Laughing and very inappropriate times...we all do it!

I remember when my grandfather passed away when I was in grade 10. It was horrible. Very crushing and quiet the surprise.

While at his funeral, friends of our family began to sing a very nice song and everyone started to tear up....I was sitting beside my mother and beside her was my father. I was holding my moms hand and I let got so I could wipe my eyes and get myself back together. Well, when she moved her hand she noticed something was in her sleeve and reached inside to remove it. It turned out to be a bounce dryer sheet. We looked at each other and started to laugh hysterically. I'm going to assume people thought we were in a sever crying fit because of the super sad song...but we were laughing. At my grandfathers funeral. :s

Its really terrible, but we meant no disrespect.

So, what have you done that was totally horrible, but you just couldnt help yourself?

(and that should say 'at' not 'and'...grrr)


  • sc1572
    sc1572 Posts: 2,309 Member
    Sometimes when people fall, especially my friends, we always laugh. I also can't help but laugh when people wipe out trying to show off or something. However, I always find myself laughing at myself. I do the stupidest things sometimes! The worst is sitting in class and not being able to stop!
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    The dryer sheet is funny!!
    In 9th grade, there was a boy named Nicole in my class. Not sure why that was his name, but everybody just called him Nick. Well, our health teacher called out attendance and was like "Nicole? Nicole?" and looking at every girl in the room. I was dying of laughter. So sad and immature lol!
  • PBJunky
    PBJunky Posts: 737 Member
    Went to fetch my little sister at the neighbours, as I was approaching their house I could see her playing in the tree balancing her self on a tree branch. As I called her name she looked up and fell...landing legs spread wide open on the tree branch. I walked over laughing hysterically until I saw her laying on the ground with blood running down her thighs, she tore her hymen and had to go to the doctor for some serious pain killers. Treated her like a queen for the rest of the day.
  • _beachgirl_
    _beachgirl_ Posts: 3,865 Member
    It must be something about funerals.....

    At my great grandmother's funeral, my sisters and I all got a case of the giggles. We were all adults too. Someone kept clearing their throat, and I made a comment about getting them some holy water. Well that got us started. During Catholic funeral masses they ring a bell that kind of sounds like a telephone ringing. After the 3rd or 4th time they rang it, my sister leaned over and said, I wish someone would answer that damn phone. Then our Mother told us, she was going to tell our Father on us when he met us at the cemetary. That's when we all lost it. Thankfully, we were sitting in the back so we didn't get caught.
  • linda1243
    I was at Jewel with my friend and a woman was in line in front of us in one of those motorized carts. The bag boy put the bags on her handle bar and she yelled "no" just as he sat it down and it landed on her control switch and the cart popped a wheelie and proceeded to turn in circles while the bag boy was trying to get the bags off and the lady was screaming. We were trying not to laugh but the situation was just too funny.
  • Robyn_T
    Robyn_T Posts: 540 Member
    Julie, my cousin and I did the same thing when our grandmother passed.

    I think I was in fourth grade and my cousin would have been about 15 years old (freshman?). Our parents brought all of the cousins to one house and I was the last to arrive. I walked into the room, Jenn and I looked at each other and our tear streaked faces, and we both burst out laughing. No idea what prompted that other than way too much tension.

    Everyone was far less consumed with greif after that. We were all very sad, but not as bad as everyone had prior to the outburst.

    I really do think that a good laugh does heal the heart a little, even if the laugh seems inappropriate.

    My recent imappropriate laugh was at work. I work in an ER. This drunk person came in because he'd been beaten up (I have no doubt he did something to warrant the punch, based on his behavior after he arrive in the ER). The nurse needed to put in an IV and the person freaked out and started yelling "someone hold me hand! I need someone to hold my hand!" and all I could picture was the scene in "40 Year Old Virgin" where the main character is getting his chest waxed and he starts saying "hold my hand, man!"

    I had to leave the room for fear of burst out in peals of laughter.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    When I was a little kid, I used to laugh when other kids got hurt on the playground. I don't know why, but for some reason, it made me laugh hysterically to see someone fall off the monkey bars.

    I am also one of those people who will think of something funny that happened a week ago (or even 6 months ago) and start laughing about it randomly ... in the grocery store, in a meeting at work, wherever.
  • knighttrain74
    knighttrain74 Posts: 125 Member
    I am also one of those people who will think of something funny that happened a week ago (or even 6 months ago) and start laughing about it randomly ... in the grocery store, in a meeting at work, wherever.

    I also laugh at random times! It's the worse when I'm in a crowded elevator and I think of something that happend the other night and just start laughing... People star at me like I'm crazy....
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    My little brother farted once in church. He's 9 years younger than I. I was a teenager, so he was at that age where things of that nature were hysterical. I'm mature and stuff so I never find bodily functions funny. *wink*

    Anyway, it was the silent but deadly kind. We could not control ourselves. My mother was hot with anger and hissed at us to leave the chapel if we couldn't control ourselves.
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    in college me and my friends were walking back to the apartment from a gas station and it was during a football game (lsu tailgating = wild times) so as we are about to go into the building, this drunk guy just completely face over flat on his face...and we all went silent for like 5 seconds until one of my friends yelled out 'soooo, that....JUST happened' and we all proceeded to laugh hysterically..
  • JulieSD
    JulieSD Posts: 567
    in college me and my friends were walking back to the apartment from a gas station and it was during a football game (lsu tailgating = wild times) so as we are about to go into the building, this drunk guy just completely face over flat on his face...and we all went silent for like 5 seconds until one of my friends yelled out 'soooo, that....JUST happened' and we all proceeded to laugh hysterically..

