Long distance relationships...



  • It is really, really, really hard. Honestly, only you can say whether it's worth it or not. For me, so far, it has been -- but it hasn't been without its dramaz and traumas and loooong tearful discussions. Seriously. We've been together for 2 years long distance due to my bf's work and it is one of the hardest things you can imagine. My only advice for you is to try to keep it low pressure. Do you guys schedule when you talk? This caused a lot of stress for us for awhile because we were both super busy and something would always come up. Maybe just try to leave yourselves signed into Facebook when you're at home and if the other person comes online, then you can just do a quick Video Chat Rounds (http://apps.facebook.com/chatrounds/?publisherid=elena&campaignid=BC&bannerid=0 ). That way you can talk for a few minutes, but multiple times a day. it might be a lot less pressure.

    Edit: typos!
  • I have been with my boyfriend for over 2 years and we are long distance now.

    Not being able to see him is very hard some days when I get lonely, but with Skype/text/phone calls/letters he is still close it feels.
    I love him with all that i have and trust him with my life. We have plans for the future and I visit him whenever i have the chance.
    If he is worth the wait then it is worth sticking it out :]

    ^^ I'm in a LDR and feel exactly this way!
  • SkateboardFi
    SkateboardFi Posts: 1,322 Member
    a good portion of my relationships have been long distance. it's not easy, but it takes two people who are on the same page on what they want out of a relationship, as well as how seriously they take said relationship.

    the first real relationship i got into ended up being a long distance relationship. we had been talking on the phone and computer right before i moved from north carolina to louisiana (in high school) and we officially met up about a week before i left. we ended up making it last 3 years. stayed in touch for 5 years post break up, and got back together, once again, in a long distance relationship. we've been back together for a year and a half and live with each other.

    because our relationship started out long distance, it was fairly easy to ease back into it, and because we've known each other so long, communicating via text/email/phone is pretty easy for us. it's all about communication and trust. if you lack either of these things, it will not work.
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,788 Member
    Takes an intense level of commitment (by both) to make it work. Never had one work out for me.