Keeping motivated and looking for friends to help along the

Hello all,
I'm sorta new to mfP, but not's my story. I'm 31yrs old, nurse, married, mother of 2. I had my second child October 2009, gained 75lbs, my last weight 2days before giving birth was 245!! I had never been over 200lbs, so this really didn't sit too well with me. I was really determined to get the weight off, I thought breastfeeding and light excercise ( I had a c-section couldn't workout too hard) would do the trick, and it worked somewhat by Jan 2010 I was down to 223lbs. I reached a plateau and became depressed. I would lose 1-2lbs and gain it back. So I then decided to try 6week body makeover. I stuck with this for about 3 weeks, and lost 10lbs, but it was waaay to strict, no salt, no sugar, I was going crazy. Then a friend recommend MFP app for my phone, I started tracking my calories, bought a heart monitor, tracked my workouts etc, and they weight started coming off at a steady pace. Once I was within 8lbs of my pre-preganancy weight I stopped, I became comfortable but still didn't like how I felt or what I saw in the mirror. My body had changed so much with my second child and I didn't like it. So I'm back on the MFP wagon, but this time I decided to start coming to the community chat boards for inspiration, and motivation. So here I am, and I'm hooked! You guys are so supportive and informing and it's great! BTW I will post pics asap, so there's a face to go with the name!


  • kantone999
    Feel free to add me!
  • Saskenn
    Saskenn Posts: 51 Member
    Thank you!
  • sundayeveryday
    Gosh, I can't even imagine exercising with kids. You rock. Keep at it!
  • Saskenn
    Saskenn Posts: 51 Member
    LOL , Thanks, my kids try to workout with me, especially when I'm doing Zumba, they like the music and dancing, but when I'm kickboxing they can get in the way, so I try to do those type of workouts when they're sleeping!!
  • katcena
    katcena Posts: 326 Member
    Welcome back!
  • t_rog
    t_rog Posts: 363 Member
    feel free to add me! also, welcome back!
  • ruby_red_rose
    ruby_red_rose Posts: 321 Member
    feel free to add me as well
  • Saskenn
    Saskenn Posts: 51 Member
    Thanks everyone!
  • rajivdubey
    rajivdubey Posts: 382 Member
    Add me!
  • kouzzzz
    kouzzzz Posts: 540 Member
    Feel free to add me
  • TODJ06
    TODJ06 Posts: 85
    Hello all,
    I'm sorta new to mfP, but not's my story. I'm 31yrs old, nurse, married, mother of 2. I had my second child October 2009, gained 75lbs, my last weight 2days before giving birth was 245!! I had never been over 200lbs, so this really didn't sit too well with me. I was really determined to get the weight off, I thought breastfeeding and light excercise ( I had a c-section couldn't workout too hard) would do the trick, and it worked somewhat by Jan 2010 I was down to 223lbs. I reached a plateau and became depressed. I would lose 1-2lbs and gain it back. So I then decided to try 6week body makeover. I stuck with this for about 3 weeks, and lost 10lbs, but it was waaay to strict, no salt, no sugar, I was going crazy. Then a friend recommend MFP app for my phone, I started tracking my calories, bought a heart monitor, tracked my workouts etc, and they weight started coming off at a steady pace. Once I was within 8lbs of my pre-preganancy weight I stopped, I became comfortable but still didn't like how I felt or what I saw in the mirror. My body had changed so much with my second child and I didn't like it. So I'm back on the MFP wagon, but this time I decided to start coming to the community chat boards for inspiration, and motivation. So here I am, and I'm hooked! You guys are so supportive and informing and it's great! BTW I will post pics asap, so there's a face to go with the name!

    Its funny how so many peoples' stories are similar! And yours is very similar to my first pregnancy!!!
    I have since had 3 more babies and have tried to do things differently.. like being on here...

    Feel free to add me and we'll battle the baby tummy (and rest of the body) together!!

    If anyone else wants to add me, go ahead!
  • kimberley_1
    kimberley_1 Posts: 92 Member
    Add me! :)
  • zumbalove29
    zumbalove29 Posts: 23 Member
    Add me too if you want! Im new here as well and only have a couple of friends so far. I love this site and I really can use the motivation from others trying to lose as well :-) good luck!
  • Carrot1971
    Carrot1971 Posts: 272 Member
    You can add me too :)
  • nileighttig
    nileighttig Posts: 148 Member
    MFP is a great place for motivation - good luck on your journey and feel free to add me x