
sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member

The last week or so my knees have been starting to hurt. I haven't changed up my exercise routine much, I still do 60 minutes of cardio and some strength training or conditioning everyday. The only change I've made the last week or so is that now I do some of my exercising outside since it finally cooled off.

Saturday night both of my knees felt weak and sore, so I used a heat wrap on both, each for 4 hours, and it helped a bit. They still hurt, but not as bad.

Any ideas what this could be or how to make it stop? I have a 5K in a few weeks that I plan on running and my first half marathon in about two months. Any help/tips are appreciated! :D



  • nbingham
    nbingham Posts: 102 Member
    I developed two bad knees almost simultaneously early this past year. I went to the doctor who did MRI's and X-Rays and discovered that there was some old damage that is just from wear and tear. I'm not saying you have the same thing, but it can't hurt to visit your doc. He gave me some medication that I was unable to tolerate so I had to go solely with physical therapy and ice. (the ice helps a LOT btw)
    Hopefully you'll get better news than me. I'm still not 100%, but imho, you should definitely do a doctor visit to make sure you're not doing anything to make the problem worse. Good luck!
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    I used to have knee problems and then I read about Glucosamine. I started taking it and now I NEVER have knee pain anymore. I imagine it depends on what's causing the pain, but I wanted to throw it out there in case it might help you or someone else too.
  • Alioth
    Alioth Posts: 571 Member
    How good are your shoes? You may need more support moving to an outdoor environment.
  • tjsusong
    tjsusong Posts: 195 Member
    I too am a runner and I've been through a few knee issues, both with torn meniscus. I've had surgery now on both knees (One knee injury was not fitness related, I fell). Go to the doctor and get it checked out. My guess is because your pounding on the pavement more you're feeling more pain. But knee pain is nothing to mess around with and the sooner you get it checked out, the less damage you could be doing to yourself. Good luck:)
  • niallse
    Some advice I was given when I asked a similar question:

    Use a foam roller for loosing up your IT band
    Ice after exercise
    Are you wearing the appropriate shoes? Go get your feet scanned to ensure youa re wearing the most appropriate shoes for your feet.

    A combination of each of these things helped me on my way again. I also took some of the pressure off my knees by substituting 1 run a week for a 30 mile cycle.

    Hope this helps

  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    you definetly need rest days. you shouldn't work out every day. 5-6 days a week at the most, and one of those days should be a low impact work out, like swimming, yoga, or cycling.
  • springflowers
    I recommend seeing a specialist before you possibly cause additional damage. Two years ago, at age 50, I had both knees totally replaced due to arthritis. I'm no longer in tremendous pain and grateful to my surgeion for doing an outstanding job. Because I've gained about 20 pounds plus need to lose an additional 20 pounds it bothers me a little when I walk down stairs. Additionally, I've developed posterior tibial tendonitis in both feet which makes it very painful to walk. I have to lose this weight because I cannot endure being in pain any longer. Hope you find a solution to your knee problem.
  • jan115
    jan115 Posts: 21 Member
    Definitely see an orthopedist to see what's going on. I used to be a regular walker, but due to meniscal tears in both knees and eventual arthritis, I switched to a stationary bike. I still try to do 15 or 20 minutes on the treadmill 3 or 4 times a week, but I find the bike helps to strengthen the muscles around the knees for better support. In the meantime, I have been debating knee surgery, but I am not quite ready to make that decision. I've only been int MFP for a little over 2 weeks and want to see where I go with weight loss and exercise first.