfry.

    These work better with steel cut oats rather than rolled; I noticed that rolled oats naturally have a sweeter flavor that doesn't mesh will with the savory ingredients :sick:
  • AmyEm3
    AmyEm3 Posts: 784 Member
    The other day I tried oatmeal with a little unsweetened cocoa powder, a half banana, a TB of natural peanut butter, and a little protein powder. That was pretty tasty!

    I normally eat it with brown sugar like you and I was getting tired of that.

    I've tried mixing in apple butter and that was good too.

    As soon as I cook up one of my sugar pumpkins I'll be adding pumpkin and pumpkin pie spice to my oatmeal.

    I make baked oatmeal sometimes for something different too. I made baked pumpkin oatmeal that was absolutely delicious and I made a baked version of the pb, banana, cocoa oatmeal this morning. That was pretty good too but the baked pumpkin oatmeal has been my favorite baked oatmeal that I've tried so far.
  • libland
    libland Posts: 285 Member
    Mixed berries and allspice. Sometimes I add a heaping tablespoon of chocolate protein powder after it is cooked.

    Sometimes I add uncooked oatmeal to my morning smoothie (1 cup mixed berries, 1/3 cup oatmeal, cinnamon, protein powder, spinach)