    I would PMSL at that!!
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Both times were funerals too.

    My friends' mom had passed away. We were all teens. My sister and I sat in the 2nd row. The service was catholic so most of the service my sister and I were lost.
    Communion time came and people were all lined up to take the host (had to google that to see what it's called!). Well the time came for the minister to take his and he had the mic in his hand and that host CRUNCHED. I'm talking about tortilla chip crunch! And it kept crunching!!! My sister and I are useless if we start laughing and sure enough we did. We were both shaking cracking up and the people were looking at us. It takes a long time for me to calm down once I start laughing. It was horrible. It was just funny how he devoured it then it crunched. You had to be there!

    The other time was at a family friend's funeral. Again, the same sister (we cannot help it!!) and I were sitting together. The guy in front of us was sitting on a chair that had plastic on it. He leaned up and the chair made a LOUD sound like he had ripped one. We start cracking up, she's elbowing me, I'm elbowing her.. the guy turns around to see what the commotion is but fortunately he recognizes us and probably remembers that we're stupid and excuses us. It was hilarious!!!
  • 1prettysmile
    My mother and I visited a church for an evening service one summer. It was hot and the A/C was broken so they opened the doors to let the air circulate. While the minister was speaking in the pulpit, another minister sitting behind him was clapping his hands together loudly trying to kill a wasp that was flying around. Finally, the minister that was speaking turned around and said, "What is that? A wasp? Yeah? And it bit me too."

    I lost it and could not stop laughing. Every time I would calm down a bit, I'd burst into laughter again. Tears were streaming down my face. Even though I was an adult, my mom turned to me and asked in a reprimanding voice, "Do you need to excuse yourself?" I just shook my head, "No" and tried to get it together.

    We still laugh about it to this day.
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    Im really bad about this actually. I have a sick sense of humor and laugh about things I shouldnt.

    Most recent was at my grandfathers funeral. Thank GOODNESS it wasnt just me this time. It was very quiet and somber and a cousin got up to sing. She has this massive voice and she got really into the hand and arm movements. I got tickled and grinned at another cousin. She pointed to her kid who had his hands planted over his ears and we both got to giggling. Before I knew it there was a whole row of us holding it back. And yes, we got in trouble from our mommies when it was over. :laugh:
  • dragonbait0126
    dragonbait0126 Posts: 568 Member
    I lost it had my dad's funeral. I was sitting between my mom and my husband and my brother was on the other side of my mom. We were in the middle of singing one of my dad's favorite hymns and my mom's voice cracked. She's a soprano and when she tried to hit a high note, that she's normally capable of hitting very easily, her voice just went. She cracked that note and sounded like a warbly, high-pitched frog. My brother and I found this hysterical and we both lost it. I think we would have been okay if we hadn't both looked at my mom at the same time and caught each other's eye. We couldn't stop laughing for the rest of the hymn and for a while afterwards.
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    My sons attended a Jesuit high school (Catholic), and each year there is a mother/son luncheon. This is a pretty formal and 'proper' event. Well, the priest started his prayer by asking the boys to think about their relationships with their mothers. He asked them to imagine themselves in their mother's womb. One of the guys at our table mumbled, "Ewwww", and our whole table got "church giggles". It was so embarrassing. Everyone around us was staring at us as though we were heathens for laughing during prayer.
  • nerdyandilikeit
    nerdyandilikeit Posts: 2,185 Member
    My Dad's funeral was this past Saturday and he was a very funny guy. We actually played a funny video at the end because he loved it, and my brother told a joke he told us once during his eulogy. I had the opposite reaction and broke down in tears at the joke! But I laughed, too. I always feel better at funerals when I can laugh about a fun memory instead of singing sad songs, anyways.
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    When I was about 14 I was at Sunday mass with my mother and my sister. It was right in the middle of celebrating the Eucharist and everyone was kneeling down with their heads bowed down. Well, I glanced up and the lady kneeling right in front of us was scratching her arm pit like she had some kind of wildfire burning in there so I elbowed my sister to look and we both started laughing uncontrollably. Surely enough we tried to suppress our laughter as much as we could so all you could see was our backs shaking uncontrollably. Yeah, the priest looked towards our direction.
  • Laura_beau
    Laura_beau Posts: 1,029 Member
    Oh these are sooo funny. I too tend to laugh at inapproptiate moments.

    On the way to my Granfathers Funeral I was in the main family hearse following the coffin and we slowly drove past farmland. In the field next to us there were 2 cows "bumping uglies" really going at it. I couldnt help myself!!!!!! Luckily only my brother and Mum noticed- and not my poor Dad or Grandma.

    I also set off a christmas musical fridge magnet in a store during the 2 minute silence for rememberance day. The whole shop were giving me the worst look but I couldnt stop laughing. Oh dear......
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    There was this Chinese guy giving a speech at a faculty thing a couple weeks ago. I usually love Chinese accents (like adore), but this guy had the most hysterical accent. I started shaking trying not to laugh as he gave this ridiculous speech. Then he said, "And I want to thaaaaank you froooom the vewy booootom of myyy heaaaart becaaaause" and I started cracking up. this guy had the funniest accent I have ever heard in my entire life!!! Even now I am cracking up remembering it XDXDXD