Lose fat, not weight ?!

How can I lose fat but maintain my weight?
I'm 5'1 and 116lb.

I've read a million things, but they all say to eat a calorie deficit. I thought that if you burning more than you ate would cause weight loss. I don't want to go down on the scale, I just want to become slimmer...


  • SergeantSunshine_reused
    You will have to eat a calorie deficit to lose fat and a calorie surplus to gain muscle
    hard to maintain your weight when you want to lose
  • susaneec
    susaneec Posts: 72 Member
    If you like your current weight, you should focus on toning. Do strength exercises to add muscle. Cardio is going to burn calories and you'll drop pounds without toning the underlying muscle. Work all the major muscle groups to keep yourself balanced. Good luck.
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    You may actually gain weight while losing fat and building muscle (with a calorie surplus if done properly) but your measurements will be smaller so totally worth it!

    Staci is my weight lifting hero and proof that the number on the scale is not the only thing that matters, she weighs more at the end than in the middle and yet looks better and is more toned!

  • chuckyp
    chuckyp Posts: 693 Member
    Eat a lean diet high in protein and exercise with weights to build muscle and burn fat. Muscle is denser than fat so you will eventually tone up while maintaining weight.
  • Rae6503
    Rae6503 Posts: 6,294 Member
    So to lose fat and not weight, you'd have to simultaneously lose fat and gain muscle. This is very hard. A better approach might be to eat slightly above maintenance, gain muscle (and a little bit of fat), for a few months, then eat slightly below maintenance and lose fat (and sadly a little bit of muscle).
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    I am no expert by any means, but I think you could eat at or above maintenanace and concentrate on building muscle by lifting heavy weights. I would also focus on WHAT you eat - be sure to eat plenty of lean proteins and make sure all of your carbs are complex carbs - eat to fuel your body and feed your muscles. I think you would see some serious body changes - not scale changes. You may even gain a tiny bit - in muscle, not fat.

    Check out New Rules of Lifting for Women. It's a book that is all about what you seem to be looking for. There is also a group on MFP if you are interested. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/groups/home/102-new-rules-of-lifting-for-women-nrol4w

    Good luck!
  • busywaterbending
    busywaterbending Posts: 844 Member
    a fat burning wol is what you need. Get tons of energy from fats and proteins, stay low on the carbs. Your body will increase muscle if you put the muscles under stress like heavy weights and sprints. Your body will maintain if you just to light exercise. In order to maintain the muscles you have you have to get enough protein to maintain, plus you have to use the muscles or they will atrophy.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Just curious, why is the scale number so important?